Source code for featuremapper.__init__

FeatureResponses and associated functions and classes.

These classes implement map and tuning curve measurement based
on measuring responses while varying features of an input pattern.

import param
from param.version import Version
__version__ = Version(release=(0,2,0), fpath=__file__,
                      commit="$Format:%h$", reponame='featuremapper')

import copy
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import product

import numpy as np

from param.parameterized import ParamOverrides, bothmethod
from holoviews import NdMapping, Dimension, HoloMap, GridSpace, Layout, Image
from holoviews.core.sheetcoords import SheetCoordinateSystem
from holoviews.core.options import Store, Options
from holoviews.interface.collector import AttrDict

from .distribution import Distribution, DistributionStatisticFn, DSF_WeightedAverage
from . import features
from .features import Feature # pyflakes:ignore (API import)

activity_dtype = np.float64

class PatternDrivenAnalysis(param.ParameterizedFunction):
    Abstract base class for various stimulus-response types of analysis.

    This type of analysis consists of presenting a set of input
    patterns and collecting the responses to each one, which one will
    often want to do in a way that does not affect the current state
    of the network.

    To achieve this, the class defines several types of hooks where
    arbitrary function objects (i.e., callables) can be registered.
    These hooks are generally used to ensure that unrelated previous
    activity is eliminated, that subsequent patterns do not interact,
    and that the initial state is restored after analysis.

    Any subclasses must ensure that these hook lists are run at the
    appropriate stage in their processing, using e.g.
    "for f in some_hook_list: f()".

    __abstract = True

    pre_analysis_session_hooks = param.HookList(default=[],instantiate=False,doc="""
        List of callable objects to be run before an analysis session begins.""")

    pre_presentation_hooks = param.HookList(default=[],instantiate=False,doc="""
        List of callable objects to be run before each pattern is presented.""")

    post_presentation_hooks = param.HookList(default=[],instantiate=False,doc="""
        List of callable objects to be run after each pattern is presented.""")

    post_analysis_session_hooks = param.HookList(default=[],instantiate=False,doc="""
        List of callable objects to be run after an analysis session ends.""")

# CB: having a class called DistributionMatrix with an attribute
# distribution_matrix to hold the distribution matrix seems silly.
# Either rename distribution_matrix or make DistributionMatrix into
# a matrix.
[docs]class DistributionMatrix(param.Parameterized): """ Maintains a matrix of Distributions (each of which is a dictionary of (feature value: activity) pairs). The matrix contains one Distribution for each unit in a rectangular matrix (given by the matrix_shape constructor argument). The contents of each Distribution can be updated for a given bin value all at once by providing a matrix of new values to update(). The results can then be accessed as a matrix of weighted averages (which can be used as a preference map) and/or a selectivity map (which measures the peakedness of each distribution). """ def __init__(self, matrix_shape, axis_range=(0.0, 1.0), cyclic=False, keep_peak=True): """Initialize the internal data structure: a matrix of Distribution objects.""" self.axis_range = axis_range new_distribution = np.vectorize( lambda x: Distribution(axis_range, cyclic, keep_peak), doc="Return a Distribution instance for each element of x.") self.distribution_matrix = new_distribution(np.empty(matrix_shape))
[docs] def update(self, new_values, bin): """Add a new matrix of histogram values for a given bin value.""" ### JABHACKALERT! The Distribution class should override +=, ### rather than + as used here, because this operation ### actually modifies the distribution_matrix, but that has ### not yet been done. Alternatively, it could use a different ### function name altogether (e.g. update(x,y)). self.distribution_matrix + np.fromfunction( np.vectorize(lambda i, j: {bin: new_values[int(i), int(j)]}), new_values.shape)
[docs] def apply_DSF(self, dsf): """ Apply the given dsf DistributionStatisticFn on each element of the distribution_matrix Return a dictionary of dictionaries, with the same structure of the called DistributionStatisticFn, but with matrices as values, instead of scalars """ shape = self.distribution_matrix.shape result = {} # this is an extra call to the dsf() DistributionStatisticFn, # in order to retrieve # the dictionaries structure, and allocate the necessary matrices r0 = dsf(self.distribution_matrix[0, 0]) for k, maps in r0.items(): result[k] = {} for m in maps.keys(): result[k][m] = np.zeros(shape, np.float64) for i in range(shape[0]): for j in range(shape[1]): response = dsf(self.distribution_matrix[i, j]) for k, d in response.items(): for item, item_value in d.items(): result[k][item][i, j] = item_value return result
[docs]class FullMatrix(param.Parameterized): """ Records the output of every unit in a sheet, for every combination of feature values. Useful for collecting data for later analysis while presenting many input patterns. """ def __init__(self, matrix_shape, features): self.matrix_shape = matrix_shape self.features = features self.dimensions = () for f in features: self.dimensions = self.dimensions + (np.size(f.values),) self.full_matrix = np.empty(self.dimensions, np.object_)
[docs] def update(self, new_values, feature_value_permutation): """Add a new matrix of histogram values for a given bin value.""" index = () for f in self.features: for ff, value in feature_value_permutation: if (ff == index = index + (f.values.index(value),) self.full_matrix[index] = new_values.copy()
class MeasurementInterrupt(Exception): """ Exception raised when a measurement is stopped before completion. Stores the number of executed presentations and total presentations. """ def __init__(self, current, total): self.current = current = total + 1
[docs]class FeatureResponses(PatternDrivenAnalysis): """ Systematically vary input pattern feature values and collate the responses. A DistributionMatrix for each measurement source and feature is created. The DistributionMatrix stores the distribution of activity values for that feature. For instance, if the features to be tested are orientation and phase, we will create a DistributionMatrix for orientation and a DistributionMatrix for phase for each measurement source. The orientation and phase of the input are then systematically varied (when measure_responses is called), and the responses of all units from a measurement source to each pattern are collected into the DistributionMatrix. The resulting data can then be used to plot feature maps and tuning curves, or for similar types of feature-based analyses. """ cmd_overrides = param.Dict(default={}, doc=""" Dictionary used to overwrite parameters on the pattern_response_fn.""") durations = param.List(default=[1.0], doc="""Times after presentation, when a measurement is taken.""") inputs = param.List(default=[], doc="""Names of the input supplied to the metadata_fns to filter out desired inputs.""") metadata_fns = param.HookList(default=[], instantiate=False, doc=""" Interface functions for metadata. Should return a dictionary that at a minimum must contain the name and dimensions of the inputs and outputs for pattern presentation and response measurement.""") metafeature_fns = param.HookList(default=[], doc=""" Metafeature functions can be used to coordinate lower level features across input devices or depending on a metafeature set on the function itself.""") measurement_prefix = param.String(default="", doc=""" Prefix to add to the name under which results are stored.""") measurement_storage_hook = param.Callable(default=None, instantiate=True, doc=""" Interface to store measurements after they have been completed.""") outputs = param.List(default=[], doc=""" Names of the output source supplied to metadata_fns to filter out desired outputs.""") static_features = param.Dict(default={}, doc=""" Dictionary containing name value pairs of a feature, which is to be varied across measurements.""") pattern_generator = param.Callable(instantiate=True, default=None, doc=""" Defines the input pattern to be presented.""") pattern_response_fn = param.Callable(default=None, instantiate=True, doc=""" Presenter command responsible for presenting the input patterns provided to it and returning the response for the requested measurement sources.""") repetitions = param.Integer(default=1, bounds=(1, None), doc=""" How many times each stimulus will be presented. Each stimulus is specified by a particular feature combination, and need only be presented once if the network has no other source of variability. If results differ for each presentation of an identical stimulus (e.g. due to intrinsic noise), then this parameter can be increased so that results will be an average over the specified number of repetitions.""") store_responses = param.Boolean(default=False, doc=""" Determines whether or not to return the full set of responses to the presented patterns.""") metadata = {} __abstract = True def _initialize_featureresponses(self, p): """ Create an empty DistributionMatrix for each feature and each measurement source, in addition to activity buffers and if requested, the full matrix. """ self._apply_cmd_overrides(p) self.metadata = AttrDict(p.metadata) for fn in p.metadata_fns: self.metadata.update(fn(p.inputs, p.outputs)) # Features are split depending on whether a preference_fn is supplied # to collapse them self.outer = [f for f in self.features if f.preference_fn is None] self.inner = [f for f in self.features if f.preference_fn is not None] self.outer_names, self.outer_vals = [(), ()] if not len(self.outer)\ else zip(*[(, f.values) for f in self.outer]) dimensions = [features.Duration] + list(self.outer) self.measurement_product = [mp for mp in product(self.metadata.outputs.keys(), p.durations, *self.outer_vals)] ndmapping_fn = lambda: NdMapping(key_dimensions=dimensions) self._featureresponses = defaultdict(ndmapping_fn) self._activities = defaultdict(ndmapping_fn) if p.store_responses: response_dimensions = [features.Time]+dimensions+list(self.inner) response_map_fn = lambda: HoloMap(key_dimensions=response_dimensions) self._responses = defaultdict(response_map_fn) for label in self.measurement_product: out_label = label[0] output_metadata = self.metadata.outputs[out_label] f_vals = label[1:] self._activities[out_label][f_vals] = np.zeros(output_metadata['shape']) self._featureresponses[out_label][f_vals] = {} for f in self.inner: self._featureresponses[out_label][f_vals][] = \ DistributionMatrix(output_metadata['shape'], axis_range=f.range, cyclic=f.cyclic) def _measure_responses(self, p): """ Generate feature permutations and present each in sequence. """ # Run hooks before the analysis session for f in p.pre_analysis_session_hooks: f() features_to_permute = [f for f in self.inner if f.compute_fn is None] self.features_to_compute = [f for f in self.inner if f.compute_fn is not None] self.feature_names, values_lists = zip(*[(, f.values) for f in features_to_permute]) self.permutations = [permutation for permutation in product(*values_lists)] # Permute outer or non-collapsed features self.outer_permutations = [permutation for permutation in product(*self.outer_vals)] if not self.outer_permutations: self.outer_permutations.append(()) self.n_outer = len(self.outer_permutations) self.total_steps = len(self.permutations) * len(self.outer_permutations) * p.repetitions - 1 for permutation_num, permutation in enumerate(self.permutations): try: self._present_permutation(p, permutation, permutation_num) except MeasurementInterrupt as MI: self.warning("Measurement was stopped after {0} out of {1} presentations. " "Results may be incomplete.".format(MI.current, break # Run hooks after the analysis session for f in p.post_analysis_session_hooks: f() def _present_permutation(self, p, permutation, permutation_num): """Present a pattern with the specified set of feature values.""" output_names = self.metadata['outputs'].keys() for label in self.measurement_product: out_label = label[0] f_vals = label[1:] self._activities[out_label][f_vals] *= 0 # Calculate complete set of settings permuted_settings = zip(self.feature_names, permutation) complete_settings = permuted_settings +\ [(, f.compute_fn(permuted_settings)) for f in self.features_to_compute] for i, op in enumerate(self.outer_permutations): for j in range(0, p.repetitions): permutation = dict(permuted_settings) permutation.update(zip(self.outer_names, op)) for f in p.pre_presentation_hooks: f() presentation_num = p.repetitions*((self.n_outer*permutation_num)+i) + j inputs = self._coordinate_inputs(p, permutation) responses = p.pattern_response_fn(inputs, output_names, presentation_num, self.total_steps, durations=p.durations) for f in p.post_presentation_hooks: f() for response_labels, response in responses.items(): name, duration = response_labels self._activities[name][(duration,)+op] += response for response_labels in responses.keys(): name, duration = response_labels self._activities[name][(duration,)+op] /= p.repetitions self._update(p, complete_settings) def _coordinate_inputs(self, p, feature_values): """ Generates pattern generators for all the requested inputs, applies the correct feature values and iterates through the metafeature_fns, coordinating complex features. """ input_names = self.metadata.inputs.keys() feature_values = dict(feature_values, **p.static_features) for feature, value in feature_values.iteritems(): setattr(p.pattern_generator, feature, value) if len(input_names) == 0: input_names = ['default'] # Copy the given generator once for every input inputs = dict.fromkeys(input_names) for k in inputs.keys(): inputs[k] = copy.deepcopy(p.pattern_generator) # Apply metafeature_fns for fn in p.metafeature_fns: fn(inputs, feature_values) return inputs def _update(self, p, current_values): """ Update each DistributionMatrix with (activity,bin) and populate the full matrix, if enabled. """ timestamp = self.metadata['timestamp'] for mvals in self.measurement_product: name = mvals[0] bounds = self.metadata.outputs[name]['bounds'] f_vals = mvals[1:] act = self._activities[name][f_vals] for feature, value in current_values: self._featureresponses[name][f_vals][feature.lower()].update(act, value) if p.store_responses: cn, cv = zip(*current_values) key = (timestamp,)+f_vals+cv self._responses[name][key] = Image(act.copy(), bounds, label='Response') @bothmethod
[docs] def set_cmd_overrides(self_or_cls, **kwargs): """ Allows setting of cmd_overrides at the class and instance level. cmd_overrides are applied to the pattern_response_fn. """ self_or_cls.cmd_overrides = dict(self_or_cls.cmd_overrides, **kwargs)
def _apply_cmd_overrides(self, p): """ Applies the cmd_overrides to the pattern_response_fn and the pattern_coordinator before launching a measurement. """ for override, value in p.cmd_overrides.items(): if override in p.pattern_response_fn.params(): p.pattern_response_fn.set_param(override, value)
[docs]class FeatureMaps(FeatureResponses): """ Measure and collect the responses to a set of features, for calculating feature maps. For each feature and each measurement source, the results are stored as a preference matrix and selectivity matrix in the sheet's sheet_views; these can then be plotted as preference or selectivity maps. """ preference_fn = param.ClassSelector(DistributionStatisticFn, default=DSF_WeightedAverage(), doc=""" Function for computing a scalar-valued preference, selectivity, etc. from the distribution of responses. Note that this default is overridden by specific functions for individual features, if specified in the Feature objects.""") selectivity_multiplier = param.Number(default=17.0, doc=""" Scaling of the feature selectivity values, applied in all feature dimensions. The multiplier sets the output scaling. The precise value is arbitrary, and set to match historical usage.""") def __call__(self, features, **params): """ Present the given input patterns and collate the responses. Responses are statistics on the distributions of measure for every unit, extracted by functions that are subclasses of DistributionStatisticFn, and could be specified in each feature with the preference_fn parameter, otherwise the default in self.preference_fn is used. """ p = ParamOverrides(self, params, allow_extra_keywords=True) self.features = features self._initialize_featureresponses(p) self._measure_responses(p) results = self._collate_results(p) if p.measurement_storage_hook: p.measurement_storage_hook(results) return results def _set_style(self, feature, map_type): fname = style_path = ('Image', fname + map_type.capitalize()) options = Store.options(backend='matplotlib') if style_path not in cyclic = True if feature.cyclic and not map_type == 'selectivity' else False options[style_path] = Options('style', **(dict(cmap='hsv') if cyclic else dict())) def _collate_results(self, p): results = Layout() timestamp = self.metadata.timestamp # Generate dimension info dictionary from features dimensions = [features.Time, features.Duration] + self.outer pattern_dimensions = self.outer + self.inner pattern_dim_label = '_'.join( for f in pattern_dimensions) for label in self.measurement_product: name = label[0] # Measurement source f_vals = label[1:] # Duration and outer feature values #Metadata inner_features = dict([(, f) for f in self.inner]) output_metadata = dict(self.metadata.outputs[name], inner_features=inner_features) # Iterate over inner features fr = self._featureresponses[name][f_vals] for fname, fdist in fr.items(): feature = fname.capitalize() base_name = self.measurement_prefix + feature # Get information from the feature fp = [f for f in self.features if == fname][0] pref_fn = fp.preference_fn if fp.preference_fn is not None\ else self.preference_fn if p.selectivity_multiplier is not None: pref_fn.selectivity_scale = (pref_fn.selectivity_scale[0], p.selectivity_multiplier) # Get maps and iterate over them response = fdist.apply_DSF(pref_fn) for k, maps in response.items(): for map_name, map_view in maps.items(): # Set labels and metadata map_index = base_name + k + map_name.capitalize() map_label = ' '.join([base_name, map_name.capitalize()]) cyclic = (map_name != 'selectivity' and fp.cyclic) fprange = fp.range if cyclic else (None, None) value_dimension = Dimension(map_label, cyclic=cyclic, range=fprange) self._set_style(fp, map_name) # Create views and stacks im = Image(map_view, output_metadata['bounds'], label=name, group=map_label, value_dimensions=[value_dimension]) im.metadata=AttrDict(timestamp=timestamp) key = (timestamp,)+f_vals if (map_label.replace(' ', ''), name) not in results: vmap = HoloMap((key, im), key_dimensions=dimensions, label=name, group=map_label) vmap.metadata = AttrDict(**output_metadata) results.set_path((map_index, name), vmap) else: results.path_items[(map_index, name)][key] = im if p.store_responses: info = (p.pattern_generator.__class__.__name__, pattern_dim_label, 'Response') results.set_path(('%s_%s_%s' % info, name), self._responses[name]) return results
[docs]class FeatureCurves(FeatureResponses): """ Measures and collects the responses to a set of features, for calculating tuning and similar curves. These curves represent the response of a measurement source to patterns that are controlled by a set of features. This class can collect data for multiple curves, each with the same x axis. The x axis represents the main feature value that is being varied, such as orientation. Other feature values can also be varied, such as contrast, which will result in multiple curves (one per unique combination of other feature values). A particular set of patterns is constructed using a user-specified pattern_generator by adding the parameters determining the curve (curve_param_dict) to a static list of parameters (param_dict), and then varying the specified set of features. The input patterns will then be passed to the pattern_response_fn, which should return the measured responses for each of the requested sheets. Once the responses to all feature permutations has been accumulated, the measured curves are passed to the storage_fn and are finally returned. """ x_axis = param.String(default=None, doc=""" Parameter to use for the x axis of tuning curves.""") def __call__(self, features, **params): p = ParamOverrides(self, params, allow_extra_keywords=True) self.features = features self._initialize_featureresponses(p) self._measure_responses(p) results = self._collate_results(p) if p.measurement_storage_hook: p.measurement_storage_hook(results) return results def _collate_results(self, p): results = Layout() timestamp = self.metadata.timestamp axis_name = p.x_axis.capitalize() axis_feature = [f for f in self.features if == p.x_axis][0] curve_label = ''.join([p.measurement_prefix, axis_name, 'Tuning']) dimensions = [features.Time, features.Duration] + [f for f in self.outer] + [axis_feature] pattern_dimensions = self.outer + self.inner pattern_dim_label = '_'.join( for f in pattern_dimensions) for label in self.measurement_product: # Deconstruct label into source name and feature_values name = label[0] f_vals = label[1:] # Get data and metadata from the DistributionMatrix objects dist_matrix = self._featureresponses[name][f_vals][p.x_axis] curve_responses = dist_matrix.distribution_matrix output_metadata = self.metadata.outputs[name] rows, cols = output_metadata['shape'] # Create top level NdMapping indexing over time, duration, the outer # feature dimensions and the x_axis dimension if (curve_label, name) not in results: vmap = HoloMap(key_dimensions=dimensions, group=curve_label, label=name) vmap.metadata = AttrDict(**output_metadata) results.set_path((curve_label, name), vmap) metadata = AttrDict(timestamp=timestamp, **output_metadata) # Populate the ViewMap with measurements for each x value for x in curve_responses[0, 0]._data.iterkeys(): y_axis_values = np.zeros(output_metadata['shape'], activity_dtype) for i in range(rows): for j in range(cols): y_axis_values[i, j] = curve_responses[i, j].get_value(x) key = (timestamp,)+f_vals+(x,) im = Image(y_axis_values, output_metadata['bounds'], label=name, group=' '.join([curve_label, 'Response']), value_dimensions=['Response']) im.metadata = metadata.copy() results[(curve_label, name)][key] = im if p.store_responses: info = (p.pattern_generator.__class__.__name__, pattern_dim_label, 'Response') results.set_path(('%s_%s_%s' % info, name), self._responses[name]) return results
[docs]class ReverseCorrelation(FeatureResponses): """ Calculate the receptive fields for all neurons using reverse correlation. """ continue_measurement = param.Boolean(default=True) roi = param.NumericTuple(default=(0, 0, 0, 0), doc=""" If non-zero, specifies the subregion to perform reverse correlation on.""") def __call__(self, features, **params): p = ParamOverrides(self, params, allow_extra_keywords=True) self.features = features self.n_permutation = 0 self._initialize_featureresponses(p) self._measure_responses(p) results = self._collate_results(p) if p.measurement_storage_hook: p.measurement_storage_hook(results) return results def _compute_roi(self, p, out_metadata): rows, cols = out_metadata['shape'] out_bounds = out_metadata['bounds'] l, b, r, t = out_bounds.lbrt() xdensity = cols / (r - l) ydensity = rows / (t - b) scs = SheetCoordinateSystem(out_bounds, xdensity, ydensity) if p.roi != (0, 0, 0, 0): l, b, r, t = p.roi r0, c0 = scs.sheet2matrixidx(l, b) r1, c1 = scs.sheet2matrixidx(r, t) rows, cols = range(r1, r0), range(c0, c1) else: rows, cols = range(rows), range(cols) return rows, cols, scs def _initialize_featureresponses(self, p): self._apply_cmd_overrides(p) self.metadata = p.metadata for fn in p.metadata_fns: self.metadata = AttrDict(self.metadata, **fn(p.inputs, p.outputs)) # Create cross product of all sources and durations self.measurement_product = [label for label in product(self.metadata.inputs.keys(), self.metadata.outputs.keys(), p.durations)] self.inner = [f for f in self.features if f.preference_fn is not None] self.outer = [f for f in self.features if f.preference_fn is None] self.outer_names, self.outer_vals = [(), ()] if not len(self.outer)\ else zip(*[(, f.values) for f in self.outer]) if p.store_responses: response_dimensions = [features.Time, features.Duration]+self.outer+self.inner response_map_fn = lambda: HoloMap(key_dimensions=response_dimensions) self._responses = defaultdict(response_map_fn) # Set up the featureresponses measurement dict self._featureresponses = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) for labels in self.measurement_product: in_label, out_label, duration = labels input_metadata = self.metadata.inputs[in_label] rows, cols, _ = self._compute_roi(p, self.metadata.outputs[out_label]) rc_array = np.array([[np.zeros(input_metadata['shape'], activity_dtype) for r in rows] for c in cols]) self._featureresponses[in_label][out_label][duration] = rc_array def _present_permutation(self, p, permutation, permutation_num): """Present a pattern with the specified set of feature values.""" # Calculate complete set of settings permuted_settings = zip(self.feature_names, permutation) # Run hooks before and after pattern presentation. for f in p.pre_presentation_hooks: f() inputs = self._coordinate_inputs(p, dict(permuted_settings)) measurement_sources = self.metadata.outputs.keys() + self.metadata.inputs.keys() responses = p.pattern_response_fn(inputs, measurement_sources, permutation_num, self.total_steps, durations=p.durations) for f in p.post_presentation_hooks: f() self._update(p, responses) self.n_permutation += 1 def _update(self, p, responses): """ Updates featureresponses object with latest reverse correlation data. """ timestamp = self.metadata['timestamp'] for in_label in self.metadata.inputs: for out_label, output_metadata in self.metadata.outputs.items(): for d in p.durations: rows, cols, _ = self._compute_roi(p, output_metadata) in_response = responses[(in_label, d)] out_response = responses[(out_label, d)] feature_responses = self._featureresponses[in_label][out_label][d] for i, ii in enumerate(rows): for j, jj in enumerate(cols): delta_rf = out_response[ii, jj] * in_response feature_responses[i, j] += delta_rf if p.store_responses: key = (timestamp, d, self.n_permutation) bounds = output_metadata['bounds'] self._responses[out_label][key] = Image(out_response.copy(), bounds, label='Response') def _collate_results(self, p): """ Collate responses into the results dictionary containing a ProjectionGrid for each measurement source. """ results = Layout() timestamp = self.metadata.timestamp dimensions = [features.Time, features.Duration] pattern_dimensions = self.outer + self.inner pattern_dim_label = '_'.join( for f in pattern_dimensions) for labels in self.measurement_product: in_label, out_label, duration = labels input_metadata = self.metadata.inputs[in_label] output_metadata = self.metadata.outputs[out_label] rows, cols, scs = self._compute_roi(p, output_metadata) time_key = (timestamp, duration) view = GridSpace(group='RFs', label=out_label) rc_response = self._featureresponses[in_label][out_label][duration] for i, ii in enumerate(rows): for j, jj in enumerate(cols): coord = scs.matrixidx2sheet(ii, jj) im = Image(rc_response[i, j], input_metadata['bounds'], label=out_label, group='Receptive Field', value_dimensions=['Weight']) im.metadata = AttrDict(timestamp=timestamp) view[coord] = HoloMap((time_key, im), key_dimensions=dimensions, label=out_label, group='Receptive Field') view[coord].metadata = AttrDict(**input_metadata) results.set_path(('%s_Reverse_Correlation' % in_label, out_label), view) if p.store_responses: info = (p.pattern_generator.__class__.__name__, pattern_dim_label, 'Response') results.set_path(('%s_%s_%s' % info, out_label), self._responses[out_label]) return results
from holoviews.core.options import Compositor from .analysis import toHCS #Default styles options = Store.options(backend='matplotlib') options.Image.Preference = Options('style', cmap='hsv') options.Image.Selectivity = Options('style', cmap='gray') options.Image.Activity = Options('style', cmap='gray') options.Image.Response = Options('style', cmap='gray') options.Image.FFT_Power = Options('style', cmap='gray') # Default channel definitions Compositor.register( Compositor('Image.Orientation_Preference * Image.Orientation_Selectivity', toHCS, 'OR PrefSel', mode='display', flipSC=True)) Compositor.register( Compositor('Image.Direction_Preference * Image.Direction_Selectivity', toHCS, 'DR PrefSel', mode='display', flipSC=True)) Compositor.register( Compositor('Image.Orientation_Preference * Image.Activity', toHCS, 'ORColoredResponse', mode='display', flipSC=True)) __all__ = [ "DistributionMatrix", "FullMatrix", "FeatureResponses", "ReverseCorrelation", "FeatureMaps", "FeatureCurves", "Feature", ]


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