Source code for featuremapper.features

import numpy as np

import param

from holoviews import Dimension

from distribution import DistributionStatisticFn, DSF_WeightedAverage

[docs]class Feature(Dimension): """ Specifies several parameters required for generating a map of one input feature. """ compute_fn = param.Callable(default=None, doc=""" If non-None, a function that when given a list of other parameter values, computes and returns the value for this feature.""") preference_fn = param.ClassSelector(DistributionStatisticFn, allow_None=True, default=DSF_WeightedAverage(), doc=""" Function that will be used to analyze the distributions of unit response to this feature.""") steps = param.Integer(default=0, doc=""" Number of steps, between lower and upper range value, to be presented.""") offset = param.Number(default=0.0, doc=""" Offset to add to the values for this feature""") _init = False # Allows creation of default Features in the file definitions = {} def _init_values(self): if len(self.values): self.values = self.values if self.offset == 0 \ else [v + self.offset for v in self.values] if self.range in [(0, 0), (None, None)]: self.range = (min(self.values), max(self.values)) else: if self.range == (0, 0): raise ValueError('The range or values must be specified.') low_bound, up_bound = self.range values = np.linspace(low_bound, up_bound, self.steps, not self.cyclic) + self.offset self.values = list(values % (up_bound - low_bound) if self.cyclic else values) def __init__(self, name, **params): """ Users can provide either a range and a step size, or a list of values. If a list of values is supplied, the range can be omitted unless the default of the min and max in the list of values is not appropriate. If non-None, the compute_fn should be a function that when given a list of other parameter values, computes and returns the value for this feature. If supplied, the offset is added to the given or computed values to allow the starting value to be specified. """ super(Feature, self).__init__(name, **params) if self._init: self._init_values() Feature.definitions[] = self # Basic features
Float = Feature("float", type=float) Integer = Feature("float", type=int) # Cyclic features Cyclic = Float("cyclic", cyclic=True, unit="rad") Hue = Cyclic("hue", range=(0.0, 1.0)) FullCycle = Cyclic("full cycle", range=(0, 2*np.pi)) Angle = FullCycle("Angle") Direction = FullCycle("Direction") Phase = FullCycle("Phase") PhaseDisparity = FullCycle("PhaseDisparity") HalfCycle = Cyclic("half cycle", range=(0, np.pi)) Orientation = HalfCycle("Orientation") OrientationSurround = HalfCycle("OrientationSurround") # Non-cyclic features Frequency = Float("Frequency", unit="cycles per unit distance") Presentation = Integer("Presentation") Size = Float("Size", unit="Diameter") Scale = Float("Scale") X = Float("X") Y = Float("Y") # Complex features Contrast = Float("Contrast", range=(0, 100), unit="%") ContrastSurround = Contrast("ContrastSurround", preference_fn=None) Ocular = Integer("Ocular") Speed = Float("Speed") # Time features Time = Dimension("Time", type=param.Dynamic.time_fn.time_type) Duration = Time("Duration") Feature._init = True # All Features created externally have to supply range or values


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