In many cases, the factor that determines whether a Topographica simulation will be practical is its memory usage. Once a simulation is larger than the system memory, it will be entirely impractical, if not impossible, to run on a given machine. Moreover, runtime can often be improved by reducing memory requirements, because much of the simulation time is taken performing simple, fast operations on a large number of items, which is dominated by the memory bandwidth.
Topographica provides several utilities for measuring memory usage topo.misc.memuse, and these can be used to optimize specific parts of the code to reduce memory requirements. Some of these currently (6/2009) only work on UNIX-like systems, but it should be straightforward to provide similar functionality for other operating systems. This page first discusses utilities that can help you determine your total memory requirements and whether optimizing these is possible, and then briefly discusses how to optimize them.
On a UNIX-like system, you can measure the total real memory of any process using the top command. For instance, if you have started Topographica’s copy of Python using ./bin/python, top returns:
4060 jbednar 17 0 7684 2780 1676 S 0 0.1 0:00.00 python
Here RES indicates that a minimal Python process takes 2,780 bytes on this machine, i.e. much less than one megabyte of system memory.
Topographica provides a command topsize to extract this number automatically for the python process from which it is run:
$ bin/python -c 'execfile("topo/misc/") ; print topsize()'
Here the number is slightly higher than before because Python has now executed, which requires importing some libraries. The ./topographica script imports many additional libraries by default, and so the process size for running ./topographica is much higher than for python alone:
$ ./topographica -c 'from topo.misc import memuse' -c 'print memuse.topsize_mb()'
Here the m indicates that the size is 10 megabytes, i.e. about 10.5 million bytes. The requirements rise further if most of the commands are imported at the start:
$ ./topographica -a -c 'from topo.misc import memuse, asizeof' -c 'print memuse.topsize_mb()'
For this particular version of Topographica, 25MB should be considered the minimal process size for any real network run without a GUI, and sizes below that number are likely to be possible only by selecting components that avoid importing system libraries. In any case, most modern computers have at least 1024MB of memory, and so this overhead should rarely be significant.
The total process size from topsize has the biggest effect on whether a simulation is practical, but it’s crucial to know what Python/Topographica components make up the total. The asizeof function can be used to estimate the size of any Python object in Python 2.5 or earlier, e.g.:
>>> from topo.misc.asizeof import asizeof
>>> asizeof([])
>>> asizeof([1,2,3,4,5,6])
Python 2.6 provides a method sys.getsizeof that appears to work similarly but has not been tested.
asizeof has many limitations, and it will systematically underestimate the requirements when there are parts of objects for which the memory use is not known. In particular, asizeof does not currently account for any memory taken by Numpy array values:
>>> from topo.misc.asizeof import asizeof
>>> from numpy import array
>>> asizeof(array([]))
>>> asizeof(array([1,2,3,4,5,6]))
topo_t000000.00_c10>>> asizeof(array([0]*10000))
All Topographica weights and activity values are stored in numpy arrays, and so this omission can be significant.
In any case, Topographica provides a function simsize for measuring asizeof(topo.sim):
$ ./topographica -a -c 'from topo.misc import memuse, asizeof' examples/tiny.ty \
-c 'print memuse.simsize()'
Again, this value does not include any arrays, which are counted by n_bytes (below).
The above routines are meant to be very general, albeit flawed. Topographica also provides Topographica-specific functions for counting the number of bytes taken by the main Numpy arrays, which constitute the major necessary data structures required for simulating networks.
The estimated number of bytes taken for the weights and activity arrays can be found from the n_bytes command:
$ ./topographica -a examples/lissom_oo_or.ty -c 'print n_bytes()'
As an aside, you can determine how many neural connections have been defined using the n_conns command:
$ ./topographica -a examples/lissom_oo_or.ty -c 'print n_conns()'
The results from n_conns and n_bytes are reported by default for batch simulations using the print_sizes command:
$ ./topographica -a examples/lissom_oo_or.ty -c 'print_sizes()'
Defined 2197512-connection network; 15MB required for weight storage.
Note that n_conns reports the total number of connections defined, unique or not; for simulations like lissom_oo_or.ty that include a SharedWeightCFProjection the memory taken can be far less than the number of weights would suggest because most of the connections share the same physical memory.
As should be clear from the above, a complete picture of the memory usage is possible only by combining information from different sources. Topographica provides a convenient way to do so via the allsizes_mb command:
$ ./topographica -a -c 'from topo.misc import memuse, asizeof' \
examples/lissom_oo_or.ty -c 'print memuse.allsizes_mb()'
topsize:52m =? code + simsize:10MB + wtsize:15MB (25MB tot)
Here the total process size (reported by top) is 52MB. This total includes memory taken by the code and libraries (estimated at 25MB above for this Python version and machine), the Python data structures in topo.sim (reported as 10MB by asizeof), and the weight and activity Numpy matrices (reported as 15MB by n_bytes). As the formatting of the output suggests, these numbers should approximately add up, i.e. 52MB should be approximately the sum of (25MB + 10MB + 15MB), which at 50MB is true in this case. Thus in this simulation, there is relatively little that can be optimized, as 80% (40MB) is taken by system libraries and essential objects such as the network weights and activities. Other simulations do offer potential optimization, e.g.:
$ ./topographica -a -c "from topo.misc import memuse" \
-c "memuse.memuse_batch('examples/lissom.ty',retina_density=24,\
topsize:1.4g =? code + simsize:869MB + wtsize:389MB (1259MB tot)
Here memuse_batch has been used to evaluate memory usage in a large number of simulations with different parameters, and in this particular simulation the code, libraries, activities, and weights account for only 30% of the memory requirements ((389+25)/1400). Thus this example has a large potential for memory usage optimization.
The above routines can be used to determine when memory usage optimization might be worthwhile, by making it clear when memory is taken by Python’s internal data structures. Actually doing the optimization requires careful consideration of the details of how Python and Topographica allocate memory in specific cases. asizeof can be useful in this respect, but much more detailed information is available from an external program Heapy, which can be installed using e.g. apt-get install python-guppy.
Heapy will give you output similar to a performance profiler, but for memory usage. For example:
$ ./topographica -i \
-p 'cortex_density=retina_density=24' -p lgn_density=10 \
-p 'dims=["or","od","dr","cr","sf"]' \
-c "from guppy import hpy; h=hpy(); h.setrelheap()" \
>>> execfile('examples/lissom.ty')
>>> heap=h.heap()
>>> heap
Partition of a set of 2703203 objects. Total size = 117259620 bytes.
Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Kind (class / dict of class)
0 47536 2 24718720 21 24718720 21 dict of 0x9226e94
1 1204254 45 19268064 16 43986784 38 numpy.float64
2 265472 10 15928320 14 59915104 51 topo.base.sheetcoords.Slice
3 85200 3 11587200 10 71502304 61 dict of 0x921e3dc
4 267183 10 9618588 8 81120892 69 topo.base.boundingregion.AARectangle
5 182936 7 7317440 6 88438332 75 numpy.ndarray
6 101539 4 6921776 6 95360108 81 str
7 267183 10 6412392 5 101772500 87 topo.base.boundingregion.BoundingBox
8 85200 3 3408000 3 105180500 90 0x921e3dc
9 63929 2 2842656 2 108023156 92 list
<399 more rows. Type e.g. '_.more' to view.>
This output indicates that the single largest component of the memory usage is for a set of objects of type dict, while in most properly optimized Topographica simulations the memory requirements should be dominated by objects of type numpy.floatXX (the activity and weight matrices).
We can find out more by examining the details for each group of items above. For instance, heap partition index 0 (which is a group of dict objects that together take 21% of the memory) can be examined by looking at heap[0]. First, the identity of the objects can be seen using shpaths:
>>> heap[0].shpaths
0: h.Root.i0_modules['topo'].__dict__['sim'].__dict__['_event_processors']['LeftBlue-RedGreen
1: h.Root.i0_modules['topo'].__dict__['sim'].__dict__['_event_processors']['LeftBlue-RedGreen
2: h.Root.i0_modules['topo'].__dict__['sim'].__dict__['_event_processors']['LeftBlue-RedGreen
3: h.Root.i0_modules['topo'].__dict__['sim'].__dict__['_event_processors']['LeftBlue-RedGreen
4: h.Root.i0_modules['topo'].__dict__['sim'].__dict__['_event_processors']['LeftBlue-RedGreen
5: h.Root.i0_modules['topo'].__dict__['sim'].__dict__['_event_processors']['LeftBlue-RedGreen
6: h.Root.i0_modules['topo'].__dict__['sim'].__dict__['_event_processors']['LeftBlue-RedGreen
7: h.Root.i0_modules['topo'].__dict__['sim'].__dict__['_event_processors']['LeftBlue-RedGreen
8: h.Root.i0_modules['topo'].__dict__['sim'].__dict__['_event_processors']['LeftBlue-RedGreen
9: h.Root.i0_modules['topo'].__dict__['sim'].__dict__['_event_processors']['LeftBlue-RedGreen
<... 1206 more paths ...>
Thus these appear to be the attribute dictionaries of SharedWeightCF objects, which makes sense for this network because it contains dozens of LGN sheets connected using SharedWeightCFProjections. Further breakdown of what exactly is stored in these dicts can be seen using referents:
>>> heap[0].referents
Partition of a set of 192529 objects. Total size = 7325148 bytes.
Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Kind (class / dict of class)
0 47536 25 2852160 39 2852160 39 topo.base.sheetcoords.Slice
1 47543 25 2151956 29 5004116 68 str
2 47536 25 1521152 21 6525268 89 list
3 49808 26 796928 11 7322196 100 numpy.float64
4 80 0 2240 0 7324436 100 0x922ad8c
5 24 0 672 0 7325108 100 0x9255fc4
6 1 0 28 0 7325136 100 0x9469fd4
7 1 0 12 0 7325148 100 bool
Here it is clear that most of the memory in these dictionaries is taken by Slice objects, and thus the obvious place to begin optimization is on the Slice class. Using this information, we can start examining Slice to determine how its memory usage can be reduced. This process is similar to that for performance optimization, but focusing on memory rather than speed.
If you are debugging memory usage during the running of a simulation, you may want to use setrelheap() after loading the simulation but before running. Similarly, you can subtract one heap() from another.
Note that documentation for Heapy is sparse and difficult to follow; it may be easier to start with some notes from another developer.
If the memory usage reported by heapy is vastly different from the memory usage reported by the operating system (e.g. via top), you may have encountered a bug outside Python code. Various tools exist to investigate such a situation (e.g. gdb-heap, valgrind) but are beyond the scope of this guide. You might be able to narrow down the problem to a particular extension or operation by cutting out parts of your simulation bit by bit until you find the culprit (at which point you could search the web for known bugs in that extension).
Another possible cause of discrepancy in memory usage is that Python does not always return memory to the operating system, even after you free that memory in Python. If you do use a lot of memory in Python at any point, this could be your problem.