Source code for featuremapper.analysis.pinwheels

import sys
import cmath
import math
import numpy as np

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

import param

from holoviews.core.options import Store, Options
from holoviews import Points, Overlay
from holoviews.element import Contours
from holoviews.operation import ElementOperation

__author__ = "Jean-Luc Stevens"

[docs]class WarningCounter(object): """ A simple class to count 'divide by zero' and 'invalid value' exceptions to allow a suitable warning message to be generated. """ def __init__(self): self.div_by_zeros = 0 self.invalid_values = 0 def __call__(self, errtype, flag): if errtype == "divide by zero": self.div_by_zeros += 1 elif errtype == "invalid value": self.invalid_values += 1 def warn(self): total_events = self.div_by_zeros + self.invalid_values if total_events == 0: return info = (total_events, self.div_by_zeros, self.invalid_values) self.div_by_zeros = 0; self.invalid_values = 0 message = ("Warning: There were %d invalid intersection events:" "\n\tNumpy 'divide by zero' events: %d" "\n\tNumpy 'invalid value' events: %d\n") sys.stderr.write(message % info)
[docs]class PinwheelAnalysis(ElementOperation): """ Given a Matrix or HoloMap of a cyclic feature preference, compute the position of all pinwheel singularities in the map. Optionally includes the contours for the real and imaginary components of the preference map used to determine the pinwheel locations. Returns the original Matrix input overlayed with a Points object containing the computed pinwheel locations and (optionally) Contours overlays including the real and imaginary contour lines respectively. """ output_type = Overlay # TODO: Optional computation of pinwheel polarities. include_contours = param.Boolean(default=True, doc=""" Whether or not to include the computed contours for the real and imaginary components of the map.""") silence_warnings =param.Boolean(default=True, doc=""" Whether or not to show warnings about invalid intersection events when locating pinwheels.""") label = param.String(None, allow_None=True, precedence=-1, constant=True, doc="""Label suffixes are fixed as there are too many labels to specify.""") def _process(self, view, key=None): cyclic_matrix = None inputs = view.values() if isinstance(view, Overlay) else [view] for input_element in inputs: if input_element.value_dimensions[0].cyclic: cyclic_matrix = input_element bounds = cyclic_matrix.bounds cyclic_range = input_element.value_dimensions[0].range label = cyclic_matrix.label break else: raise Exception("Pinwheel analysis requires a Matrix over a cyclic quantity") if None in cyclic_range: raise Exception("Pinwheel analysis requires a Matrix with defined cyclic range") cyclic_data = / (cyclic_range[1] - cyclic_range[0]) polar_map = self.polar_preference(cyclic_data) try: contour_info = self.polarmap_contours(polar_map, bounds) except Exception as e: self.warning("Contour identification failed:\n%s" % str(e)) contour_info = None pinwheels = None if contour_info is not None: (re_contours, im_contours, intersections) = contour_info pinwheels = self.identify_pinwheels(*(re_contours, im_contours, intersections), silence_warnings=self.p.silence_warnings) else: re_contours, im_contours = [], [] if not pinwheels: pinwheels = np.zeros((0, 2)) pinwheels = Points(np.array(pinwheels), label=label, group='Pinwheels') if self.p.include_contours: re_lines = Contours(re_contours, label=label, group='Real') im_lines = Contours(im_contours, label=label, group='Imaginary') overlay = cyclic_matrix * re_lines * im_lines * pinwheels else: overlay = (cyclic_matrix * pinwheels) return overlay.relabel(group='PinwheelAnalysis', label=label)
[docs] def polar_preference(self, pref): """ Turns hue representation to polar representation. Hue representation uses values expected in the range 0-1.0 """ polarfn = lambda x: cmath.rect(1.0, x * 2 * math.pi) polar_vecfn = np.vectorize(polarfn) return polar_vecfn(pref)
[docs] def normalize_polar_channel(self, polar_channel): """ This functions normalizes an OR map (polar_channel) taking into account the region of interest (ROI). The ROI is specified by values set to 99. Note that this functionality is implemented to reproduce the experimental approach and has not been tested (not required for Topographica simulations) """ def grad(r): (r_x, r_y) = np.gradient(r) (r_xx, r_xy) = np.gradient(r_x); (r_yx, r_yy) = np.gradient(r_y); return r_xx ** 2 + r_yy ** 2 + 2 * r_xy ** 2 # Set ROI to 0 to ignore values of -99. roi = np.ones(polar_channel.shape) # In Matlab: roi(find(z==-99))=0 roi[roi == -99] = 0 fst_grad = grad(roi) snd_grad = grad(fst_grad) # Find non-zero elements in second grad and sets to unity snd_grad[snd_grad != 0] = 1 # These elements now mask out ROI region (set to zero) roi[snd_grad == 1] = 0 # Find the unmasked coordinates ind = (polar_channel != 99) # The complex abs of unmasked normalisation = np.mean(np.abs(polar_channel)) # Only normalize with unmasked return polar_channel / normalisation
[docs] def polarmap_contours(self, polarmap, bounds): """ Identifies the real and imaginary contours in a polar map. Returns the real and imaginary contours as 2D vertex arrays together with the pairs of contours known to intersect. The coordinate system used is specified by the supplied bounds. Contour plotting requires origin='upper' for consistency with image coordinate system. """ l,b,r,t = bounds.lbrt() # Convert to polar and normalise normalized_polar = self.normalize_polar_channel(polarmap) figure_handle = plt.figure() # Real component re_contours_plot = plt.contour(normalized_polar.real, 0, origin='upper', extent=[l,r,b,t]) re_path_collections = re_contours_plot.collections[0] re_contour_paths = re_path_collections.get_paths() # Imaginary component im_contours_plot = plt.contour(normalized_polar.imag, 0, origin='upper', extent=[l,r,b,t]) im_path_collections = im_contours_plot.collections[0] im_contour_paths = im_path_collections.get_paths() plt.close(figure_handle) intersections = [(re_ind, im_ind) for (re_ind, re_path) in enumerate(re_contour_paths) for (im_ind, im_path) in enumerate(im_contour_paths) if im_path.intersects_path(re_path)] # Contour vertices 0.5 pixel inset. Eg. (0,0)-(48,48)=>(0.5, 0.5)-(47.5, 47.5) # Returned values will not therefore reach limits of 0.0 and 1.0 re_contours = [self.remove_path_duplicates(re_path.vertices) for re_path in re_contour_paths] im_contours = [self.remove_path_duplicates(im_path.vertices) for im_path in im_contour_paths] return (re_contours, im_contours, intersections)
[docs] def remove_path_duplicates(self, vertices): "Removes successive duplicates along a path of vertices." zero_diff_bools = np.all(np.diff(vertices, axis=0) == 0, axis=1) duplicate_indices, = np.nonzero(zero_diff_bools) return np.delete(vertices, duplicate_indices, axis=0)
[docs] def find_intersections(self, contour1, contour2): """ Vectorized code to find intersections between contours. All successive duplicate vertices along the input contours must be removed to help avoid division-by-zero errors. There are cases were no intersection exists (eg. parallel lines) where division by zero and invalid value exceptions occur. These exceptions should be caught as warnings: these edge cases are unavoidable with this algorithm and do not indicate that the output is erroneous. """ # Elementwise min selection amin = lambda x1, x2: np.where(x1 < x2, x1, x2) # Elementwise max selection amax = lambda x1, x2: np.where(x1 > x2, x1, x2) # dstacks, checks True depthwise aall = lambda abools: np.dstack(abools).all(axis=2) # Uses delta (using np.diff) to find successive slopes along path slope = lambda line: (lambda d: d[:, 1] / d[:, 0])(np.diff(line, axis=0)) # Meshgrids between both paths (x and y). One element sliced off end/beginning x11, x21 = np.meshgrid(contour1[:-1, 0], contour2[:-1, 0]) x12, x22 = np.meshgrid(contour1[1:, 0], contour2[1:, 0]) y11, y21 = np.meshgrid(contour1[:-1, 1], contour2[:-1, 1]) y12, y22 = np.meshgrid(contour1[1:, 1], contour2[1:, 1]) # Meshgrid of all slopes for both paths m1, m2 = np.meshgrid(slope(contour1), slope(contour2)) m2inv = 1 / m2 # m1inv was not used. yi = (m1 * (x21 - x11 - m2inv * y21) + y11) / (1 - m1 * m2inv) xi = (yi - y21) * m2inv + x21 # (xi, yi) is intersection candidate # Bounding box type conditions for intersection candidates xconds = (amin(x11, x12) < xi, xi <= amax(x11, x12), amin(x21, x22) < xi, xi <= amax(x21, x22) ) yconds = (amin(y11, y12) < yi, yi <= amax(y11, y12), amin(y21, y22) < yi, yi <= amax(y21, y22) ) return xi[aall(xconds)], yi[aall(yconds)]
[docs] def identify_pinwheels(self, re_contours, im_contours, intersections, silence_warnings=True): """ Locates the pinwheels from the intersection of the real and imaginary contours of of polar OR map. """ warning_counter = WarningCounter() pinwheels = [] np.seterrcall(warning_counter) for (re_ind, im_ind) in intersections: re_contour = re_contours[re_ind] im_contour = im_contours[im_ind] np.seterr(divide='call', invalid='call') x, y = self.find_intersections(re_contour, im_contour) np.seterr(divide='raise', invalid='raise') pinwheels += zip(x, y) if not silence_warnings: warning_counter.warn() return pinwheels
options = Store.options(backend='matplotlib') options.Points.Pinwheels = Options('style', color= '#f0f0f0', marker= 'o', edgecolors= 'k') options.Contours.Imaginary = Options('style', color= 'k', linewidth=1.5) options.Contours.Real = Options('style', color= 'w', linewidth=1.5)


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