Source code for lancet.core

# Lancet core

import os, itertools, copy
import re, glob, string
import json

import param

    import numpy as np
    np_ftypes = np.sctypes['float']
    np, np_ftypes = None, []

try:    from pandas import DataFrame
except: DataFrame = None # pyflakes:ignore (try/except import)

try: from holoviews import Table
except: Table = None     # pyflakes:ignore (try/except import)

from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict

float_types = [float] + np_ftypes
def identityfn(x): return x
def fp_repr(x):    return str(x) if (type(x) in float_types) else repr(x)

[docs]def set_fp_precision(value): """ Function to set the floating precision across lancet. """ Arguments.set_default('fp_precision', value)
[docs]def to_table(args, vdims=[]): "Helper function to convet an Args object to a HoloViews Table" if not Table: return "HoloViews Table not available" kdims = args.constant_keys + args.varying_keys items = ((tuple([spec[k] for k in kdims]), ()) for spec in args.specs) return Table(items, kdims=kdims, vdims=[]).reindex(None, vdims) #=====================# # Argument Specifiers # #=====================#
[docs]class PrettyPrinted(object): """ A mixin class for generating pretty-printed representations. """
[docs] def pprint_args(self, pos_args, keyword_args, infix_operator=None, extra_params={}): """ Method to define the positional arguments and keyword order for pretty printing. """ if infix_operator and not (len(pos_args)==2 and keyword_args==[]): raise Exception('Infix format requires exactly two' ' positional arguments and no keywords') (kwargs,_,_,_) = self._pprint_args self._pprint_args = (keyword_args + kwargs, pos_args, infix_operator, extra_params)
def _pprint(self, cycle=False, flat=False, annotate=False, onlychanged=True, level=1, tab = ' '): """ Pretty printer that prints only the modified keywords and generates flat representations (for repr) and optionally annotates the top of the repr with a comment. """ (kwargs, pos_args, infix_operator, extra_params) = self._pprint_args (br, indent) = ('' if flat else '\n', '' if flat else tab * level) prettify = lambda x: isinstance(x, PrettyPrinted) and not flat pretty = lambda x: x._pprint(flat=flat, level=level+1) if prettify(x) else repr(x) params = dict(self.get_param_values()) show_lexsort = getattr(self, '_lexorder', None) is not None modified = [k for (k,v) in self.get_param_values(onlychanged=onlychanged)] pkwargs = [(k, params[k]) for k in kwargs if (k in modified)] + list(extra_params.items()) arg_list = [(k,params[k]) for k in pos_args] + pkwargs lines = [] if annotate: # Optional annotating comment len_ckeys, len_vkeys = len(self.constant_keys), len(self.varying_keys) info_triple = (len(self), ', %d constant key(s)' % len_ckeys if len_ckeys else '', ', %d varying key(s)' % len_vkeys if len_vkeys else '') annotation = '# == %d items%s%s ==\n' % info_triple lines = [annotation] if show_lexsort: lines.append('(') if cycle: lines.append('%s(...)' % self.__class__.__name__) elif infix_operator: level = level - 1 triple = (pretty(params[pos_args[0]]), infix_operator, pretty(params[pos_args[1]])) lines.append('%s %s %s' % triple) else: lines.append('%s(' % self.__class__.__name__) for (k,v) in arg_list: lines.append('%s%s=%s' % (br+indent, k, pretty(v))) lines.append(',') lines = lines[:-1] +[br+(tab*(level-1))+')'] # Remove trailing comma if show_lexsort: lines.append(').lexsort(%s)' % ', '.join(repr(el) for el in self._lexorder)) return ''.join(lines) def __repr__(self): return self._pprint(flat=True, onlychanged=False) def __str__(self): return self._pprint()
[docs]class Arguments(PrettyPrinted, param.Parameterized): """ The abstract, base class that defines the core interface and methods for all members of the Arguments family of classes, including either the simple, static members of Args below, or the sophisticated parameter exploration algorithms subclassing from DynamicArgs defined in The Args subclass may be used directly and forms the root of one family of classes that have statically defined or precomputed argument sets (defined below). The second subfamily are the DynamicArgs, designed to allow more sophisticated, online parameter space exploration techniques such as hill climbing, bisection search, genetic algorithms and so on. """ fp_precision = param.Integer(default=4, constant=True, doc=''' The floating point precision to use for floating point values. Unlike other basic Python types, floats need care with their representation as you only want to display up to the precision actually specified. A floating point precision of 0 casts number to integers before representing them.''') def __init__(self, **params): self._pprint_args = ([],[],None,{}) self.pprint_args([],['fp_precision', 'dynamic']) super(Arguments,self).__init__(**params) # Some types cannot be sorted easily (e.g. numpy arrays) self.unsortable_keys = [] def __iter__(self): return self def __contains__(self, value): return value in (self.constant_keys + self.varying_keys) @classmethod
[docs] def spec_formatter(cls, spec): " Formats the elements of an argument set appropriately" return type(spec)((k, str(v)) for (k,v) in spec.items())
[docs] def constant_keys(self): """ Returns the list of parameter names whose values are constant as the argument specifier is iterated. Note that the union of constant and varying_keys should partition the entire set of keys in the case where there are no unsortable keys. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def constant_items(self): """ Returns the set of constant items as a list of tuples. This allows easy conversion to dictionary format. Note, the items should be supplied in the same key ordering as for constant_keys for consistency. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def varying_keys(self): """ Returns the list of parameters whose values vary as the argument specifier is iterated. Whenever it is possible, keys should be sorted from those slowest to faster varying and sorted alphanumerically within groups that vary at the same rate. """ raise NotImplementedError
def round_floats(self, specs, fp_precision): _round_float = lambda v, fp: np.round(v, fp) if (type(v) in np_ftypes) else round(v, fp) _round = (lambda v, fp: int(v)) if fp_precision==0 else _round_float return (dict((k, _round(v, fp_precision) if (type(v) in float_types) else v) for (k,v) in spec.items()) for spec in specs) def __next__(self): """ Called to get a list of specifications: dictionaries with parameter name keys and string values. """ raise StopIteration next = __next__
[docs] def copy(self): """ Convenience method to avoid using the specifier without exhausting it. """ return copy.copy(self)
def _collect_by_key(self,specs): """ Returns a dictionary like object with the lists of values collapsed by their respective key. Useful to find varying vs constant keys and to find how fast keys vary. """ # Collect (key, value) tuples as list of lists, flatten with chain allkeys = itertools.chain.from_iterable( [[(k, run[k]) for k in run] for run in specs]) collection = defaultdict(list) for (k,v) in allkeys: collection[k].append(v) return collection def _operator(self, operator, other): identities = [isinstance(el, Identity) for el in [self, other]] if not any(identities): return operator(self,other) if all(identities): return Identity() elif identities[1]: return self else: return other def __add__(self, other): """ Concatenates two argument specifiers. """ return self._operator(Concatenate, other) def __mul__(self, other): """ Takes the Cartesian product of two argument specifiers. """ return self._operator(CartesianProduct, other) def _cartesian_product(self, first_specs, second_specs): """ Takes the Cartesian product of the specifications. Result will contain N specifications where N = len(first_specs) * len(second_specs) and keys are merged. Example: [{'a':1},{'b':2}] * [{'c':3},{'d':4}] = [{'a':1,'c':3},{'a':1,'d':4},{'b':2,'c':3},{'b':2,'d':4}] """ return [ dict(zip( list(s1.keys()) + list(s2.keys()), list(s1.values()) + list(s2.values()) )) for s1 in first_specs for s2 in second_specs ]
[docs] def summary(self): """ A succinct summary of the argument specifier. Unlike the repr, a summary does not have to be complete but must supply the most relevant information about the object to the user. """ print("Items: %s" % len(self)) varying_keys = ', '.join('%r' % k for k in self.varying_keys) print("Varying Keys: %s" % varying_keys) items = ', '.join(['%s=%r' % (k,v) for (k,v) in self.constant_items]) if self.constant_items: print("Constant Items: %s" % items)
[docs]class Identity(Arguments): """ The identity element for any Arguments object 'args' under the * operator (CartesianProduct) and + operator (Concatenate). The following identities hold: args is (Identity() * args) args is (args * Identity()) args is (Identity() + args) args is (args + Identity()) Note that the empty Args() object can also fulfill the role of Identity under the addition operator. """ fp_precision = param.Integer(default=None, allow_None=True, precedence=(-1), constant=True, doc=''' fp_precision is disabled as Identity() never contains any arguments.''') def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Identity) def __repr__(self): return "Identity()" def __str__(self): return repr(self) def __nonzero__(self): raise ValueError("The boolean value of Identity is undefined") def __bool__(self): raise ValueError("The boolean value of Identity is undefined")
[docs]class Args(Arguments): """ An Arguments class that supports statically specified or precomputed argument sets. It may be used directly to specify argument values but also forms the base class for a family of more specific static Argument classes. Each subclass is less flexible and general but allows arguments to be easily and succinctly specified. For instance, the Range subclass allows parameter ranges to be easily declared. The constructor of Args accepts argument definitions in two different formats. The keyword format allows constant arguments to be specified directly and easily. For instance: >>> v1 = Args(a=2, b=3) >>> v1 Args(fp_precision=4,a=2,b=3) The alternative input format takes an explicit list of the argument specifications: >>> v2 = Args([{'a':2, 'b':3}]) # Equivalent behaviour to above >>> v1.specs == v2.specs True This latter format is completely flexible and general, allowing any arbitrary list of arguments to be specified as desired. This is not generally recommended however as the structure of a parameter space is often expressed more clearly by composing together simpler, more succinct Args objects with the CartesianProduct (*) or Concatenation (+) operators. """ specs = param.List(default=[], constant=True, doc=''' The static list of specifications (ie. dictionaries) to be returned by the specifier. Float values are rounded according to fp_precision.''') def __init__(self, specs=None, fp_precision=None, **params): if fp_precision is None: fp_precision = Arguments.fp_precision raw_specs, params, explicit = self._build_specs(specs, params, fp_precision) super(Args, self).__init__(fp_precision=fp_precision, specs=raw_specs, **params) self._lexorder = None if explicit: self.pprint_args(['specs'],[]) else: # Present in kwarg format self.pprint_args([], self.constant_keys, None, OrderedDict(sorted(self.constant_items))) def _build_specs(self, specs, kwargs, fp_precision): """ Returns the specs, the remaining kwargs and whether or not the constructor was called with kwarg or explicit specs. """ if specs is None: overrides = param.ParamOverrides(self, kwargs, allow_extra_keywords=True) extra_kwargs = overrides.extra_keywords() kwargs = dict([(k,v) for (k,v) in kwargs.items() if k not in extra_kwargs]) rounded_specs = list(self.round_floats([extra_kwargs], fp_precision)) if extra_kwargs=={}: return [], kwargs, True else: return rounded_specs, kwargs, False return list(self.round_floats(specs, fp_precision)), kwargs, True def __iter__(self): self._exhausted = False return self def __next__(self): if self._exhausted: raise StopIteration else: self._exhausted=True return self.specs next = __next__ def _unique(self, sequence, idfun=repr): """ Note: repr() must be implemented properly on all objects. This is implicitly assumed by Lancet when Python objects need to be formatted to string representation. """ seen = {} return [seen.setdefault(idfun(e),e) for e in sequence if idfun(e) not in seen]
[docs] def show(self, exclude=[]): """ Convenience method to inspect the available argument values in human-readable format. The ordering of keys is determined by how quickly they vary. The exclude list allows specific keys to be excluded for readability (e.g. to hide long, absolute filenames). """ ordering = self.constant_keys + self.varying_keys spec_lines = [', '.join(['%s=%s' % (k, s[k]) for k in ordering if (k in s) and (k not in exclude)]) for s in self.specs] print('\n'.join(['%d: %s' % (i,l) for (i,l) in enumerate(spec_lines)]))
[docs] def lexsort(self, *order): """ The lexical sort order is specified by a list of string arguments. Each string is a key name prefixed by '+' or '-' for ascending and descending sort respectively. If the key is not found in the operand's set of varying keys, it is ignored. """ if order == []: raise Exception("Please specify the keys for sorting, use" "'+' prefix for ascending," "'-' for descending.)") if not set(el[1:] for el in order).issubset(set(self.varying_keys)): raise Exception("Key(s) specified not in the set of varying keys.") sorted_args = copy.deepcopy(self) specs_param = sorted_args.params('specs') specs_param.constant = False sorted_args.specs = self._lexsorted_specs(order) specs_param.constant = True sorted_args._lexorder = order return sorted_args
def _lexsorted_specs(self, order): """ A lexsort is specified using normal key string prefixed by '+' (for ascending) or '-' for (for descending). Note that in Python 2, if a key is missing, None is returned (smallest Python value). In Python 3, an Exception will be raised regarding comparison of heterogenous types. """ specs = self.specs[:] if not all(el[0] in ['+', '-'] for el in order): raise Exception("Please specify the keys for sorting, use" "'+' prefix for ascending," "'-' for descending.)") sort_cycles = [(el[1:], True if el[0]=='+' else False) for el in reversed(order) if el[1:] in self.varying_keys] for (key, ascending) in sort_cycles: specs = sorted(specs, key=lambda s: s.get(key, None), reverse=(not ascending)) return specs @property def constant_keys(self): collection = self._collect_by_key(self.specs) return [k for k in sorted(collection) if (len(self._unique(collection[k])) == 1)] @property def constant_items(self): collection = self._collect_by_key(self.specs) return [(k,collection[k][0]) for k in self.constant_keys] @property def varying_keys(self): collection = self._collect_by_key(self.specs) constant_set = set(self.constant_keys) unordered_varying = set(collection.keys()).difference(constant_set) # Finding out how fast keys are varying grouplens = [(len([len(list(y)) for (_,y) in itertools.groupby(collection[k])]),k) for k in collection if (k not in self.unsortable_keys)] varying_counts = [(n,k) for (n,k) in sorted(grouplens) if (k in unordered_varying)] # Grouping keys with common frequency alphanumerically (desired behaviour). ddict = defaultdict(list) for (n,k) in varying_counts: ddict[n].append(k) alphagroups = [sorted(ddict[k]) for k in sorted(ddict)] return [el for group in alphagroups for el in group] + sorted(self.unsortable_keys) @property def dframe(self): return DataFrame(self.specs) if DataFrame else "Pandas not available" @property def table(self): return to_table(self) def __len__(self): return len(self.specs)
[docs]class Concatenate(Args): """ Concatenate is the sequential composition of two specifiers. The specifier created by the compositon (firsts + second) generates the arguments in first followed by the arguments in second. """ first = param.ClassSelector(default=None, class_=Args, allow_None=True, constant=True, doc='''The first specifier in the concatenation.''') second = param.ClassSelector(default=None, class_=Args, allow_None=True, constant=True, doc='''The second specifier in the concatenation.''') def __init__(self, first, second): max_precision = max(first.fp_precision, second.fp_precision) specs = first.specs + second.specs super(Concatenate, self).__init__(specs, fp_precision=max_precision, first=first, second=second) self.pprint_args(['first', 'second'],[], infix_operator='+')
[docs]class CartesianProduct(Args): """ CartesianProduct is the Cartesian product of two specifiers. The specifier created by the compositon (firsts * second) generates the cartesian produce of the arguments in first followed by the arguments in second. Note that len(first * second) = len(first)*len(second) """ first = param.ClassSelector(default=None, class_=Args, allow_None=True, constant=True, doc='''The first specifier in the Cartesian product.''') second = param.ClassSelector(default=None, class_=Args, allow_None=True, constant=True, doc='''The second specifier in the Cartesian product.''') def __init__(self, first, second): max_precision = max(first.fp_precision, second.fp_precision) specs = self._cartesian_product(first.specs, second.specs) overlap = (set(first.varying_keys + first.constant_keys) & set(second.varying_keys + second.constant_keys)) assert overlap == set(), ('Sets of keys cannot overlap' 'between argument specifiers' 'in cartesian product.') super(CartesianProduct, self).__init__(specs, fp_precision=max_precision, first=first, second=second) self.pprint_args(['first', 'second'],[], infix_operator='*')
[docs]class Range(Args): """ Range generates an argument from a numerically interpolated range which is linear by default. An optional function can be specified to sample a numeric range with regular intervals. """ key = param.String(default='', constant=True, doc=''' The key assigned to the values computed over the numeric range.''') start_value = param.Number(default=None, allow_None=True, constant=True, doc='''The starting numeric value of the range.''') end_value = param.Number(default=None, allow_None=True, constant=True, doc='''The ending numeric value of the range (inclusive).''') steps = param.Integer(default=2, constant=True, bounds=(1,None), doc='''The number of steps to interpolate over. Default is 2 which returns the start and end values without interpolation.''') # Can't this be a lambda? mapfn = param.Callable(default=identityfn, constant=True, doc=''' The function to be mapped across the linear range. The identity function is used by by default''') def __init__(self, key, start_value, end_value, steps=2, mapfn=identityfn, **params): values = self.linspace(start_value, end_value, steps) specs = [{key:mapfn(val)} for val in values ] super(Range, self).__init__(specs, key=key, start_value=start_value, end_value=end_value, steps=steps, mapfn=mapfn, **params) self.pprint_args(['key', 'start_value'], ['end_value', 'steps'])
[docs] def linspace(self, start, stop, n): """ Simple replacement for numpy linspace""" if n == 1: return [start] L = [0.0] * n nm1 = n - 1 nm1inv = 1.0 / nm1 for i in range(n): L[i] = nm1inv * (start*(nm1 - i) + stop*i) return L
[docs]class List(Args): """ An argument specifier that takes its values from a given list. """ values = param.List(default=[], constant=True, doc=''' The list values that are to be returned by the specifier''') key = param.String(default='default', constant=True, doc=''' The key assigned to the elements of the supplied list.''') def __init__(self, key, values, **params): specs = [{key:val} for val in values] super(List, self).__init__(specs, key=key, values=values, **params) self.pprint_args(['key', 'values'], [])
[docs]class Log(Args): """ Specifier that loads arguments from a log file in task id (tid) order. This wrapper class allows a concise representation of file logs with the option of adding the task id to the loaded specifications. For full control over the arguments, you can use this class to create a fully specified Args object as follows: Args(Log.extract_log(<log_file>).values()), """ log_path = param.String(default=None, allow_None=True, constant=True, doc='''The relative or absolute path to the log file. If a relative path is given, the absolute path is computed relative to os.getcwd().''') tid_key = param.String(default='tid', constant=True, allow_None=True, doc='''If not None, the key given to the tid values included in the loaded specifications. If None, the tid number is ignored.''') @staticmethod
[docs] def extract_log(log_path, dict_type=dict): """ Parses the log file generated by a launcher and returns dictionary with tid keys and specification values. Ordering can be maintained by setting dict_type to the appropriate constructor (i.e. OrderedDict). Keys are converted from unicode to strings for kwarg use. """ log_path = (log_path if os.path.isfile(log_path) else os.path.join(os.getcwd(), log_path)) with open(log_path,'r') as log: splits = (line.split() for line in log) uzipped = ((int(split[0]), json.loads(" ".join(split[1:]))) for split in splits) szipped = [(i, dict((str(k),v) for (k,v) in d.items())) for (i,d) in uzipped] return dict_type(szipped)
[docs] def write_log(log_path, data, allow_append=True): """ Writes the supplied specifications to the log path. The data may be supplied as either as a an Args or as a list of dictionaries. By default, specifications will be appropriately appended to an existing log file. This can be disabled by setting allow_append to False. """ append = os.path.isfile(log_path) islist = isinstance(data, list) if append and not allow_append: raise Exception('Appending has been disabled' ' and file %s exists' % log_path) if not (islist or isinstance(data, Args)): raise Exception('Can only write Args objects or dictionary' ' lists to log file.') specs = data if islist else data.specs if not all(isinstance(el,dict) for el in specs): raise Exception('List elements must be dictionaries.') log_file = open(log_path, 'r+') if append else open(log_path, 'w') start = int(log_file.readlines()[-1].split()[0])+1 if append else 0 ascending_indices = range(start, start+len(data)) log_str = '\n'.join(['%d %s' % (tid, json.dumps(el)) for (tid, el) in zip(ascending_indices,specs)]) log_file.write("\n"+log_str if append else log_str) log_file.close()
def __init__(self, log_path, tid_key='tid', **params): log_items = sorted(Log.extract_log(log_path).items()) if tid_key is None: log_specs = [spec for (_, spec) in log_items] else: log_specs = [dict(list(spec.items())+[(tid_key,idx)]) for (idx, spec) in log_items] super(Log, self).__init__(log_specs, log_path=log_path, tid_key=tid_key, **params) self.pprint_args(['log_path'], ['tid_key'])
[docs]class FilePattern(Args): """ A FilePattern specifier allows files to be matched and information encoded in filenames to be extracted via an extended form of globbing. This object may be used to specify filename arguments to CommandTemplates when launching jobs but it also very useful for collating files for analysis. For instance, you can find the absolute filenames of all npz files in a 'data' subdirectory (relative to the root) that start with 'timeseries' using the pattern 'data/timeseries*.npz'. In addition to globbing supported by the glob module, patterns can extract metadata encoded in filenames using a subset of the Python format specification syntax. To illustrate, you can use 'data/timeseries-{date}.npz' to record the date strings associated with matched files. Note that a particular named fields can only be used in a particular pattern once. By default metadata is extracted as strings but format types are supported in the usual manner eg. 'data/timeseries-{day:d}-{month:d}.npz' will extract the day and month from the filename as integer values. Only field names and types are recognised with other format specification syntax ignored. Type codes supported: 'd', 'b', 'o', 'x', 'e','E','f', 'F','g', 'G', 'n' (if ommited, result is a string by default). Note that ordering is determined via ascending alphanumeric sort and that actual filenames should not include any globbing characters, namely: '?','*','[' and ']' (general good practice for filenames anyway). """ key = param.String(default=None, allow_None=True, constant=True, doc='''The key name given to the matched file path strings.''') pattern = param.String(default=None, allow_None=True, constant=True, doc='''The pattern files are to be searched against.''') root = param.String(default=None, allow_None=True, constant=True, doc='''The root directory from which patterns are to be loaded. The root is set relative to os.getcwd().''') @classmethod
[docs] def directory(cls, directory, root=None, extension=None, **kwargs): """ Load all the files in a given directory selecting only files with the given extension if specified. The given kwargs are passed through to the normal constructor. """ root = os.getcwd() if root is None else root suffix = '' if extension is None else '.' + extension.rsplit('.')[-1] pattern = directory + os.sep + '*' + suffix key = os.path.join(root, directory,'*').rsplit(os.sep)[-2] format_parse = list(string.Formatter().parse(key)) if not all([el is None for el in zip(*format_parse)[1]]): raise Exception('Directory cannot contain format field specifications') return cls(key, pattern, root, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, key, pattern, root=None, **params): root = os.getcwd() if root is None else root specs = self._load_expansion(key, root, pattern) self.files = [s[key] for s in specs] super(FilePattern, self).__init__(specs, key=key, pattern=pattern, root=root, **params) self.pprint_args(['key', 'pattern'], ['root'])
[docs] def fields(self): """ Return the fields specified in the pattern using Python's formatting mini-language. """ parse = list(string.Formatter().parse(self.pattern)) return [f for f in zip(*parse)[1] if f is not None]
def _load_expansion(self, key, root, pattern): """ Loads the files that match the given pattern. """ path_pattern = os.path.join(root, pattern) expanded_paths = self._expand_pattern(path_pattern) specs=[] for (path, tags) in expanded_paths: filelist = [os.path.join(path,f) for f in os.listdir(path)] if os.path.isdir(path) else [path] for filepath in filelist: specs.append(dict(tags,**{key:os.path.abspath(filepath)})) return sorted(specs, key=lambda s: s[key]) def _expand_pattern(self, pattern): """ From the pattern decomposition, finds the absolute paths matching the pattern. """ (globpattern, regexp, fields, types) = self._decompose_pattern(pattern) filelist = glob.glob(globpattern) expansion = [] for fname in filelist: if fields == []: expansion.append((fname, {})) continue match = re.match(regexp, fname) if match is None: continue match_items = match.groupdict().items() tags = dict((k,types.get(k, str)(v)) for (k,v) in match_items) expansion.append((fname, tags)) return expansion def _decompose_pattern(self, pattern): """ Given a path pattern with format declaration, generates a four-tuple (glob_pattern, regexp pattern, fields, type map) """ sep = '~lancet~sep~' float_codes = ['e','E','f', 'F','g', 'G', 'n'] typecodes = dict([(k,float) for k in float_codes] + [('b',bin), ('d',int), ('o',oct), ('x',hex)]) parse = list(string.Formatter().parse(pattern)) text, fields, codes, _ = zip(*parse) # Finding the field types from format string types = [] for (field, code) in zip(fields, codes): if code in ['', None]: continue constructor = typecodes.get(code[-1], None) if constructor: types += [(field, constructor)] stars = ['' if not f else '*' for f in fields] globpat = ''.join(text+star for (text,star) in zip(text,stars)) refields = ['' if not f else sep+('(?P<%s>.*?)'% f)+sep for f in fields] parts = ''.join(text+group for (text,group) in zip(text, refields)).split(sep) for i in range(0, len(parts), 2): parts[i] = re.escape(parts[i]) regexp_pattern = ''.join(parts).replace('\\*','.*') fields = list(f for f in fields if f) return globpat, regexp_pattern , fields, dict(types) @property def table(self): return to_table(self, [self.key]) # Importing from filetypes requires PrettyPrinted to be defined first
from lancet.filetypes import FileType
[docs]class FileInfo(Args): """ Loads metadata from a set of filenames. For instance, you can load metadata associated with a series of image files given by a FilePattern. Unlike other explicit instances of Args, this object extends the values of an existing Args object. Once you have loaded the metadata, FileInfo allows you to load the file data into a pandas DataFrame or a HoloViews Table. """ source = param.ClassSelector(class_ = Args, doc=''' The argument specifier that supplies the file paths.''') filetype = param.ClassSelector(constant=True, class_= FileType, doc=''' A FileType object to be applied to each file path.''') key = param.String(constant=True, doc=''' The key used to find the file paths for inspection.''') ignore = param.List(default=[], constant=True, doc=''' Metadata keys that are to be explicitly ignored. ''') def __init__(self, source, key, filetype, ignore = [], **params): specs = self._info(source, key, filetype, ignore) super(FileInfo, self).__init__(specs, source = source, filetype = filetype, key = key, ignore=ignore, **params) self.pprint_args(['source', 'key', 'filetype'], ['ignore']) @classmethod
[docs] def from_pattern(cls, pattern, filetype=None, key='filename', root=None, ignore=[]): """ Convenience method to directly chain a pattern processed by FilePattern into a FileInfo instance. Note that if a default filetype has been set on FileInfo, the filetype argument may be omitted. """ filepattern = FilePattern(key, pattern, root=root) if FileInfo.filetype and filetype is None: filetype = FileInfo.filetype elif filetype is None: raise Exception("The filetype argument must be supplied unless " "an appropriate default has been specified as " "FileInfo.filetype") return FileInfo(filepattern, key, filetype, ignore=ignore)
@property def table(self): return to_table(self, [self.key])
[docs] def load(self, val, **kwargs): """ Load the file contents into the supplied pandas dataframe or HoloViews Table. This allows a selection to be made over the metadata before loading the file contents (may be slow). """ if Table and isinstance(val, Table): return self.load_table(val, **kwargs) elif DataFrame and isinstance(val, DataFrame): return self.load_dframe(val, **kwargs) else: raise Exception("Type %s not a DataFrame or Table." % type(val))
[docs] def load_table(self, table): """ Load the file contents into the supplied Table using the specified key and filetype. The input table should have the filenames as values which will be replaced by the loaded data. If data_key is specified, this key will be used to index the loaded data to retrive the specified item. """ items, data_keys = [], None for key, filename in table.items(): data_dict =[0]) current_keys = tuple(sorted(data_dict.keys())) values = [data_dict[k] for k in current_keys] if data_keys is None: data_keys = current_keys elif data_keys != current_keys: raise Exception("Data keys are inconsistent") items.append((key, values)) return Table(items, kdims=table.kdims, vdims=data_keys)
[docs] def load_dframe(self, dframe): """ Load the file contents into the supplied dataframe using the specified key and filetype. """ filename_series = dframe[self.key] loaded_data = keys = [list(el.keys()) for el in loaded_data.values] for key in set().union(*keys): key_exists = key in dframe.columns if key_exists: self.warning("Appending '_data' suffix to data key %r to avoid" "overwriting existing metadata with the same name." % key) suffix = '_data' if key_exists else '' dframe[key+suffix] = x: x.get(key, np.nan)) return dframe
def _info(self, source, key, filetype, ignore): """ Generates the union of the source.specs and the metadata dictionary loaded by the filetype object. """ specs, mdata = [], {} mdata_clashes = set() for spec in source.specs: if key not in spec: raise Exception("Key %r not available in 'source'." % key) mdata = dict((k,v) for (k,v) in filetype.metadata(spec[key]).items() if k not in ignore) mdata_spec = dict(spec, **mdata) specs.append(mdata_spec) mdata_clashes = mdata_clashes | (set(spec.keys()) & set(mdata.keys())) # Metadata clashes can be avoided by using the ignore list. if mdata_clashes: self.warning("Loaded metadata keys overriding source keys.") return specs

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