Source code for topo.base.sheetview

Topographica SheetView objects and its subclasses.

For use with the Topographica plotting and data analysis mechanisms.
A Sheet object has its internal data which remains hidden, but it will
create views of this data depending on the Sheet defaults or the
information requested.  This way there can be multiple views recorded
for a single sheet, and a view can be passed around independent of the
originating source object.

import numpy as np

import param

from holoviews.core import BoundingRegion, SheetCoordinateSystem
from holoviews.core.options import Store, Options
from holoviews.plotting.mpl import RasterPlot
from holoviews import Image

[docs]class SheetView(param.Parameterized): """ Class provided for backward compatibility with earlier SheetView component. """ timestamp = param.Number(default=None, doc= """ The initial timestamp. If None, the SheetView will not all slicing of a time interval and record method will be disabled.""") bounds = param.Parameter(default=None, doc= """ The bounds of the two dimensional coordinate system in which the data resides.""") src_name = param.String(default = None, allow_None=True) precedence = param.Number(default=0.0) row_precedence = param.Number(default=0.5) cyclic = param.Boolean(False, doc="""If cyclic is True, this value is the cyclic range.""") cyclic_range = param.Parameter(None)
[docs] def view(self): """ Return the requested view as a (data, bbox) tuple. Provided for backward compatibility with the original Topographica SheetView model. It is now easier to access the data and bounds attributes directly. """ if hasattr(self, 'data'): return (, self.bounds) else: # Necessary for backward compatibility with older snapshots. return self._view_list[0]
def __init__(self, (data, bounds), src_name=None, precedence=0.0, timestamp=-1, row_precedence=0.5,**params): self.warning('Initializing old SheetView class') super(SheetView,self).__init__(bounds=bounds, src_name = src_name, precedence = precedence, timestamp = timestamp, row_precedence = row_precedence, **params) self._view_list = [] = data
[docs]def UnitView((data, bounds), x, y, projection, timestamp, **params): """ Function for backward compatibility with earlier UnitView component. Original docstring for UnitView: Consists of an X,Y position for the unit that this View is created for. Returns an appropriately defined SheetView. UnitViews should be stored in Sheets via a tuple ('Weights',Sheet,Projection,X,Y). The dictionary in Sheets can be accessed by any valid key. """ unitview = SheetView((data, bounds),, projection.src.precedence, timestamp = timestamp, row_precedence = projection.src.row_precedence, **params) unitview.x = x unitview.y = y unitview.projection = projection return unitview
class CFView(Image): roi_bounds = param.ClassSelector(class_=BoundingRegion, default=None, doc=""" The ROI bounds can be set to reduce the space the CFView is embedded in.""") situated_bounds = param.ClassSelector(class_=BoundingRegion, default=None, doc=""" The situated bounds can be set to embed the CFView in a larger bounded region.""") input_sheet_slice = param.NumericTuple(default=(0, 0, 0, 0), doc=""" Slice indices of the embedded view into the situated matrix.""") @property def situated(self): if self.bounds.lbrt() == self.situated_bounds.lbrt(): self.warning("CFView is already situated.") return self l, b, r, t = self.bounds.lbrt() xd = int(np.round([1] / (r-l))) yd = int(np.round([0] / (t-b))) scs = SheetCoordinateSystem(self.situated_bounds, xd, yd) data = np.zeros(scs.shape, dtype=np.float64) r1, r2, c1, c2 = self.input_sheet_slice data[r1:r2, c1:c2] = return CFView(data, self.situated_bounds, roi_bounds=self.bounds, situated_bounds=self.situated_bounds, label=self.label, Store.register({CFView: RasterPlot}, 'matplotlib') options = Store.options(backend='matplotlib') options.CFView = Options('style', cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest')