A set of tools which allow specifying a model consisting of sheets organized in levels, and projections connecting these sheets. The sheets have an attribute matchconditions allowing to specify which other (incoming) sheets a sheet should connect to.
Instances of the LabelDecorator decorator are offered for setting parameters/matchconditions for a sheet within a level, as well as parameters for projections.
Bases: object
Decorator class that can be instantiated with a component type to create a decorator used to associate methods with the corresponding component.
This class works by setting a ‘_component_type’ attribute on the decorated method. Methods that have been annotated in this way may be tracked in classes decorated with the ComponentRegistry class decorator.
Bases: object
An instance of this class is to be used as class decorator. Any decorated class using ClassDecorators on their methods will be registered with their corresponding component types.
Collect the matchcondition dictionary for a particular level given a certain Model instance and sheet properties. If no matchconditions are available, an empty dictionary is returned.
Respects the appropriate method resolution order (mro) of the given model instance.
Bases: param.parameterized.Parameterized
The available setup options are:
‘training_patterns’: fills the training_patterns AttrTree with pattern generator instances. The path is the name of the input sheet. Usually calls PatternCoordinator to do this. :’sheets_setup’: determines the number of sheets, their types and names sets sheet parameters according to the registered methods in level sets sheet matchconditions according to the registered methods in matchconditions :’projections’: determines which connections should be present between the sheets according to the matchconditions of SheetSpec objects, using connect to specify the connection type and sets their parameters according to the registered methods in connect
The available instantiate options are:
‘sheets’: instantiates all sheets and registers them in topo.sim :’projections’: instantiates all projections and registers them in topo.sim
Set up appropriate defaults for analysis functions in topo.analysis.featureresponses.
Print msg merged with args as a debugging statement.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Return {parameter_name:parameter.default} for all non-constant Parameters.
Note that a Parameter for which instantiate==True has its default instantiated.
Return a list of name,value pairs for all Parameters of this object.
If onlychanged is True, will only return values that are not equal to the default value.
Print msg merged with args as a message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Return the Parameters of this class as the dictionary {name: parameter_object}
Includes Parameters from this class and its superclasses.
(Experimental) Pretty printed representation that may be evaluated with eval. See pprint() function for more details.
Print the default values of all cls’s Parameters.
Print the values of all this object’s Parameters.
Method to precompute any useful properties from the class parameters. For instance, if there is a num_lags parameter, this method could compute the actual projection delays and store it as properties[‘lags’]. The return value is the updated ‘properties’ dictionary.
In addition, this method can be used to configure class attributes of the model components.
Variant of __repr__ designed for generating a runnable script.
Set the default value of param_name.
Equivalent to setting param_name on the class.
This method can be used to setup certain parts of the submodel. If setup_options=True, all setup methods are called. setup_options can also be a list, whereas all list items of available_setup_options are accepted.
Available setup options are: ‘training_patterns’,’sheets’,’projections’ and ‘analysis’.
This method returns a ModelSpec object which is also set as the value of the ‘specification’ attribute.
Please consult the docstring of the Model class for more information about each setup option.
Returns a dictionary of properties or equivalent Lancet.Args object. Each outer key must be the level name and the values are lists of property dictionaries for the sheets at that level (or equivalent Lancet Args object). For instance, two LGN sheets at the ‘LGN’ level could be defined by either:
{‘LGN’:[{‘polarity’:’ON’}, {‘polarity’:’OFF’}]} OR {‘LGN’:lancet.List(‘polarity’, [‘ON’, ‘OFF’])}
The specified properties are used to initialize the sheets AttrTree with SheetSpec objects.
Restore the most recently saved state.
See state_push() for more details.
Save this instance’s state.
For Parameterized instances, this includes the state of dynamically generated values.
Subclasses that maintain short-term state should additionally save and restore that state using state_push() and state_pop().
Generally, this method is used by operations that need to test something without permanently altering the objects’ state.
Returns a dictionary of PatternGenerators to be added to self.training_patterns, with the target sheet name keys and pattern generator values.
The overrides keywords can be used by a subclass to parameterize the training patterns e.g. override the default parameters of a PatternCoordinator object.
Print msg merged with args as a verbose message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Print msg merged with args as a warning, unless module variable warnings_as_exceptions is True, then raise an Exception containing the arguments.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Helper function for reproducing random streams when time_dependent=False (where the order of projection instantiation matters). This function should only be used for legacy reasons and should not be used with new models.
The first argument is an instance of Model (with projections configured) and the second is the projection ordering, specified by the (decorated) method names generating those projections.
This function allows sorting on a single source sheet property. To specify such an ordering, use a tuple where the first element is the relevant method name and the second element is a source sheet property dictionary to match. For instance, specifying the connection_order list as:
[(‘V1_afferent_projections’, {‘polarity’:’On’}), (‘V1_afferent_projections’, {‘polarity’:’Off’})]
will order the ‘On’ projections generated by the V1_afferent_projections method before the ‘Off’ projections.
Contains a model for the visual pathway with support for color including a version of the GCAL model with color support.
Please note that it will be able to remove most redundancies to the non-color EarlyVisionModel and ModelGCALColor as soon as a more modular system is implemented.
This file allows the results of fischer:ms14 to be replicated.
Bases: topo.submodel.earlyvision.EarlyVisionModel
An EarlyVisionModel extended with color support.
Set up appropriate defaults for analysis functions in topo.analysis.featureresponses.
Print msg merged with args as a debugging statement.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Return {parameter_name:parameter.default} for all non-constant Parameters.
Note that a Parameter for which instantiate==True has its default instantiated.
Return a list of name,value pairs for all Parameters of this object.
If onlychanged is True, will only return values that are not equal to the default value.
The property items.
The list of available property keys.
Print msg merged with args as a message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Dictionary of modified model parameters
Return the Parameters of this class as the dictionary {name: parameter_object}
Includes Parameters from this class and its superclasses.
(Experimental) Pretty printed representation that may be evaluated with eval. See pprint() function for more details.
Print the default values of all cls’s Parameters.
Print the values of all this object’s Parameters.
Variant of __repr__ designed for generating a runnable script.
Set the default value of param_name.
Equivalent to setting param_name on the class.
This method can be used to setup certain parts of the submodel. If setup_options=True, all setup methods are called. setup_options can also be a list, whereas all list items of available_setup_options are accepted.
Available setup options are: ‘training_patterns’,’sheets’,’projections’ and ‘analysis’.
This method returns a ModelSpec object which is also set as the value of the ‘specification’ attribute.
Please consult the docstring of the Model class for more information about each setup option.
Restore the most recently saved state.
See state_push() for more details.
Save this instance’s state.
For Parameterized instances, this includes the state of dynamically generated values.
Subclasses that maintain short-term state should additionally save and restore that state using state_push() and state_pop().
Generally, this method is used by operations that need to test something without permanently altering the objects’ state.
Print msg merged with args as a verbose message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Print msg merged with args as a warning, unless module variable warnings_as_exceptions is True, then raise an Exception containing the arguments.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Bases: topo.submodel.color.ModelGCALInheritingColor
Implementing of ModelGCAL including color support.
As such, this class demonstrates the exact changes needed to the cortical sheet to support color, namely different strengths from the LGN to V1 depending on the type of LGN sheet (i.e. the luminosity sheet) as well as the addition of measurement code.
This class can be used to replicate the results in fischer:ms14
Print msg merged with args as a debugging statement.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Return {parameter_name:parameter.default} for all non-constant Parameters.
Note that a Parameter for which instantiate==True has its default instantiated.
Return a list of name,value pairs for all Parameters of this object.
If onlychanged is True, will only return values that are not equal to the default value.
The property items.
The list of available property keys.
Print msg merged with args as a message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Dictionary of modified model parameters
Return the Parameters of this class as the dictionary {name: parameter_object}
Includes Parameters from this class and its superclasses.
(Experimental) Pretty printed representation that may be evaluated with eval. See pprint() function for more details.
Print the default values of all cls’s Parameters.
Print the values of all this object’s Parameters.
Variant of __repr__ designed for generating a runnable script.
Set the default value of param_name.
Equivalent to setting param_name on the class.
This method can be used to setup certain parts of the submodel. If setup_options=True, all setup methods are called. setup_options can also be a list, whereas all list items of available_setup_options are accepted.
Available setup options are: ‘training_patterns’,’sheets’,’projections’ and ‘analysis’.
This method returns a ModelSpec object which is also set as the value of the ‘specification’ attribute.
Please consult the docstring of the Model class for more information about each setup option.
Restore the most recently saved state.
See state_push() for more details.
Save this instance’s state.
For Parameterized instances, this includes the state of dynamically generated values.
Subclasses that maintain short-term state should additionally save and restore that state using state_push() and state_pop().
Generally, this method is used by operations that need to test something without permanently altering the objects’ state.
Print msg merged with args as a verbose message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Print msg merged with args as a warning, unless module variable warnings_as_exceptions is True, then raise an Exception containing the arguments.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Bases: topo.submodel.color.ColorEarlyVisionModel
Print msg merged with args as a debugging statement.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Return {parameter_name:parameter.default} for all non-constant Parameters.
Note that a Parameter for which instantiate==True has its default instantiated.
Return a list of name,value pairs for all Parameters of this object.
If onlychanged is True, will only return values that are not equal to the default value.
The property items.
The list of available property keys.
Print msg merged with args as a message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Dictionary of modified model parameters
Return the Parameters of this class as the dictionary {name: parameter_object}
Includes Parameters from this class and its superclasses.
(Experimental) Pretty printed representation that may be evaluated with eval. See pprint() function for more details.
Print the default values of all cls’s Parameters.
Print the values of all this object’s Parameters.
Variant of __repr__ designed for generating a runnable script.
Set the default value of param_name.
Equivalent to setting param_name on the class.
This method can be used to setup certain parts of the submodel. If setup_options=True, all setup methods are called. setup_options can also be a list, whereas all list items of available_setup_options are accepted.
Available setup options are: ‘training_patterns’,’sheets’,’projections’ and ‘analysis’.
This method returns a ModelSpec object which is also set as the value of the ‘specification’ attribute.
Please consult the docstring of the Model class for more information about each setup option.
Restore the most recently saved state.
See state_push() for more details.
Save this instance’s state.
For Parameterized instances, this includes the state of dynamically generated values.
Subclasses that maintain short-term state should additionally save and restore that state using state_push() and state_pop().
Generally, this method is used by operations that need to test something without permanently altering the objects’ state.
Print msg merged with args as a verbose message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Print msg merged with args as a warning, unless module variable warnings_as_exceptions is True, then raise an Exception containing the arguments.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Contains a variety of sensory models, specifically models for the visual pathway.
Bases: topo.submodel.gcal.ModelGCAL
Reproduces the results of the legacy examples/gcal.ty file.
Print msg merged with args as a debugging statement.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Return {parameter_name:parameter.default} for all non-constant Parameters.
Note that a Parameter for which instantiate==True has its default instantiated.
Return a list of name,value pairs for all Parameters of this object.
If onlychanged is True, will only return values that are not equal to the default value.
The property items.
The list of available property keys.
Print msg merged with args as a message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Dictionary of modified model parameters
Return the Parameters of this class as the dictionary {name: parameter_object}
Includes Parameters from this class and its superclasses.
(Experimental) Pretty printed representation that may be evaluated with eval. See pprint() function for more details.
Print the default values of all cls’s Parameters.
Print the values of all this object’s Parameters.
Variant of __repr__ designed for generating a runnable script.
Set the default value of param_name.
Equivalent to setting param_name on the class.
Restore the most recently saved state.
See state_push() for more details.
Save this instance’s state.
For Parameterized instances, this includes the state of dynamically generated values.
Subclasses that maintain short-term state should additionally save and restore that state using state_push() and state_pop().
Generally, this method is used by operations that need to test something without permanently altering the objects’ state.
Print msg merged with args as a verbose message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Print msg merged with args as a warning, unless module variable warnings_as_exceptions is True, then raise an Exception containing the arguments.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Bases: topo.submodel.earlyvision.EarlyVisionModel
EarlyVisionModel subclass with spatially calibrated extents used for SCAL and other models.
Print msg merged with args as a debugging statement.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Return {parameter_name:parameter.default} for all non-constant Parameters.
Note that a Parameter for which instantiate==True has its default instantiated.
Return a list of name,value pairs for all Parameters of this object.
If onlychanged is True, will only return values that are not equal to the default value.
The property items.
The list of available property keys.
Print msg merged with args as a message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Dictionary of modified model parameters
Return the Parameters of this class as the dictionary {name: parameter_object}
Includes Parameters from this class and its superclasses.
(Experimental) Pretty printed representation that may be evaluated with eval. See pprint() function for more details.
Print the default values of all cls’s Parameters.
Print the values of all this object’s Parameters.
Variant of __repr__ designed for generating a runnable script.
Set the default value of param_name.
Equivalent to setting param_name on the class.
This method can be used to setup certain parts of the submodel. If setup_options=True, all setup methods are called. setup_options can also be a list, whereas all list items of available_setup_options are accepted.
Available setup options are: ‘training_patterns’,’sheets’,’projections’ and ‘analysis’.
This method returns a ModelSpec object which is also set as the value of the ‘specification’ attribute.
Please consult the docstring of the Model class for more information about each setup option.
Restore the most recently saved state.
See state_push() for more details.
Save this instance’s state.
For Parameterized instances, this includes the state of dynamically generated values.
Subclasses that maintain short-term state should additionally save and restore that state using state_push() and state_pop().
Generally, this method is used by operations that need to test something without permanently altering the objects’ state.
Only the size of Gaussian training patterns has been modified. The ‘aspect_ratio’ and ‘scale’ parameter values are unchanged.
Print msg merged with args as a verbose message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Print msg merged with args as a warning, unless module variable warnings_as_exceptions is True, then raise an Exception containing the arguments.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Bases: topo.submodel.scal.EarlyVisionSCAL, topo.submodel.gcal.ModelGCAL
Spatially-tuned GCAL (SCAL) calibrated to represent a 3 degree parafoveal region of macaque primary visual cortex, assuming a 3 mm/deg magnification factor and 0.71 mm orientation hypercolumn distance.
Changes from ModelGCAL include relative strengths, homeostatic sparsity constraints, connection radii and switching from subtractive to divisive inhibition. The explanation of the calibration process is explained in a forthcoming notebook.
Print msg merged with args as a debugging statement.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Return {parameter_name:parameter.default} for all non-constant Parameters.
Note that a Parameter for which instantiate==True has its default instantiated.
Return a list of name,value pairs for all Parameters of this object.
If onlychanged is True, will only return values that are not equal to the default value.
The property items.
The list of available property keys.
Switch to divisive inhibition, otherwise parameters unchanged.
Print msg merged with args as a message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Dictionary of modified model parameters
Return the Parameters of this class as the dictionary {name: parameter_object}
Includes Parameters from this class and its superclasses.
(Experimental) Pretty printed representation that may be evaluated with eval. See pprint() function for more details.
Print the default values of all cls’s Parameters.
Print the values of all this object’s Parameters.
Variant of __repr__ designed for generating a runnable script.
Set the default value of param_name.
Equivalent to setting param_name on the class.
This method can be used to setup certain parts of the submodel. If setup_options=True, all setup methods are called. setup_options can also be a list, whereas all list items of available_setup_options are accepted.
Available setup options are: ‘training_patterns’,’sheets’,’projections’ and ‘analysis’.
This method returns a ModelSpec object which is also set as the value of the ‘specification’ attribute.
Please consult the docstring of the Model class for more information about each setup option.
Restore the most recently saved state.
See state_push() for more details.
Save this instance’s state.
For Parameterized instances, this includes the state of dynamically generated values.
Subclasses that maintain short-term state should additionally save and restore that state using state_push() and state_pop().
Generally, this method is used by operations that need to test something without permanently altering the objects’ state.
Only the size of Gaussian training patterns has been modified. The ‘aspect_ratio’ and ‘scale’ parameter values are unchanged.
Print msg merged with args as a verbose message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Print msg merged with args as a warning, unless module variable warnings_as_exceptions is True, then raise an Exception containing the arguments.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
A set of objects that allows declarative specification of a model including training patterns, sheets and projections.
The components of a model specification can be individually inspected, modified, resolved or instantiated.
Bases: topo.submodel.specifications.Specification
A simple specification used to resolve numpy arrays relative to a Topographica simulation (i.e. topo.sim). This class is primarily aimed for specifying arrays to a Collector.
Print msg merged with args as a debugging statement.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Return {parameter_name:parameter.default} for all non-constant Parameters.
Note that a Parameter for which instantiate==True has its default instantiated.
Return a list of name,value pairs for all Parameters of this object.
If onlychanged is True, will only return values that are not equal to the default value.
The property items.
The list of available property keys.
Print msg merged with args as a message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Dictionary of modified specification parameters
Return the Parameters of this class as the dictionary {name: parameter_object}
Includes Parameters from this class and its superclasses.
(Experimental) Pretty printed representation that may be evaluated with eval. See pprint() function for more details.
Print the default values of all cls’s Parameters.
Print the values of all this object’s Parameters.
Variant of __repr__ designed for generating a runnable script.
Set the default value of param_name.
Equivalent to setting param_name on the class.
Restore the most recently saved state.
See state_push() for more details.
Save this instance’s state.
For Parameterized instances, this includes the state of dynamically generated values.
Subclasses that maintain short-term state should additionally save and restore that state using state_push() and state_pop().
Generally, this method is used by operations that need to test something without permanently altering the objects’ state.
Convenience method to easy update specification parameters.
Print msg merged with args as a verbose message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Print msg merged with args as a warning, unless module variable warnings_as_exceptions is True, then raise an Exception containing the arguments.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Bases: topo.submodel.specifications.Specification
ModelSpec acts as a template for Topographica model including training patterns, sheets and projections.
Print msg merged with args as a debugging statement.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Return {parameter_name:parameter.default} for all non-constant Parameters.
Note that a Parameter for which instantiate==True has its default instantiated.
Return a list of name,value pairs for all Parameters of this object.
If onlychanged is True, will only return values that are not equal to the default value.
The property items.
The list of available property keys.
Print msg merged with args as a message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Display the names of all modified parameters for the specified set of components.
By default all modified parameters are listed - first with the model parameters, then the sheet parameters and lastly the projection parameters.
Dictionary of modified specification parameters
Return the Parameters of this class as the dictionary {name: parameter_object}
Includes Parameters from this class and its superclasses.
(Experimental) Pretty printed representation that may be evaluated with eval. See pprint() function for more details.
Print the default values of all cls’s Parameters.
Print the values of all this object’s Parameters.
Variant of __repr__ designed for generating a runnable script.
Set the default value of param_name.
Equivalent to setting param_name on the class.
Restore the most recently saved state.
See state_push() for more details.
Save this instance’s state.
For Parameterized instances, this includes the state of dynamically generated values.
Subclasses that maintain short-term state should additionally save and restore that state using state_push() and state_pop().
Generally, this method is used by operations that need to test something without permanently altering the objects’ state.
Convenience method to easy update specification parameters.
Print msg merged with args as a verbose message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Print msg merged with args as a warning, unless module variable warnings_as_exceptions is True, then raise an Exception containing the arguments.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Bases: topo.submodel.specifications.Specification
ProjectionSpec acts as a template for projection objects.
Print msg merged with args as a debugging statement.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Return {parameter_name:parameter.default} for all non-constant Parameters.
Note that a Parameter for which instantiate==True has its default instantiated.
Return a list of name,value pairs for all Parameters of this object.
If onlychanged is True, will only return values that are not equal to the default value.
The property items.
The list of available property keys.
Print msg merged with args as a message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Dictionary of modified specification parameters
Return the Parameters of this class as the dictionary {name: parameter_object}
Includes Parameters from this class and its superclasses.
(Experimental) Pretty printed representation that may be evaluated with eval. See pprint() function for more details.
Print the default values of all cls’s Parameters.
Print the values of all this object’s Parameters.
Variant of __repr__ designed for generating a runnable script.
Set the default value of param_name.
Equivalent to setting param_name on the class.
Restore the most recently saved state.
See state_push() for more details.
Save this instance’s state.
For Parameterized instances, this includes the state of dynamically generated values.
Subclasses that maintain short-term state should additionally save and restore that state using state_push() and state_pop().
Generally, this method is used by operations that need to test something without permanently altering the objects’ state.
Convenience method to easy update specification parameters.
Print msg merged with args as a verbose message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Print msg merged with args as a warning, unless module variable warnings_as_exceptions is True, then raise an Exception containing the arguments.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Bases: topo.submodel.specifications.Specification
SheetSpec acts as a template for sheet objects.
Print msg merged with args as a debugging statement.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Return {parameter_name:parameter.default} for all non-constant Parameters.
Note that a Parameter for which instantiate==True has its default instantiated.
Return a list of name,value pairs for all Parameters of this object.
If onlychanged is True, will only return values that are not equal to the default value.
The property items.
The list of available property keys.
Print msg merged with args as a message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Dictionary of modified specification parameters
Return the Parameters of this class as the dictionary {name: parameter_object}
Includes Parameters from this class and its superclasses.
(Experimental) Pretty printed representation that may be evaluated with eval. See pprint() function for more details.
Print the default values of all cls’s Parameters.
Print the values of all this object’s Parameters.
Variant of __repr__ designed for generating a runnable script.
Set the default value of param_name.
Equivalent to setting param_name on the class.
Restore the most recently saved state.
See state_push() for more details.
Save this instance’s state.
For Parameterized instances, this includes the state of dynamically generated values.
Subclasses that maintain short-term state should additionally save and restore that state using state_push() and state_pop().
Generally, this method is used by operations that need to test something without permanently altering the objects’ state.
Convenience method to easy update specification parameters.
Print msg merged with args as a verbose message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Print msg merged with args as a warning, unless module variable warnings_as_exceptions is True, then raise an Exception containing the arguments.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Bases: param.parameterized.Parameterized
Specifications are templates for sheet or projection objects which may be resolved to the corresponding simulation object once instantiated.
All specifications have the following attribute:
‘parameters’: | Keyword argument dictionary specifying which |
parameters should be passed to the sheet or projection object.
Print msg merged with args as a debugging statement.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Return {parameter_name:parameter.default} for all non-constant Parameters.
Note that a Parameter for which instantiate==True has its default instantiated.
Return a list of name,value pairs for all Parameters of this object.
If onlychanged is True, will only return values that are not equal to the default value.
Print msg merged with args as a message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Return the Parameters of this class as the dictionary {name: parameter_object}
Includes Parameters from this class and its superclasses.
(Experimental) Pretty printed representation that may be evaluated with eval. See pprint() function for more details.
Print the default values of all cls’s Parameters.
Print the values of all this object’s Parameters.
Returns the object in topo.sim corresponding to this object, typically a Sheet or a Projection.
The appropriate object must be available in topo.sim.
Variant of __repr__ designed for generating a runnable script.
Set the default value of param_name.
Equivalent to setting param_name on the class.
Restore the most recently saved state.
See state_push() for more details.
Save this instance’s state.
For Parameterized instances, this includes the state of dynamically generated values.
Subclasses that maintain short-term state should additionally save and restore that state using state_push() and state_pop().
Generally, this method is used by operations that need to test something without permanently altering the objects’ state.
Generate a succinct summary of the Specification object. If printed is set to True, the summary is printed, otherwise it is returned as a string.
Print msg merged with args as a verbose message.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.
Print msg merged with args as a warning, unless module variable warnings_as_exceptions is True, then raise an Exception containing the arguments.
See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.