Optional IPython extension for working with Parameters.
This extension offers extended but completely optional functionality for IPython users. From within IPython, it may be loaded using:
%load_ext param.ipython
This will register the %params line magic to allow easy inspection of all the parameters defined on a parameterized class or object:
%params <parameterized class or object>
All parameters of the class or object will be listed in the IPython pager together with all their corresponding attributes and docstrings. Note that the class or object to be inspected must already exist in the active namespace.
Bases: IPython.core.magic.Magics
Implements the %params line magic used to inspect the parameters of a parameterized class or object.
The %params line magic accepts a single argument which is a handle on the parameterized object to be inspected. If the object can be found in the active namespace, information about the object’s parameters is displayed in the IPython pager.
Usage: %params <parameterized class or object>