Source code for topo.command

A family of high-level user commands acting on the entire simulation.

Any new commands added to this directory will automatically become
available for any program.

Commands here should be 'bullet-proof' and work 'from scratch'.
That is, they should print warnings if required but should not raise
errors that would interrupt e.g. a long batch run of simulation work,
no matter what the context from which they are called.

import cPickle as pickle
import sys
import os
import re
import string
import time
import platform
import tarfile, zipfile

import __main__

# gzip module might not have been built (if zlib could not be found when building)
    import gzip
except ImportError:

import param
from param.parameterized import ParameterizedFunction, ParamOverrides
from param import normalize_path

import imagen, numbergen
from collections import OrderedDict

import topo
from topo.base.sheet import Sheet
from topo.base.projection import ProjectionSheet
from topo.sheet import GeneratorSheet
from topo.misc.util import MultiFile
from topo.misc.picklemain import PickleMain
from topo.misc.snapshots import PicklableClassAttributes
from topo.misc.genexamples import generate as _generate

from featuremapper import PatternDrivenAnalysis

[docs]def generate_example(target): """ Generate the saved network target, as defined in topo.misc.genexamples. """ _generate(targets=[target]) # Not sure where to put CommandMetaclass, since it doesn't need to be # seen or used by anyone. Probably also the import error classes # shouldn't be so visible.
from param.parameterized import ParameterizedMetaclass class CommandMetaclass(ParameterizedMetaclass): """ A class having this as a metaclass will have its __call__() method automatically wrapped so that any exception occurring inside __call__() will be passed to the class's _except() method. """ def __new__(mcs,classname,bases,classdict): if '__call__' in classdict: classdict['__call__'] = mcs._safecall(classdict['__call__']) #assert '_except' in classdic # else it is probably abstract, or something return ParameterizedMetaclass.__new__(mcs,classname,bases,classdict) @classmethod def _safecall(mcs,fn): """ Wrap fn with caller, which catches any exception raised inside fn() and passes it to _except(). """ def caller(self,*args,**kw): try: return fn(self,*args,**kw) except Exception, e: # Mis-invoked call should raise error as normal. if isinstance(e,TypeError): import inspect # Is this a hack to detect mis-calling? if len(inspect.getargspec(fn)[0])!=len(args): raise try: return self._except(e) except: # the _except() method raises an error (or doesn't # exist). what should happen? programming error, # so I guess just re-raise raise return caller
[docs]class Command(ParameterizedFunction): """ Parameterized command: any error when the command is run (called) will not raise an exception, but will instead generate a warning. """ __metaclass__ = CommandMetaclass __abstract = True def _except(self,e): # import traceback # print traceback.print_exc() self.warning("%s failed: %s"%(self,e)) # or traceback.format_exc())) def __call__(self,*args,**params): return super(Command,self).__call__(*args,**params)
[docs]class ImportErrorObject(object): """ Raises an ImportError on any attempt to access an attribute, call, or get an item. Useful to delay an ImportError until the point of use, thus allowing e.g. a class attribute to contain something from a non-core external module (e.g. pylab). Delaying an ImportError until the point of use allows users to be informed of the possibility of having various extra functions on installation of a missing package. """ __dict__ = {} def __init__(self,module_name): self.__dict__['_ImportErrorObject__module_name'] = module_name def _raise(self): #param.Parameterized().warning("err:%s"%self.module_name) raise ImportError, "No module named %s. Install %s to get this functionality."%(self.__module_name,self.__module_name) return None def __call__(self,*args,**kw): self._raise() # Might be better to override __getattribute__, special casing the # module_name attribute. Then everything is guaranteed to raise an # error (rather than covering call, getitem, getattr, and maybe # other things I've forgotten about). def __getattr__(self,name): if name in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[name] return self._raise() def __getitem__(self,i): self._raise()
[docs]class ImportErrorRaisingFakeModule(object): """ Returns an ImportErrorObject for any attribute request. Instances of this class can be used in place of a module to delay an import error until the point of use of an attribute of that module. See ImportErrorObject for more details. """ def __init__(self,module_name): self.__module_name = module_name def __getattr__(self,name): return ImportErrorObject(self.__module_name) # CEBALERT: commands in here should inherit from Command, and make use # of _except() to ensure all necessary state is reverted.
[docs]def save_input_generators(): """Save a copy of the active_sim's current input_generators for all GeneratorSheets.""" # ensure EPs get started (if save_input_generators is called before the simulation is run()) generator_sheets = topo.sim.objects(GeneratorSheet).values() for sheet in generator_sheets: sheet.push_input_generator()
[docs]def restore_input_generators(): """Restore previously saved input_generators for all of topo.sim's GeneratorSheets.""" generator_sheets = topo.sim.objects(GeneratorSheet).values() for sheet in generator_sheets: sheet.pop_input_generator()
[docs]def clear_event_queue(): """Remove pending events from the simulator's event queue.""" topo.sim.event_clear()
[docs]class runscript(param.ParameterizedFunction): """ Runs a script that has been parameterized with script parameters. For example, runscript('tiny.ty', cortex_density=10) will execute the 'tiny.ty' script in the currently active namespace. """ ns = param.Parameter(default={}, pickle_default_value=False, doc=""" The namespace in which the script is to be executed.""") push = param.Callable(pickle_default_value=False, doc=""" Hook to push the updated namespace for handling more complicated namespaces, such as IPython Notebook.""") load = param.Boolean(default=True, doc=""" Whether to automatically load class based models when called. Useful for compatibility with older ty script definition files.""") def __call__(self, source_file, ns={}, **kwargs): from topo.misc.commandline import global_params ns = ns if ns else self.ns for (key, val) in kwargs.items(): global_params.exec_in_context('%s=%s' % (key,val)) source_path = param.resolve_path(source_file) code = compile(open(source_path, 'r').read(), "<execution>", "exec") exec code in ns #globals and locals self.push(ns) if self.load: topo.sim(verbose=kwargs.get('verbose', False)) # This class is left around to support older snapshots: All snapshots # since 0.9.7 up until r11545 (addition of UnpickleEnvironmentCreator) # have a pickled instance of this class. We maintain the same behavior # as before for them: install all legacy support.
class _VersionPrinter(object): def __setstate__(self,state): import topo.misc.legacy as L L.SnapshotSupport.install("0.9.7")
[docs]class UnpickleEnvironmentCreator(object): """When unpickled, installs any necessary legacy support.""" def __init__(self,release,version): self.release = release self.version = version def __getstate__(self): return {'release':self.release, 'version':self.version} def __setstate__(self,state): self.release = state['release'] self.version = state['version'] import topo.misc.legacy as L L.SnapshotSupport.install(self.release,self.version)
[docs]def save_snapshot(snapshot_name=None): """ Save a snapshot of the network's current state. The snapshot is saved as a gzip-compressed Python binary pickle. As this function uses Python's 'pickle' module, it is subject to the same limitations (see the pickle module's documentation) - with the notable exception of class attributes. Python does not pickle class attributes, but this function stores class attributes of any Parameterized class that is declared within the topo package. See the param.parameterized.PicklableClassAttributes class for more information. """ if not snapshot_name: snapshot_name = topo.sim.basename() + ".typ" # For now we just search topo, but could do same for other packages. # CEBALERT: shouldn't it be topo and param? I guess we already get # many classes defined in param because they are imported into # topo at some point anyway. topoPOclassattrs = PicklableClassAttributes(topo,exclusions=('plotting','tests','tkgui'), startup_commands=topo.sim.startup_commands) paramPOclassattrs = PicklableClassAttributes(param) imagenPOclassattrs = PicklableClassAttributes(imagen) numbergenPOclassattrs = PicklableClassAttributes(numbergen) from topo.misc.commandline import global_params topo.sim.RELEASE=topo.release topo.sim.VERSION=topo.version to_save = (UnpickleEnvironmentCreator(topo.release,topo.version), PickleMain(), global_params, topoPOclassattrs, paramPOclassattrs, imagenPOclassattrs, numbergenPOclassattrs, topo.sim) try:,'wb',compresslevel=5) except NameError: snapshot_file=open(normalize_path(snapshot_name),'wb') pickle.dump(to_save,snapshot_file,2) snapshot_file.close()
[docs]def load_snapshot(snapshot_name): """ Load the simulation stored in snapshot_name. """ # unpickling the PicklableClassAttributes() executes startup_commands and # sets PO class parameters. snapshot_name = param.resolve_path(snapshot_name) # If it's not gzipped, open as a normal file. try: snapshot =,'r') except (IOError,NameError): snapshot = open(snapshot_name,'r') try: pickle.load(snapshot) except ImportError: # CEBALERT: Support snapshots where the unpickling support # (UnpickleEnvironmentCreator) cannot be found because the # support itself was moved from topo.command.basic to # topo.command.__init__! Was it a bad idea to have the support # code loaded via an object? sys.modules['topo.command.basic'] = topo.command # Could instead set find_global on cPickle.Unpickler (could # support all import changes that way, as alternative to what # we currently do), but I'm reluctant to mess with cPickle's # default way of finding things. (Also it would be specific to # cPickle; would be different for pickle.) try: pickle.load(snapshot) except: import traceback m = """ Snapshot could not be loaded. Please file a support request via Loading error: %s """%traceback.format_exc() param.Parameterized(name="load_snapshot").warning(m) snapshot.close() # Restore subplotting prefs without worrying if there is a # problem (e.g. if topo/analysis/ is not present) try: from topo.plotting.plotgroup import Subplotting Subplotting.restore_subplots() except: p = param.Parameterized(name="load_snapshot") p.message("Unable to restore Subplotting settings") # Temporary -- broadcast topo.sim.time to all subpackages param.Dynamic.time_fn = topo.sim.time numbergen.TimeAware.time_fn = topo.sim.time imagen.Sweeper.time_fn = topo.sim.time
[docs]def save_script_repr(script_name=None): """ Save the current simulation as a Topographica script. Generates a script that, if run, would generate a simulation with the same architecture as the one currently in memory. This can be useful when defining networks in place, so that the same general configuration can be recreated later. It also helps when comparing two similar networks generated with different scripts, so that the corresponding items can be matched rigorously. Note that the result of this operation is usually just a starting point for further editing, because it will not usually be runnable as-is (for instance, some parameters may not have runnable representations). Even so, this is usually a good start. """ if not script_name: script_name = topo.sim.basename() + "_script_repr.ty" header = ("# Generated by Topographica %s on %s\n\n" % (topo.release,time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime()))) script = header+topo.sim.script_repr() script_file = open(normalize_path(script_name),'w') script_file.write(script) # Location of the version-controlled topographica directory (i.e. path # of topo/ but up a level). Could be None. Nothing should assume that # there is a version control system available.
try: vc_topographica_dir = os.path.split(os.path.split(topo.__file__)[0])[0] except: vc_topographica_dir = None # decorator that changes to vc_topographica_dir for duration of fn, # if there is such a directory. Otherwise, doesn't change directory. def in_vc_topographica_dir(fn): import os def temporarily_change_to_vc_topographica_dir(*args,**kw): orig_path = os.getcwd() if vc_topographica_dir is not None: os.chdir(vc_topographica_dir) try: result = fn(*args,**kw) finally: # ensure dir put back even if there's an error calling fn if os.getcwd()!=orig_path: os.chdir(orig_path) return result return temporarily_change_to_vc_topographica_dir @in_vc_topographica_dir def _get_vc_commands(): # return name of version control system (None if no vc could be # detected) import os.path vc_types = {'git':["status","diff",["log","-n1"],["svn","log","--limit=1"]], 'svn':["info","status","diff"], 'bzr':['info','status','diff']} for vc_type,commands in vc_types.items(): if os.path.exists(".%s"%vc_type): return vc_type,commands @in_vc_topographica_dir def _print_vc_info(filename): """Save the version control status of the current code to the specified file.""" try: import subprocess f = open(normalize_path(filename),'w') f.write("Information about working copy used for batch run\n\n") f.write("topo.version=%s\n"% topo.version) f.flush() vctype,commands = _get_vc_commands() for cmd in commands: fullcmd = [vctype,cmd] if isinstance(cmd,str) else [vctype]+cmd # Note that we do not wait for the process below to finish # (by calling e.g. wait() on the Popen object). Although # this was probably done unintentionally, for a slow svn # connection, it's an advantage. But it does mean the # output of each command can appear in the file at any # time (i.e. the command outputs appear in the order of # finishing, rather than in the order of starting, making # it impossible to label the commands). subprocess.Popen(fullcmd,stdout=f,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except: print "Unable to retrieve version control information." finally: f.close() def _save_parameters(p,filename): from topo.misc.commandline import global_params g = {'global_params_specified':p, 'global_params_all':dict(global_params.get_param_values())} for d in g.values(): if 'name' in d: del d['name'] if 'print_level' in d: del d['print_level'] pickle.dump(g,open(normalize_path(filename),'w')) # I'd expect your personal name_replacements to be set in some file # you use to create batch runs, but it can alsp be set on the # commandline. Before calling run_batch(), include something like the # following: #"cortex_density","cd")) class param_formatter(ParameterizedFunction): # CEBALERT: should I have made this a parameter at the run_batch # level? And I don't know what to call it. map = param.Dict(default=OrderedDict(),doc=""" Optional ordered dictionary of alternative names to use for parameters, parameter_name:alternative_name Use to shorten common parameter names (directory names are limited in length on most file systems), and to specify an order. Names not specified here will be sorted alphabetically.""") def __call__(self,params): result = "" # present in params but not in map unspecified_in_map = sorted(set(params).difference(set( # present in params and in map, preserving order of map specified_in_map = [n for n in if n in params] for pname in specified_in_map+unspecified_in_map: val = params[pname] # Special case to give reasonable filenames for lists valstr= ("_".join([str(i) for i in val]) if isinstance(val,list) else str(val)) result += "," +,pname) + "=" + valstr return result # Used only by default_analysis_function # Should be in order they are needed; e.g. Activity after map measurement, # in case Activity plot includes map subplots default_analysis_plotgroups=["Orientation Preference","Activity"]
[docs]def default_analysis_function(): """ Basic example of an analysis command for run_batch; users are likely to need something similar but highly customized. """ # CEBALERT: why are these imports here rather than at the top? import topo from topo.plotting.plotgroup import save_plotgroup # Save all plotgroups listed in default_analysis_plotgroups for pg in default_analysis_plotgroups: save_plotgroup(pg,use_cached_results=True) # Plot projections from each measured map measured_sheets = [s for s in topo.sim.objects(ProjectionSheet).values() if hasattr(s,'measure_maps') and s.measure_maps] for s in measured_sheets: for p in s.in_connections: save_plotgroup("Projection",projection=p) # Test response to a standardized pattern from imagen import Gaussian from analysis import pattern_present from math import pi pattern_present(inputs=Gaussian(orientation=pi/4,aspect_ratio=4.7)) save_plotgroup("Activity",saver_params={"filename_suffix":"_45d"})
[docs]def load_kwargs(fname, glob, loc, fail_exception=False): """ Helper function to allow keyword arguments (dictionary format) to be loaded from a file 'fname'. The intended use is to allow a callable (specifically run_batch) to obtain its settings and parameters from file. This is useful when dispatching jobs on a cluster as you can then queue run_batch jobs (eg. using qsub) before all the settings are known. This type of scenario is typical in parameter search (eg hillclimbing) where the settings file for future run_batch instances are conditional on data from previous simulations. Variable glob should be provided as globals() and loc should be provided as locals(). Either a dictionary is returned or an exception is raised (conditioned on fail_exception). If fail_exception=False and eval does not evaluateas expected, an empty dictionary is returned. Eval is used as it allows classes, objects and other complex datastructures to load. """ with open(fname,'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() expression = "".join([l.strip() for l in lines]) kwargs = eval(expression, glob, loc) if not isinstance(kwargs,dict): if fail_exception: raise Exception('Invalid settings file.') else: return {} else: return kwargs # ALERT: Need to move docs into params.
[docs]class run_batch(ParameterizedFunction): """ Run a Topographica simulation in batch mode. Features: - Generates a unique, well-defined name for each 'experiment' (i.e. simulation run) based on the date, script file, and parameter settings. Note that very long names may be truncated (see the max_name_length parameter). - Allows parameters to be varied on the command-line, to allow comparing various settings - Saves a script capturing the simulation state periodically, to preserve parameter values from old experiments and to allow them to be reproduced exactly later - Can perform user-specified analysis routines periodically, to monitor the simulation as it progresses. - Stores commandline output (stdout) in the output directory A typical use of this function is for remote execution of a large number of simulations with different parameters, often on remote machines (such as clusters). The script_file parameter defines the .ty script we want to run in batch mode. The output_directory defines the root directory in which a unique individual directory will be created for this particular run. The optional analysis_fn can be any python function to be called at each of the simulation iterations defined in the analysis times list. The analysis_fn should perform whatever analysis of the simulation you want to perform, such as plotting or calculating some statistics. The analysis_fn should avoid using any GUI functions (i.e., should not import anything from topo.tkgui), and it should save all of its results into files. As a special case, a number can be passed for the times list, in which case it is used to scale a default list of times up to 10000; e.g. times=2 will select a default list of times up to 20000. Alternatively, an explicit list of times can be supplied. Any other optional parameters supplied will be set in the main namespace before any scripts are run. They will also be used to construct a unique for the file, and they will be encoded into the simulation directory name, to make it clear how each simulation differs from the others. If requested by setting snapshot=True, saves a snapshot at the end of the simulation. If available and requested by setting vc_info=True, prints the revision number and any outstanding diffs from the version control system. Note that this function alters param.normalize_path.prefix so that all output goes into the same location. The original value of param.normalize_path.prefix is deliberately not restored at the end of the function so that the output of any subsequent commands will go into the same place. """ output_directory=param.String("Output") analysis_fn = param.Callable(default_analysis_function) times = param.Parameter(1.0) snapshot=param.Boolean(True) vc_info=param.Boolean(True) dirname_prefix = param.String(default="",doc=""" Optional prefix for the directory name (allowing e.g. easy grouping).""") tag = param.String(default="",doc=""" Optional tag to embed in directory prefix to allow unique directory naming across multiple independent batches that share a common timestamp.""") # CB: do any platforms also have a maximum total path length? max_name_length = param.Number(default=200,doc=""" The experiment's directory name will be truncated at this number of characters (since most filesystems have a limit).""") name_time_format = param.String(default="%Y%m%d%H%M",doc=""" String format for the time included in the output directory and file names. See the Python time module library documentation for codes. E.g. Adding '%S' to the default would include seconds.""") timestamp = param.NumericTuple(default=(0,0), doc=""" Optional override of timestamp in Python struct_time 8-tuple format. Useful when running many run_batch commands as part of a group with a shared timestamp. By default, the timestamp used is the time when run_batch is started.""") save_global_params = param.Boolean(default=True,doc=""" Whether to save the script's global_parameters to a pickle in the output_directory after the script has been loaded (for e.g. future inspection of the experiment).""") dirname_params_filter = param.Callable(param_formatter.instance(),doc=""" Function to control how the parameter names will appear in the output_directory's name.""") metadata_dir = param.String(doc="""Specifies the name of a subdirectory used to output metadata from run_batch (if set).""") compress_metadata = param.ObjectSelector(default=None, objects=[None, 'tar.gz', 'zip'], doc=""" If not None and a metadata directory is specified, the metadata directory will be replaced by either a tar.gz file or a .zip file.""") save_script_repr = param.ObjectSelector(default='first', objects=[None, 'first', 'last', 'all'], doc=""" Whether to save a script_repr and if so, how often. If set to 'first', the script_repr is saved on the first time value, if set to 'last' then it will be saved on the last time value. If set to 'all' then a script repr is saved for all time values. Saving is disabled entirely if set to None.""") progress_bar = param.String(default='stdout', doc=""" The display mode for the progress bar. By default, the progress of run_batch is displayed using standard output but may also be set to 'disabled' as necessary.""") progress_interval = param.Number(default=100, doc=""" Interval between updates of the progress bar (if enabled) in units of topo.sim.time.""") def _truncate(self,p,s): """ If s is greater than the max_name_length parameter, truncate it (and indicate that it has been truncated). """ # '___' at the end is supposed to represent '...' return s if len(s)<=p.max_name_length else s[0:p.max_name_length-3]+'___' def __call__(self,script_file,**params_to_override): p=ParamOverrides(self,params_to_override,allow_extra_keywords=True) import os import shutil # Construct simulation name, etc. scriptbase= re.sub('.ty$','',os.path.basename(script_file)) prefix = "" if p.timestamp==(0,0): prefix += time.strftime(p.name_time_format) else: prefix += time.strftime(p.name_time_format, p.timestamp) prefix += "_" + scriptbase + "_" + p.tag simname = prefix # Construct parameter-value portion of filename; should do more filtering # CBENHANCEMENT: should provide chance for user to specify a # function (i.e. make this a function, and have a parameter to # allow the function to be overridden). # And sort by name by default? Skip ones that aren't different # from default, or at least put them at the end? prefix += p.dirname_params_filter(p.extra_keywords()) # Set provided parameter values in main namespace from topo.misc.commandline import global_params global_params.set_in_context(**p.extra_keywords()) # Create output directories if not os.path.isdir(normalize_path(p.output_directory)): try: os.mkdir(normalize_path(p.output_directory)) except OSError: pass # Catches potential race condition (simultaneous run_batch runs) dirname = self._truncate(p,p.dirname_prefix+prefix) dirpath = normalize_path(os.path.join(p.output_directory,dirname)) normalize_path.prefix = dirpath metadata_dir = os.path.join(normalize_path.prefix, p.metadata_dir) simpath = os.path.join(metadata_dir, simname) if os.path.isdir(normalize_path.prefix): print "Batch run: Warning -- directory already exists!" print "Run aborted; wait one minute before trying again, or else rename existing directory: \n" + \ normalize_path.prefix sys.exit(-1) else: os.makedirs(metadata_dir) print "Batch run output will be in " + normalize_path.prefix if p.vc_info: _print_vc_info(simpath + ".diffs") hostinfo = "Host: " + " ".join(platform.uname()) topographicalocation = "Topographica: " + os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) topolocation = "topo package: " + os.path.abspath(topo.__file__) scriptlocation = "script: " + os.path.abspath(script_file) starttime=time.time() startnote = "Batch run started at %s." % time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime()) # store a re-runnable copy of the command used to start this batch run try: # pipes.quote is undocumented, so I'm not sure which # versions of python include it (I checked python 2.6 and # 2.7 on linux; they both have it). import pipes quotefn = pipes.quote except (ImportError,AttributeError): # command will need a human to insert quotes before it can be re-used quotefn = lambda x: x command_used_to_start = string.join([quotefn(arg) for arg in sys.argv]) # CBENHANCEMENT: would be nice to separately write out a # runnable script that does everything necessary to # re-generate results (applies diffs etc). # Shadow stdout to a .out file in the output directory, so that # print statements will go to both the file and to stdout. batch_output = open(normalize_path(simpath+".out"),'w') batch_output.write(command_used_to_start+"\n") sys.stdout = MultiFile(batch_output,sys.stdout) print print hostinfo print topographicalocation print topolocation print scriptlocation print print startnote from topo.misc.commandline import auto_import_commands auto_import_commands() # Ensure that saved state includes all parameter values from topo.command import save_script_repr param.parameterized.script_repr_suppress_defaults=False # Save a copy of the script file for reference shutil.copy2(script_file, normalize_path.prefix) shutil.move(normalize_path(scriptbase+".ty"), normalize_path(simpath+".ty")) # Default case: times is just a number that scales a standard list of times times=p.times if not isinstance(times,list): times=[t*times for t in [0,50,100,500,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,10000]] # Run script in main error_count = 0 initial_warning_count = param.parameterized.warning_count try: execfile(script_file,__main__.__dict__) #global_params.context global_params.check_for_unused_names() if p.save_global_params: _save_parameters(p.extra_keywords(), simpath+".global_params.pickle") print_sizes() from holoviews.ipython.widgets import ProgressBar, RunProgress import numpy as np ProgressBar.display = p.progress_bar progress_bar = RunProgress(run_hook =, display = p.progress_bar, interval = p.progress_interval) if len(set(times)) == 1: completion = [0, 100] else: times = np.array(times) completion = 100 * (times - times.min()) / (times.max() - times.min()) completion = np.array([0] + list(completion)) # Run each segment, doing the analysis and saving the script state each time for i, run_to in enumerate(times): progress_bar.percent_range = (completion[i], completion[i+1]) progress_bar(run_to - topo.sim.time()) p.analysis_fn() normalize_path.prefix = metadata_dir if p.save_script_repr == 'first' and run_to == times[0]: save_script_repr() elif p.save_script_repr == 'last' and (run_to == times[-1]): save_script_repr() elif p.save_script_repr == 'all': save_script_repr() normalize_path.prefix = dirpath elapsedtime=time.time()-starttime param.Parameterized(name="run_batch").message( "Elapsed real time %02d:%02d." % (int(elapsedtime/60),int(elapsedtime%60))) if p.snapshot: save_snapshot() except: error_count+=1 import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) sys.stderr.write("Warning -- Error detected: execution halted.\n") if p.metadata_dir != '' and p.compress_metadata == 'tar.gz': _, name = os.path.split(metadata_dir) tar ="%s.tar.gz" % name), "w:gz") tar.add(metadata_dir, arcname=name) tar.close() shutil.rmtree(metadata_dir) elif p.metadata_dir != '' and p.compress_metadata == 'zip': _, name = os.path.split(metadata_dir) zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(normalize_path("" % name), 'w') zipf.write(metadata_dir, arcname=name) for f in os.listdir(metadata_dir): zipf.write(os.path.join(metadata_dir, f), os.path.join(p.metadata_dir,f)) zipf.close() shutil.rmtree(metadata_dir) print "\nBatch run completed at %s." % time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime()) print "There were %d error(s) and %d warning(s)%s." % \ (error_count,(param.parameterized.warning_count-initial_warning_count), ((" (plus %d warning(s) prior to entering run_batch)"%initial_warning_count if initial_warning_count>0 else ""))) # restore stdout sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ batch_output.close()
[docs]def wipe_out_activity(): """ Resets activity of all Sheets and their connections to zero. """ # ALERT: this works for now, but it may need to be implemented # recursively using methods implemented separately on each class, # if there are often new types of objects created that store an # activity value. for s in topo.sim.objects(Sheet).values(): s.activity*=0.0 for c in s.in_connections: if hasattr(c,'activity'): c.activity*=0.0
[docs]def n_bytes(): """ Estimate the minimum memory needed for the Sheets in this Simulation, in bytes. This estimate is a lower bound only, based primarily on memory for the matrices used for activity and connections. """ return sum([s.n_bytes() for s in topo.sim.objects(Sheet).values()])
[docs]def n_conns(): """ Count the number of connections in all ProjectionSheets in the current Simulation. """ return sum([s.n_conns() for s in topo.sim.objects(ProjectionSheet).values()])
PatternDrivenAnalysis.pre_presentation_hooks.append(topo.sim.state_push) PatternDrivenAnalysis.pre_presentation_hooks.append(wipe_out_activity) PatternDrivenAnalysis.pre_presentation_hooks.append(clear_event_queue) PatternDrivenAnalysis.post_presentation_hooks.append(topo.sim.state_pop) # maybe an explicit list would be better? import types _public = list(set([_k for _k,_v in locals().items() if isinstance(_v,types.FunctionType) or (isinstance(_v,type) and issubclass(_v,ParameterizedFunction)) and not _v.__name__.startswith('_')])) _public += [ "_VersionPrinter", "UnpickleEnvironmentCreator", "ImportErrorRaisingFakeModule", "ImportErrorObject", ] # Automatically discover all .py files in this directory. import os,fnmatch __all__ = _public + [f.split('.py')[0] for f in os.listdir(__path__[0]) if fnmatch.fnmatch(f,'[!._]*.py')] del f,os,fnmatch