The design of Topographica is in terms of hierarchical sets of classes of objects (plus a few collections of unrelated but useful tidbits). Most new code will take the form of a new class within an existing hierarchy, or a new method within an existing class.
When adding a new method, or changing the semantics of an old one, it is absolutely crucial to think about where in the hierarchy the new operation is appropriate. Specifically, an operation should be added as high in the class hierarchy as is valid (for generality), and no higher (for correctness).
For instance, consider a hierarchy containing geometric objects for a drawing program: ProgramObject, Shape, Rectangle. If you realize when working on Rectangle that it needs a resize() method, then please stop and think before adding the operation directly to Rectangle. In this case, any Shape can be resized, so resize() should be a method of Shape. It may not actually be possible to implement resize() for all shapes with the same program code, and in that case Shape.resize() would be written as an abstract method (i.e., would simply return NotImplementedError). The resize() function would then be implemented for each particular shape. But the semantics of resize() should be clear for all conceivable Shapes, and thus providing the operation should be done at the Shape level.
Conversely, it is not appropriate to add resize() to all ProgramObjects, because there are surely objects in the program that are not meaningful to resize. Thus it would not normally be appropriate to have a ProgramObject.resize(). If such a method is required to solve a particular design problem, it would have to be documented heavily to ensure that the user only calls it on a Shape. Such complexity should be avoided whenever possible, and so be sure not to add the code at a higher level than appropriate.
In any case, when deciding where to add the code, be sure to think about the operation in the most general terms for which it makes sense. That is, when solving a problem, try interpret it broadly and solve it at the highest level possible, so that it applies to the largest appropriate class of objects. For example, an operation change_rectangle_width() is clearly not applicable to all Shapes, yet if the idea is reinterpreted in appropriately general terms, i.e. resize(), it is clear that the method belongs in the Shape superclass. The method then becomes a requirement for every subclass of Shape – henceforth every variety of Shape must be able to be resize()d, and anything that cannot be resize()d cannot be a Shape, by definition.
It is also extremely important to think about the appropriate name for an operation or class, so that it is clear how generally or specifically it can be applied. Once the name is decided, all comments and documentation must match that level of generality. That is, it would be quite inappropriate to use variable names like “rect_width” in the arguments to Shape.resize(), or to have Shape.__doc__=”Change the length and width of the rectangle”, because only a few shapes are also Rectangles. Of course, it is perfectly ok to give an example in terms of a rectangle: “Change the size of the given object. For a Rectangle, this will adjust the length and width.” But only in examples are such specific subclasses allowed to be mentioned, because the operation itself applies to a much larger class of objects.
One way to make sure that you are using appropriate language is to look at the imports list at the top of the file. If the imports list does not include Rectangle, Circle, etc., it is inappropriate ever to write documentation or comments or use a variable, method, or class name that assumes that there is anything like a Rectangle or Circle in the universe. The fact that the file does not import those other classes is a declaration that the code in the file may be used whether or not such other classes exist. Thus the contents of the file cannot depend on such external code, even implicitly. Even some of the imported items may not be ok to use in names, comments, or documentation for a particular class, if that particular class is more widely applicable than the file as a whole. We need to use every means available to convey to the reader just how generally this code can be used, and exactly the sorts of conditions for which it is applicable.
Such naming and documentation issues may seem trivial, but please try to imagine that you are another programmer or user reading the file. If the documentation and variable names suggest that an operation is limited to some specific case, only an extremely motivated and perceptive reader will be able to deduce that the operation is actually applicable to the specific problem that the reader is trying to solve. What the reader wants to do is undoubtedly different from the specific case the programmer originally had in mind, and only if everything is written at the appropriate level of generality will it be clear whether the code covers the intended usage or not.
Note that there can be serious consequences for inappropriately describing the level of generality. If code is described in greater generality than is appropriate, users and other programmers will misuse the object, leading to bugs and other errors. If code is described with too little generality, the user will be needlessly constrained in what he or she can do. Often in the latter cases, another programmer will write another function that does the same thing as the existing one, but for another related case. This happens because it was not clear that the existing function was sufficient. Such extra functions make everyone’s lives more difficult, because they make the software much harder to maintain, understand, and use.
To summarize: when adding new code, think (and discuss!) where it should go and what level of generality is appropriate. If it is clear how to solve the problem for all time, please do so! Otherwise, solve it for the largest class whose solution is clear. Once an appropriate level has been chosen, make sure all documentation, comments, and names match that level, pretending that no lower levels exist except as possible examples.
For further info from a scholarly perspective, you may want to read Producing reusable object-oriented components.