Source code for featuremapper.analysis.spatialtuning

import math

import numpy as np
from scipy import special as ss
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

import param

from holoviews import OrderedDict
from holoviews import Curve, ItemTable, ElementOperation, TreeOperation

# Spatial constant conversion methods

[docs]def idog_conv(sc): """ Conversion of iDoG spatial constants to extents. """ return math.sqrt(sc*2)
[docs]def fr2sp(fr): """ Convert spatial frequency to spatial constant. """ return (math.sqrt(2)/(2*math.pi*fr))
[docs]class TuningCurveAnalysis(ElementOperation): feature = param.String() def _validate_curve(self, curve): if not isinstance(curve, Curve): raise Exception('Supplied views need to be curves.') elif not self.p.feature in curve.key_dimensions[0].name: raise Exception('Analysis requires %s response curves.' % self.feature)
[docs]class OrientationContrastAnalysis(TuningCurveAnalysis): feature = param.String(default='OrientationSurround') def _process(self, curve, key=None): self._validate_curve(curve) ydata = curve.dimension_values(1) n_ors = len(ydata) if n_ors % 2: raise Exception("Curve does not have even number of samples.") r0_index = int(n_ors/2) r0 = ydata[r0_index] rorth = ydata[0] try: ocsi = (r0 - rorth) / r0 except: ocsi = np.NaN data = OrderedDict([('OCSI', ocsi)]) return ItemTable(data, group='Orientation Contrast Suppression', label=curve.label)
[docs]class FrequencyTuningAnalysis(TuningCurveAnalysis): """ Analyzes frequency-tuning curve to find the preferred frequency, lower and upper cutoff frequencies as well as the Q-Factor and bandwidth. """ feature = param.String(default='Frequency') def _process(self, curve, key=None): self._validate_curve(curve) xdata = curve.dimension_values(0) ydata = curve.dimension_values(1) peak_strength = np.max(ydata) peak_idx = np.argmax(ydata) peak_freq = xdata[peak_idx] cutoff_value = peak_strength * 0.707 cutoff_diff = ydata - cutoff_value lower_cutoff_idx = np.argmin(cutoff_diff[:peak_idx]) if peak_idx else 0 upper_cutoff_idx = peak_idx + np.argmin(cutoff_diff[peak_idx:]) lower_cutoff = xdata[lower_cutoff_idx] upper_cutoff = xdata[upper_cutoff_idx] qfactor = peak_freq / (upper_cutoff - lower_cutoff) if peak_idx else 0 table_data = {'Peak': peak_freq, 'Lower': lower_cutoff, 'Upper': upper_cutoff, 'QFactor': qfactor, 'Bandwidth': upper_cutoff - lower_cutoff} return ItemTable(OrderedDict(table_data), label='Frequency Tuning Analysis')
[docs]class SizeTuningPeaks(TuningCurveAnalysis): """ Analysis size-tuning curve to find peak facilitation, peak suppression and peak counter-suppression values, which can be used to derive metrics like contrast dependent size tuning shifts and counter suppression indices. """ feature = param.String(default='Size') def _process(self, curve, key=None): self._validate_curve(curve) xdata = curve.dimension_values(0) ydata = curve.dimension_values(1) peak_idx = np.argmax(ydata) min_idx = np.argmin(ydata[peak_idx:]) + peak_idx counter_idx = np.argmax(ydata[min_idx:]) + min_idx max_response = np.max(ydata) peak_size = xdata[peak_idx] r_max = ydata[peak_idx] suppression_size = xdata[min_idx] r_min = ydata[min_idx] counter_size = xdata[counter_idx] r_cs = ydata[counter_idx] table_data = OrderedDict({'Peak Size': peak_size, 'Suppression Size': suppression_size, 'CS Size': counter_size, 'Max Response': max_response}) if not r_max == 0: table_data['SI'] = (r_max-r_min)/r_max table_data['CSI'] = (r_cs-r_min)/r_max else: table_data['SI'] = 0 table_data['CSI'] = 0 return ItemTable(table_data, label='Size Tuning Analysis')
[docs]class SizeTuningShift(ElementOperation): """ Takes an overlay of two curves as input and computes the contrast-dependent size tuning shift. Assumes the first curve is low contrast and the second high contrast. """ def _process(self, overlay, key=None): low_contrast = overlay.values()[0] high_contrast = overlay.last low_table = SizeTuningPeaks(low_contrast) high_table = SizeTuningPeaks(high_contrast) try: shift = low_table['Peak Size'] / high_table['Peak Size'] except: shift = np.NaN data = OrderedDict([('CSS', shift), ('Low', low_table['Peak Size']), ('High', high_table['Peak Size'])]) return ItemTable(data, group='Contrast Dependent Size Tuning Shift', label=low_contrast.label)
[docs]class DoGModelFit(TuningCurveAnalysis): """ Baseclass to implement basic size tuning curve fitting procedures. Subclasses have to implement the _function method with the function that is to be fit to the supplied curve. """ K_c = param.Number(default=0, doc="Center excitatory kernel strength.") K_s = param.Number(default=0, doc="Surround inhibitory kernel strength.") a = param.Number(default=0, doc="Center excitatory space constant.") b = param.Number(default=0, doc="Surround inhibitory space constant.") max_iterations = param.Number(default=100000, doc=""" Number of iterations to optimize the fit.""") fit_labels = ['K_c', 'K_s', 'a', 'b'] feature = param.String(default='Size') def _function(self): raise NotImplementedError def _fit_curve(self, curve): xdata = curve.dimension_values(0) ydata = curve.dimension_values(1) init_fit = [self.p.get(l, self.defaults()[l]) for l in self.fit_labels] try: table = SizeTuningPeaks(curve) if self.a == self.p.a: init_fit[self.fit_labels.index('a')] = table['Peak Size']/2. if self.b == self.p.b: init_fit[self.fit_labels.index('b')] = table['Suppression Size']/2. except: pass try: fit, pcov = curve_fit(self._function, xdata, ydata, init_fit, maxfev=self.p.max_iterations) fit_data = dict(zip(self.fit_labels, fit)) K_s = fit[self.fit_labels.index('K_s')] b = fit[self.fit_labels.index('b')] K_c = fit[self.fit_labels.index('K_c')] a = fit[self.fit_labels.index('a')] fitted_ydata = self._function(xdata, *fit) peak_idx = np.argmax(fitted_ydata) min_idx = np.argmin(fitted_ydata[peak_idx:]) + peak_idx counter_idx = np.argmax(fitted_ydata[min_idx:]) + min_idx max_response = np.max(ydata) peak_size = xdata[peak_idx] r_max = fitted_ydata[peak_idx] suppression_size = xdata[min_idx] r_min = fitted_ydata[min_idx] counter_size = xdata[counter_idx] r_cs = fitted_ydata[counter_idx] fit_data['SI'] = (r_max-r_min)/r_max fit_data['Peak'] = peak_size fitted_curve = Curve(zip(xdata, fitted_ydata), group='Response', label='Size Tuning Fit', kdims=curve.kdims, vdims=curve.vdims)(style=dict(color='k', linestyle='-.')) except: fitted_curve = Curve(zip(xdata, np.zeros(len(xdata))), kdims=curve.kdims, vdims=curve.vdims) fit_data = dict(zip(self.fit_labels, [0]*len(self.fit_labels))) fit_data['SI'] = 0 return [fitted_curve, fit_data]
[docs]class Size_iDoGModel(DoGModelFit): """ iDoG model response function to sine grating disk stimulus with optimal spatial frequency and varying disk radius (r). Ref: Sceniak et al. (2006) - page 3476 Fitting parameters: R_0 - Steady-state response K_c - Center strength a - Center spatial constant K_s - Surround Strength b - Surround spatial constant """ R_0 = param.Number(default=0, doc="Baseline response.") label = param.String(default='IDoG Model Fit') fit_labels = ['R_0', 'K_c', 'K_s', 'a', 'b'] feature = param.String(default='Size') def _process(self, curve, key=None): self._validate_curve(curve) fitted_curve, fit_data = self._fit_curve(curve) return curve*fitted_curve + ItemTable(OrderedDict(fit_data), label=self.p.label) @classmethod def _function(cls, d, R_0, K_c, K_s, a, b): R_e = K_c * (1-np.exp(-(2*d/a)**2)) R_i = K_s * (1-np.exp(-(2*d/b)**2)) return R_0 + R_e - R_i
[docs]class Size_DivDoGModel(DoGModelFit): """ iDoG model response function to sine grating disk stimulus with optimal spatial frequency and varying disk radius (r). Ref: Sceniak et al. (2006) - page 3476 Fitting parameters: R_0 - Steady-state response K_c - Center strength a - Center spatial constant K_s - Surround Strength b - Surround spatial constant """ R_0 = param.Number(default=0, doc="Baseline response.") label = param.String(default='IDoG Model Fit') fit_labels = ['R_0', 'K_c', 'K_s', 'a', 'b'] feature = param.String(default='Size') def _process(self, curve, key=None): self._validate_curve(curve) fitted_curve, fit_data = self._fit_curve(curve) return curve*fitted_curve + ItemTable(OrderedDict(fit_data), label=self.p.label) @classmethod def _function(cls, d, R_0, K_c, K_s, a, b): if a < 0: return 10**8 R_e = K_c * (1-np.exp(-(2*d/a)**2)) R_i = K_s * (1-np.exp(-(2*d/b)**2)) return R_0 + R_e / (1+R_i)
[docs]class SF_DoGModel(DoGModelFit): """ DoG model response function to sine grating disk stimulus with varying spatial frequency (f). Ref: Sceniak et al. (2006) - page 3476 Fitting parameters: R_0 - Steady-state response K_c - Center strength a - Center spatial constant K_s - Surround Strength b - Surround spatial constant """ R_0 = param.Number(default=0, doc="Baseline response.") label = param.String(default='DoG Model Fit') fit_labels = ['R_0', 'K_c', 'K_s', 'a', 'b'] feature = param.String(default='Frequency') def _process(self, curve, key=None): if 'Contrast' in key: self.p.default_contrast = key['Contrast'] self._validate_curve(curve) fitted_curve, fit_data = self._fit_curve(curve) return [curve*fitted_curve, ItemTable(fit_data, label=self.p.label)] def _function(self, f, R_0, K_c, K_s, a, b): # Fitting penalties for negative coefficients if (a <= 0) or (b <= 0) or (K_c <= 0) or (K_s <= 0) or (R_0 < 0): return 10000 C = self.p.default_contrast if not isinstance(f, float): R = np.zeros(len(f)) for i, fr in enumerate(f): R_c = C * K_c * (1.0 - np.exp(-(fr / 2.0 * a) ** 2.0)) R_s = C * K_s * (1.0 - np.exp(-(fr / 2.0 * b) ** 2.0)) R[i] = R_0 + R_c - R_s else: R_c = C * K_c * (1.0 - np.exp(-(f / 2.0 * a) ** 2.0)) R_s = C * K_s * (1.0 - np.exp(-(f / 2.0 * b) ** 2.0)) R = R_0 + R_c - R_s return R
[docs]class iDoG_DeAngelisModel(DoGModelFit): """ Basic integrated difference of Gaussian response function for area summation curves. Ref: DeAngelis et al. 1994 Fitting parameters: K_c - Center strength a - Center spatial constant K_s - Surround Strength b - Surround spatial constant R_0 - Steady-state response """ R_0 = param.Number(default=0, doc="Baseline response.") label = param.String(default='IDoG Model Fit') fit_labels = ['R_0', 'K_c', 'K_s', 'a', 'b'] feature = param.String(default='Size') def _function(self, d, R_0, K_c, K_s, a, b): if (a <= 0) or (b <= 0) or (K_c <= 0) or (K_s <= 0) or ( R_0 < 0): return 10000 r = d / 2.0 R_c = 0.5 * a * math.sqrt(math.pi) * ss.erf(r / a) R_s = 0.5 * b * math.sqrt(math.pi) * ss.erf(r / b) return R_0 + (K_c * R_c) - (K_s * R_s) def _process(self, curve, key=None): self._validate_curve(curve) fitted_curve, fit_data = self._fit_curve(curve) return [curve*fitted_curve, ItemTable(fit_data, label=self.p.label)]
[docs]class NormalizationDoGModel(DoGModelFit): """ Normalization model describing response of V1 neurons to sine grating disk stimuli of varying sizes. Ref: Sceniak et al. (200q1) - page 1875 Fitting parameters: K_c - Center strength a - Center spatial constant K_s - Surround Strength b - Surround spatial constant beta - Arbitrary exponent """ beta = param.Number(default=0, doc="Baseline response.") default_contrast = param.Number(default=1.0, doc=""" Default contrast to use if supplied curve doesn't provide contrast.""") label = param.String(default='Normalization DoG Model Fit') fit_labels = ['beta', 'K_c', 'K_s', 'a', 'b'] feature = param.String(default='Size') def _function(self, d, beta, K_c, K_s, a, b): # Fitting penalty if (a <= 0) or (b <= 0) or (b <= a) or (K_c <= 0) or (K_s <= 0): return 10000 C = self.p.default_contrast r = d/2.0 L_c = 0.5 * a * math.sqrt(math.pi) * ss.erf(2 * r / a) L_s = 0.5 * b * math.sqrt(math.pi) * ss.erf(2 * r / b) R = ((C * K_c * L_c) / (1 + C * K_s * L_s)) ** beta return R def _process(self, curve, key=None): self._validate_curve(curve) fitted_curve, fit_data = self._fit_curve(curve) return [curve*fitted_curve, ItemTable(fit_data, label=self.p.label)]


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