General utility functions and classes for Topographica that require numpy.
import re
import numpy as np
from numpy import ufunc
import param
# Ask numpy to print even relatively large arrays by default
[docs]def ufunc_script_repr(f,imports,prefix=None,settings=None):
Return a runnable representation of the numpy ufunc f, and an
import statement for its module.
# (could probably be generalized if required, because module is
# f.__class__.__module__)
imports.append('import numpy')
return 'numpy.'+f.__name__
from param import parameterized
[docs]def L2norm(v):
Return the L2 norm of the vector v.
return np.sqrt(np.dot(v,v))
[docs]def divisive_normalization(weights):
"""Divisively normalize an array to sum to 1.0"""
s = weights.sum()
if s != 0:
factor = 1.0/s
weights *= factor
[docs]def add_border(matrix,width=1,value=0.0):
Returns a new matrix consisting of the given matrix with a border
or margin of the given width filled with the given value.
rows,cols = matrix.shape
hborder = np.array([ [value]*(cols+2*width) ]*width)
vborder = np.array([ [value]*width ] * rows)
temp = np.concatenate( (vborder,matrix,vborder), axis=1)
return np.concatenate( (hborder,temp,hborder) )
[docs]def arg(z):
Return the complex argument (phase) of z.
(z in radians.)
z = z + complex(0,0) # so that arg(z) also works for real z
return np.arctan2(z.imag, z.real)
[docs]def octave_str(mat,name="mat",owner=""):
Print the given Numpy matrix in Octave format, listing the given
matrix name and the object that owns it (if any).
# This just prints the string version of the matrix and does search/replace
# to convert it; there may be a faster or easier way.
return ("# Created from %s %s\n# name: %s\n# type: matrix\n# rows: %s\n# columns: %s\n%s" %
[docs]def octave_output(filename,mat,name="mat",owner=""):
"""Writes the given matrix to a new file of the given name, in Octave format."""
f = open(filename,'w')
[docs]def centroid(array_2D):
"""Return the centroid (center of gravity) for a 2D array."""
rows,cols = array_2D.shape
for r in xrange(rows):
row_sum = array_2D[r,:].sum()
rsum += r*row_sum
rmass_sum += row_sum
for c in xrange(cols):
col_sum = array_2D[:,c].sum()
csum += c*col_sum
cmass_sum += col_sum
row_centroid= rsum/rmass_sum
col_centroid= csum/cmass_sum
return row_centroid, col_centroid
[docs]def clip_lower(arr,lower_bound):
In-place, one-sided version of numpy.clip().
i.e. numpy.clip(arr,a_min=lower_bound,out=arr) if it existed.
[docs]def clip_upper(arr,upper_bound):
In-place, one-sided version of numpy.clip().
i.e. numpy.clip(arr,a_max=upper_bound,out=arr) if it existed.
[docs]def wrap(lower, upper, x):
Circularly alias the numeric value x into the range [lower,upper).
Valid for cyclic quantities like orientations or hues.
#I have no idea how I came up with this algorithm; it should be simplified.
# Note that Python's % operator works on floats and arrays;
# usually one can simply use that instead. E.g. to wrap array or
# scalar x into 0,2*pi, just use "x % (2*pi)".
return lower + np.fmod(x-lower + 2*range_*(1-np.floor(x/(2*range_))), range_)
[docs]def array_argmax(arr):
"Returns the coordinates of the maximum element in the given array."
return np.unravel_index(arr.argmax(),arr.shape)
# CB: Is this of general interest? Used in gcal.ty.
[docs]class DivideWithConstant(param.Parameterized):
Divide two scalars or arrays with a constant (c) offset on the
denominator to allow setting the gain or to avoid divide-by-zero
issues. The non-constant part of the denominator (y) is clipped
to ensure that it has only positive values.
c = param.Number(default=1.0)
def __call__(self, x, y):
return np.divide(x,np.maximum(y,0)+self.c)
[docs]class MultiplyWithConstant(param.Parameterized):
Allows multiplying with a constant offset parameter.
Useful to ensure positive scaling of responses.
c = param.Number(default=1.0)
def __call__(self, x, y):
return np.multiply(x, np.maximum(y+self.c, 0))