FeatureResponses and associated functions and classes.
These classes implement map and tuning curve measurement based
on measuring responses while varying features of an input pattern.
import copy
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
import param
from param.parameterized import ParamOverrides
from holoviews import Image, HoloMap
from holoviews.ipython.widgets import ProgressBar
from holoviews.interface.collector import AttrDict
import topo
import topo.base.sheetcoords
from topo.base.sheet import Sheet
from topo.command import restore_input_generators, save_input_generators
from topo import pattern
from topo.sheet import GeneratorSheet
from featuremapper.command import PatternPresentingCommand, MeasureResponseCommand,\
SingleInputResponseCommand, SinusoidalMeasureResponseCommand, PositionMeasurementCommand,\
FeatureCurveCommand, UnitCurveCommand
from featuremapper import MeasurementInterrupt, DistributionMatrix, FullMatrix, FeatureResponses,\
ReverseCorrelation, FeatureMaps, FeatureCurves, Feature
from featuremapper.metaparams import * # pyflakes:ignore (API import)
from featuremapper.features import Time
activity_dtype = np.float64
[docs]def update_sheet_activity(sheet_name, force=False):
Update the '_activity_buffer' ViewMap for a given sheet by name.
If force is False and the existing Activity Image isn't stale,
the existing view is returned.
name = 'ActivityBuffer'
sheet = topo.sim.objects(Sheet)[sheet_name]
view = sheet.views.Maps.get(name, False)
time = topo.sim.time()
metadata = AttrDict(precedence=sheet.precedence,
src_name=sheet.name, shape=sheet.activity.shape,
if not view:
im = Image(np.array(sheet.activity), sheet.bounds)
view = HoloMap((time, im), key_dimensions=[Time])
view.metadata = metadata
sheet.views.Maps[name] = view
if force or view.range('Time')[1] < time:
im = Image(np.array(sheet.activity), sheet.bounds)
view[time] = im
return view
[docs]def update_activity(force=False):
Make a map of neural activity available for each sheet, for use in
template-based plots.
This command simply asks each sheet for a copy of its activity
matrix, and then makes it available for plotting. Of course, for
some sheets providing this information may be non-trivial, e.g. if
they need to average over recent spiking activity.
for sheet_name in topo.sim.objects(Sheet).keys():
update_sheet_activity(sheet_name, force)
[docs]class pattern_present(PatternPresentingCommand):
Given a set of input patterns, installs them into the specified
GeneratorSheets, runs the simulation for the specified length of
time, then restores the original patterns and the original
simulation time. Thus this input is not considered part of the
regular simulation, and is usually for testing purposes.
May also be used to measure the response to a pattern by calling
it with restore_events disabled and restore_state and
install_sheetview enabled, which will push and pop the simulation
state and install the response in the sheets views dictionary. The
update_activity command implements this functionality.
As a special case, if 'inputs' is just a single pattern, and not
a dictionary, it is presented to all GeneratorSheets.
If this process is interrupted by the user, the temporary patterns
may still be installed on the retina.
If overwrite_previous is true, the given inputs overwrite those
previously defined.
If plastic is False, overwrites the existing values of Sheet.plastic
to disable plasticity, then re-enables plasticity.
If this process is interrupted by the user, the temporary patterns
may still be installed on the retina.
In order to to see the sequence of values presented, you may use
the back arrow history mechanism in the GUI. Note that the GUI's Activity
window must be open. Alternatively or access the activities through the
Activity entry in the views.Maps dictionary on the specified sheets.
apply_output_fns = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Determines whether sheet output functions will be applied.
inputs = param.Dict(default={}, doc="""
A dictionary of GeneratorSheetName:PatternGenerator pairs to be
installed into the specified GeneratorSheets""")
install_sheetview = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""Determines
whether to install a sheet view in the global storage dictionary.""")
plastic = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
If plastic is False, overwrites the existing values of
Sheet.plastic to disable plasticity, then reenables plasticity.""")
overwrite_previous = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
If overwrite_previous is true, the given inputs overwrite those
previously defined.""")
restore_events = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
If True, restore simulation events after the response has been
measured, so that no simulation time will have elapsed.
Implied by restore_state=True.""")
restore_state = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
If True, restore the state of both sheet activities and simulation
after the response has been measured. Implies restore_events.""")
return_responses = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
If True, return a dictionary of the responses.""")
__abstract = True
def __call__(self, inputs={}, outputs=[], **params_to_override):
p = ParamOverrides(self, dict(params_to_override, inputs=inputs))
# ensure EPs get started (if pattern_response is called before the
# simulation is run())
if p.restore_state:
if not p.overwrite_previous:
if not p.plastic:
# turn off plasticity everywhere
for sheet in topo.sim.objects(Sheet).values():
if not p.apply_output_fns:
for each in topo.sim.objects(Sheet).values():
if hasattr(each, 'measure_maps'):
if each.measure_maps:
each.apply_output_fns = False
# Register the inputs on each input sheet
generatorsheets = topo.sim.objects(GeneratorSheet)
if not isinstance(p.inputs, dict):
for g in generatorsheets.values():
for each in p.inputs.keys():
if generatorsheets.has_key(each):
'%s not a valid Sheet name for pattern_present.' % each)
if p.restore_events:
durations = np.diff([0] + p.durations)
projection_dict = dict((conn.name, conn) for conn in topo.sim.connections())
outputs = outputs if len(outputs) > 0 else topo.sim.objects(Sheet).keys() + projection_dict.keys()
responses = defaultdict(dict)
for i, d in enumerate(durations):
time = p.durations[i]
if hasattr(topo, 'guimain'):
if p.return_responses:
for output in outputs:
if output in topo.sim.objects(Sheet).keys():
responses[(output, time)] = topo.sim[output].activity.copy()
elif output in projection_dict:
responses[(output, time)] = projection_dict[output].activity.copy()
if p.restore_events:
# turn sheets' plasticity and output_fn plasticity back on if we
# turned it off before
if not p.plastic:
for sheet in topo.sim.objects(Sheet).values():
if not p.apply_output_fns:
for each in topo.sim.objects(Sheet).values():
each.apply_output_fns = True
if not p.overwrite_previous:
if p.restore_state:
return responses
[docs]class pattern_response(pattern_present):
This command is used to perform measurements, which require a
number of permutations to complete. The inputs and outputs are
defined as dictionaries corresponding to the generator sheets they
are to be presented on and the measurement sheets to record from
respectively. The update_activity_fn then accumulates the updated
activity into the appropriate entry in the outputs dictionary.
The command also makes sure that time, events and state are reset
after each presentation. If a GUI is found a timer will be opened
to display a progress bar and sheet_views will be made available
to the sheet to display activities.
restore_state = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
If True, restore the state of both sheet activities and
simulation events after the response has been measured.
Implies restore_events.""")
return_responses = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
If True, return a dictionary of the measured sheet activities.""")
progress_bar = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether or not to display a textual progress bar during
measurements. Disabled when using the Tk GUI.""")
def __call__(self, inputs={}, outputs=[], current=0, total=1, **params):
all_input_names = topo.sim.objects(GeneratorSheet).keys()
if 'default' in inputs:
for input_name in all_input_names:
inputs[input_name] = inputs['default']
del inputs['default']
for input_name in set(all_input_names).difference(set(inputs.keys())):
inputs[input_name] = pattern.Constant(scale=0)
if current == 0:
self.timer = copy.copy(topo.sim.timer)
self.timer.stop = False
self._progress = current
if hasattr(topo, 'guimain'):
self.install_sheetview = True
self.progressbar = None
elif self.progress_bar:
self.progressbar = ProgressBar(label='Measurement Progress')
self.progressbar = None
if self.timer.stop:
raise MeasurementInterrupt(current, total)
self.timer.update_timer('Measurement Timer', current, total)
progress = float(current)/total*100 if total else 100
if self.progressbar and (progress > self._progress or progress == 100):
self._progress = progress + 1 # +1 reduces fast updates/flicker
responses = super(pattern_response, self).__call__(inputs=inputs,
if hasattr(topo, 'guimain') and current == total:
return responses
def topo_metadata_fn(input_names=[], output_names=[]):
Return the shapes of the specified GeneratorSheets and measurement
sheets, or if none are specified return all that can be found in
the simulation.
metadata = AttrDict()
metadata['timestamp'] = topo.sim.time()
generator_sheets = topo.sim.objects(GeneratorSheet)
all_sheets = dict((n, s) for n, s in topo.sim.objects(Sheet).items())
measurement_sheets = dict((n, s) for n, s in topo.sim.objects(Sheet).items()
if hasattr(s, 'measure_maps') and s.measure_maps)
projections = dict((conn.name, conn) for conn in topo.sim.connections())
if input_names == []:
input_names = generator_sheets.keys()
metadata['inputs'] = {}
for i in input_names:
if i in generator_sheets:
gs = generator_sheets[i]
metadata['inputs'][i] = {'bounds': gs.bounds, 'precedence': gs.precedence,
'row_precedence': gs.row_precedence,
'shape': gs.shape, 'src_name': gs.name}
topo.sim.warning('Input sheet {0} not found.'.format(i))
if output_names == []:
output_names = measurement_sheets.keys()
metadata['outputs'] = {}
for o in output_names:
if o in all_sheets:
s = all_sheets[o]
metadata['outputs'][o] = {'bounds': s.bounds, 'precedence': s.precedence,
'row_precedence': s.row_precedence,
'shape': s.shape, 'src_name': s.name}
elif o in projections:
p = projections[o]
metadata['outputs'][o] = {'bounds': p.dest.bounds, 'precedence': p.dest.precedence,
'row_precedence': p.dest.row_precedence,
'shape': p.dest.shape, 'dest_name': p.dest.name,
'src_name': p.src.name}
topo.sim.warning('Output sheet {0} not found.'.format(o))
return metadata
class StorageHook(param.ParameterizedFunction):
sublabel = param.String(default=None, allow_None=True, doc="""
Storage location on the sheet specific view object. If None simply
inserts results into top level views object.""")
only_latest = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether to replace any existing results in the global Layout.""")
def __call__(self, viewcontainer, **params):
p = ParamOverrides(self, params)
objects = dict(topo.sim.objects(), **dict([(proj.name, proj) for proj in topo.sim.connections()]))
for path, container in viewcontainer.data.items():
label, src_name = path
source = objects[src_name]
if isinstance(source, Sheet):
storage = source.views[p.sublabel] if p.sublabel else source.views
proj_store = source.dest.views[source.name] = {}
proj_store[p.sublabel] = {}
storage = proj_store[p.sublabel]
if label not in storage or p.only_latest:
storage[label] = container
def get_feature_preference(feature, sheet_name, coords, default=0.0):
"""Return the feature preference for a particular unit."""
sheet = topo.sim[sheet_name]
map_name = feature.capitalize() + "Preference"
x, y = coords
return sheet.views.Maps[map_name].last[x, y]
("%s should be measured before plotting this tuning curve -- "
"using default value of %s for %s unit (%d,%d).") %
(map_name, default, sheet.name, x, y))
return default
__all__ = [