Source code for featuremapper.analysis.hypercolumns

This module is used to analyse the hypercolumn structure of preference
maps. Currently this file offers a means to estimate the hypercolumn
distance from the Fourier power spectrum but different types of
analysis (eg. wavelet analysis) may be introduced in future.

__author__ = "Jean-Luc Stevens"

import math
import itertools
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

import param

from holoviews import Dimension, TreeOperation
from holoviews.core.options import Store, Options
from holoviews import Curve, Histogram, ItemTable, Overlay, Image
from holoviews.element.annotation import VLine
from .raster import fft_power

from .pinwheels import PinwheelAnalysis

try: # 2.7+
    gamma = math.gamma
    import scipy.special as ss
    gamma = ss.gamma

[docs]class PowerSpectrumAnalysis(TreeOperation): """ Estimation of hypercolumn distance in a cyclic preference map from the size of the ring in the fourier power spectrum, following the methods described in the in the supplementary materials of ``Universality in the Evolution of Orientation Columns in the Visual Cortex'', Kaschube et al. 2010. If supplied with a preference overlayed with pinwheels, the pinwheel_density is computed from kmax (the wavenumber of highest power) using the equation: rho = pinwheel count/(kmax**2) This is then used to generate a map quality estimate (with unit range) based on the pi-pinwheel density criterion. """ init_fit = param.Dict(default=None, allow_None=True, doc=""" If set to None, an initial fit is automatically selected for the curve fitting procedure. Otherwise, this is a dictionary of the initial coefficients for equation (7) from the 2010 Science paper mentioned above (supplementary materials). For instance, the values used in the GCAL (Stevens et al. 2013): init_fit = dict(a0=0.35, a1=3.8, a2=1.3, a3=0.15, a4=-0.003, a5=0) These coefficients may be understood as follows: a0 => Gaussian height. a1 => Peak x-axis position. a2 => Gaussian spread (ie. variance). a3 => Baseline value (without falloff). a4 => Linear falloff. a5 => Quadratic falloff. """) averaging_fn = param.Callable(default=np.mean, doc=""" The averaging function used to collapse the power spectrum at each wavenumber down to a scalar value. By default, finds the mean power for each wavenumber.""") fit_table = param.Boolean(default=False, doc=""" Whether or not to add table listing the fit coefficients at the end of the output layout.""") gamma_k= param.Number(default=1.8, doc=""" The degree to which the gamma kernel is heavily tailed when squashing the pinwheel density into a unit map metric.""") label = param.String(None, allow_None=True, precedence=-1, constant=True, doc="""Label suffixes are fixed as there are too many labels to specify.""") def _process(self, tree, key=None): elements = tree.values() for element in tree.values(): layers = element.values() if isinstance(element, Overlay) else [element] for el in layers: if isinstance(el, Image) and el.value_dimensions[0].cyclic: preference = el break else: raise Exception("At least one cyclic matrix required for hypercolumn analysis.") pinwheels =, 'Points.Pinwheels') if not pinwheels: pinwheel_analysis = PinwheelAnalysis(preference) elements.pop(elements.index(preference)) elements.append(pinwheel_analysis) # Don't want to show preference twice pinwheels =, 'Points.Pinwheels') pinwheel_count = pinwheels[0].data.shape[0] wavenumber_dim = Dimension('Wavenumber', unit='k') (l, b, r, t) = preference.bounds.lbrt() (dim1, dim2) = xdensity = dim1 / abs(r-l) ydensity = dim2 / abs(t-b) if xdensity != ydensity: raise Exception("Image must have matching x- and y-density") self._density = xdensity power_spectrum = fft_power(preference) (amplitudes, edges), fit, info = self.estimate_hypercolumn_distance( kmax = info['kmax'] info['rho'] = pinwheel_count / (kmax ** 2) info['rho_metric'] = self.gamma_metric(info['rho']) info['rho_metric'] = 0 if fit is not None: samples = self.fit_samples(dim1/2, 100, fit) else: samples = zip([0, dim1/2], [0.0, 0.0]) info_table = ItemTable(sorted(info.items()), group='PowerSpectrum Analysis', label=preference.label) curve = Curve(samples, key_dimensions=[wavenumber_dim], label=preference.label, group='FFTPowerFit') hist = Histogram(amplitudes, edges, key_dimensions=[wavenumber_dim], label=preference.label, group='FFTPowerHistogram') vline = VLine(kmax, group='KMax', label=preference.label) powerfit = (hist * curve * vline).relabel(group='PowerFit', label=preference.label) analysis = [power_spectrum, powerfit, info_table] if self.p.fit_table and fit is None: fit = dict(('a%i' % i, '-') for i in range(6)) if self.p.fit_table: fit_table = ItemTable(fit, group='CurveFit', label=preference.label) analysis.append(fit_table) return elements + analysis
[docs] def gamma_dist(self, x, k, theta): "The gamma distribution used for the gamma metric" return (1.0/theta**k)*(1.0/gamma(k)) * x**(k-1) * np.exp(-(x/theta))
[docs] def gamma_metric(self, pwd): """ The heavily-tailed gamma kernel used to squash the pinwheel density into unit range. The maximum value of unity is attained when the input pinwheel density is pi. """ theta = math.pi / (self.p.gamma_k -1) # Mode: (k - 1)* theta norm = self.gamma_dist(math.pi, self.p.gamma_k, theta) return (1.0/norm)*self.gamma_dist(pwd, self.p.gamma_k, theta)
[docs] def wavenumber_spectrum(self, spectrum): """ Bins the power values in the 2D FFT power spectrum as a function of wavenumber (1D). Requires square FFT spectra with an odd dimension to work to ensure there is a central sample corresponding to the DC component (wavenumber zero). """ dim, _dim = spectrum.shape assert dim == _dim, "This approach only supports square FFT spectra" if not dim % 2: self.warning("Slicing data to nearest odd dimensions for centered FFT.") spectrum = spectrum[:None if dim % 2 else -1, :None if _dim % 2 else -1] dim, _ = spectrum.shape # Invert as power_spectrum returns black (low values) for high amplitude spectrum = 1 - spectrum pixel_bins = range(0, (dim / 2) + 1) lower = -(dim / 2) upper = (dim / 2) + 1 # Grid of coordinates relative to central DC component (0,0) x, y = np.mgrid[lower:upper, lower:upper] flat_pixel_distances = ((x ** 2 + y ** 2) ** 0.5).flatten() flat_spectrum = spectrum.flatten() # Indices in pixel_bins to which the distances belong bin_allocation = np.digitize(flat_pixel_distances, pixel_bins) # The bin allocation zipped with actual fft power values spectrum_bins = zip(bin_allocation, flat_spectrum) grouped_bins = itertools.groupby(sorted(spectrum_bins), lambda x: x[0]) hist_values = [([sval for (_, sval) in it], bin) for (bin, it) in grouped_bins] (power_values, bin_boundaries) = zip(*hist_values) averaged_powers = [self.p.averaging_fn(power) for power in power_values] assert len(bin_boundaries) == len(pixel_bins) return averaged_powers, pixel_bins
[docs] def KaschubeFit(self, k, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5): """ Fitting function used by Kaschube for finding the hypercolumn distance from the Fourier power spectrum. These values should match the init_fit defaults of pinwheel_analysis below. """ exponent = - ((k - a1)**2) / (2 * a2**2) return a0 * np.exp(exponent) + a3 + a4*k + a5*np.power(k,2)
[docs] def fit_samples(self, max_k, samples, fit): "Compute a curve based from the fit coefficients" ks = np.linspace(0, max_k, max_k) values = [self.KaschubeFit(k, **fit) for k in ks] return np.array(zip(ks,values))
[docs] def estimate_hypercolumn_distance(self, power_spectrum): """ Estimating the hypercolumn distance by fitting Equation 7 of Kaschube et al. 2010 Equation 7 (supplementary material). Returns the analysed values as a dictionary. """ amplitudes, edges = self.wavenumber_spectrum(power_spectrum) ks = np.array(range(len(amplitudes))) try: wavenumber_power = amplitudes[:] kmax_argmax = float(np.argmax(wavenumber_power[1:]) + 1) baseline = np.mean(wavenumber_power) height = wavenumber_power[int(kmax_argmax)] - baseline if self.p.init_fit is None: init_fit = [height, kmax_argmax, 4.0, baseline, 0, 0] else: init_fit = self.p.init_fit fit_vals, _ = curve_fit(self.KaschubeFit, ks, np.array(amplitudes), init_fit, maxfev=10000) fit = dict(zip(['a0', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4', 'a5'], fit_vals)) valid_fit = (fit['a1'] > 0) except: valid_fit = False kmax_argmax = np.argmax(amplitudes[1:]) + 1 kmax = fit['a1'] if valid_fit else float(kmax_argmax) # The amplitudes begins with k=0 (DC component), k=1 for one # period per map, k=2 for two periods per map etc. The units per # hypercolumn is the total number of units across the map divided # by kmax. If k <= 1.0, the full map width is reported. (dim, _) = power_spectrum.shape units_per_hypercolumn = dim if (kmax <= 1.0) else dim / float(kmax) cycles = self._density / units_per_hypercolumn return ((amplitudes, edges), fit if valid_fit else None, {'kmax': float(kmax), 'k_delta': float(kmax - float(kmax_argmax)), 'units_per_hc': float(units_per_hypercolumn), 'cycles': float(cycles)}) # Defining styles
options = Store.options(backend='matplotlib') options.Curve.FFTPowerFit = Options('style', color='r', linewidth=3) options.VLine.KMax = Options('style', color='g', linewidth=3) options.Histogram.FFTPowerHistogram = Options('style', fc='w', ec='k')


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