Learning functions for Projections.
For example, CFProjectionLearningFunctions compute a new set of
ConnectionFields when given an input and output pattern and a set of
ConnectionField objects.
import numpy as np
import param
from topo.base.cf import CFPLearningFn
from topo.base.sheet import activity_type
from topo.base.functionfamily import Hebbian,LearningFn
# Imported here so that all ProjectionLearningFns will be in the same package
from topo.base.cf import CFPLF_Identity,CFPLF_Plugin # pyflakes:ignore (API import)
[docs]class CFPLF_EuclideanHebbian(CFPLearningFn):
Hebbian CFProjection learning rule based on Euclidean distance.
Learning is driven by the distance from the input pattern to the
weights, scaled by the current activity. To implement a Kohonen
SOM algorithm, the activity should be the neighborhood kernel
centered around the winning unit, as implemented by KernelMax.
# CEBERRORALERT: ignoring the sheet mask
def __call__(self, iterator, input_activity, output_activity, learning_rate, **params):
# This learning function does not need to scale the learning
# rate like some do, so it does not use constant_sum_connection_rate()
cfs = iterator.flatcfs
rows,cols = output_activity.shape
for r in xrange(rows):
for c in xrange(cols):
flati = r*cols+c
out = output_activity.flat[flati]
if out !=0:
rate = learning_rate * out
cf = cfs[flati]
X = cf.get_input_matrix(input_activity)
cf.weights += rate * (X - cf.weights)
# CEBHACKALERT: see ConnectionField.__init__()
cf.weights *= cf.mask
#### JABHACKALERT: Untested
##class CFPLF_BCM(CFPLearningFn):
## """
## Bienenstock, Cooper, and Munro (1982) learning rule with sliding threshold.
## (See Dayan and Abbott, 2001, equation 8.12, 8.13).
## Activities change only when there is both pre- and post-synaptic activity.
## Threshold is adjusted based on recent firing rates.
## """
## single_cf_fn = param.ClassSelector(LearningFn,default=BCMFixed())
## unit_threshold_0=param.Number(default=0.5,bounds=(0,None),
## doc="Initial value of threshold between LTD and LTP; actual value computed based on recent history.")
## unit_threshold_learning_rate=param.Number(default=0.1,bounds=(0,None),
## doc="Amount by which the unit_threshold is adjusted for each activity calculation.")
## def __call__(self, iterator, input_activity, output_activity, learning_rate, **params):
## cfs = iterator.proj._cfs
## # Initialize thresholds the first time we learn the size of the output_activity.
## if not hasattr(self,'unit_thresholds'):
## self.unit_thresholds=np.ones(output_activity.shape, dtype=np.float32)*self.unit_threshold_0
## rows,cols = output_activity.shape
## # JABALERT: Is this correct?
## single_connection_learning_rate = self.constant_sum_connection_rate(iterator.proj_n_units,learning_rate)
## # avoid evaluating these references each time in the loop
## single_cf_fn = self.single_cf_fn
## for r in xrange(rows):
## for c in xrange(cols):
## cf = cfs[r][c]
## input_act = cf.get_input_matrix(input_activity)
## unit_activity = output_activity[r,c]
## threshold=self.unit_thresholds[r,c]
## #print cf.weights, type(cf.weights)
## #print input_act, type(input_act)
## #print single_connection_learning_rate,unit_activity,threshold, (unit_activity-threshold)
## cf.weights += (single_connection_learning_rate * unit_activity * (unit_activity-threshold)) * input_act
## self.unit_thresholds[r,c] += self.unit_threshold_learning_rate*(unit_activity*unit_activity-threshold)
## # CEBHACKALERT: see ConnectionField.__init__()
## cf.weights *= cf.mask
[docs]class CFPLF_Trace(CFPLearningFn):
LearningFn that incorporates a trace of recent activity,
not just the current activity.
Based on P. Foldiak (1991), "Learning Invariance from
Transformation Sequences", Neural Computation 3:194-200. Also see
Sutton and Barto (1981) and Wallis and Rolls (1997).
Incorporates a decay term to keep the weight vector bounded, and
so it does not normally require any output_fn normalization for
doc="How much the learning is dominated by the activity trace, relative to the current value.")
single_cf_fn = param.ClassSelector(LearningFn,default=Hebbian(),
doc="LearningFn that will be applied to each CF individually.")
def __call__(self, iterator, input_activity, output_activity, learning_rate, **params):
single_connection_learning_rate = self.constant_sum_connection_rate(iterator.proj_n_units,learning_rate)
##Initialise traces to zero if they don't already exist
if not hasattr(self,'traces'):
for cf,i in iterator():
unit_activity = output_activity.flat[i]
# print "unit activity is",unit_activity
# print "self trace is",self.traces[r,c]
new_trace = (self.trace_strength*unit_activity)+((1-self.trace_strength)*self.traces.flat[i])
# print "and is now",new_trace
self.traces.flat[i] = new_trace
cf.weights += single_connection_learning_rate * new_trace * \
(cf.get_input_matrix(input_activity) - cf.weights)
#CEBHACKALERT: see ConnectionField.__init__()
cf.weights *= cf.mask
[docs]class CFPLF_OutstarHebbian(CFPLearningFn):
CFPLearningFunction applying the specified (default is Hebbian)
single_cf_fn to each CF, where normalization is done in an outstar-manner.
Presumably does not need a separate output_fn for normalization.
single_cf_fn = param.ClassSelector(LearningFn,default=Hebbian(),
doc="LearningFn that will be applied to each CF individually.")
outstar_wsum = None
def __call__(self, iterator, input_activity, output_activity, learning_rate, **params):
single_connection_learning_rate = self.constant_sum_connection_rate(iterator.proj_n_units,learning_rate)
# avoid evaluating these references each time in the loop
single_cf_fn = self.single_cf_fn
outstar_wsum = np.zeros(input_activity.shape)
for cf,i in iterator():
output_activity.flat[i], cf.weights, single_connection_learning_rate)
# Outstar normalization
wrows,wcols = cf.weights.shape
for wr in xrange(wrows):
for wc in xrange(wcols):
outstar_wsum[wr][wc] += cf.weights[wr][wc]
# CEBHACKALERT: see ConnectionField.__init__()
cf.weights *= cf.mask
[docs]class HomeoSynaptic(CFPLearningFn):
Learning function using homeostatic synaptic scaling from
Sullivan & de Sa, "Homeostatic Synaptic Scaling in Self-Organizing Maps",
Neural Networks (2006), 19(6-7):734-43.
Does not necessarily require output_fn normalization for stability.
single_cf_fn = param.ClassSelector(LearningFn,default=Hebbian(),
doc="LearningFn that will be applied to each CF individually")
beta_n = param.Number(default=0.01,bounds=(0,None),
doc="homeostatic learning rate")
beta_c = param.Number(default=0.005,bounds=(0,None),
doc="time window over which the neuron's firing rate is averaged")
activity_target = param.Number(default=0.1,bounds=(0,None),
doc="Target average activity")
#debug = param.Boolean(default=False,doc="Print average activity values")
#beta_n = param.Number(default=0.00033,bounds=(0,None),doc="Homeostatic learning rate") #Too small?
#beta_c = param.Number(default=0.000033,bounds=(0,None),doc="Time window over which the neuron's firing rate is averaged")
def __init__(self,**params):
self.temp_hist = []
self.ave_hist = []
def __call__(self, iterator, input_activity, output_activity, learning_rate, **params):
Update the value of the given weights matrix based on the
input_activity matrix (of the same size as the weights matrix)
and the response of this unit (the unit_activity), governed by
a per-connection learning rate.
if not hasattr(self,'averages'):
self.averages = np.ones(output_activity.shape, dtype=np.float) * 0.1
# normalize initial weights to 1.0
for cf,i in iterator():
current_norm_value = 1.0*np.sum(abs(cf.weights.ravel()))
if current_norm_value != 0:
factor = (1.0/current_norm_value)
cf.weights *= factor
# compute recent average of output activity
self.averages = self.beta_c * output_activity + (1.0-self.beta_c) * self.averages
activity_norm = 1.0 + self.beta_n * \
((self.averages - self.activity_target)/self.activity_target)
single_connection_learning_rate = self.constant_sum_connection_rate(iterator.proj_n_units,learning_rate)
# avoid evaluating these references each time in the loop
single_cf_fn = self.single_cf_fn
for cf,i in iterator():
output_activity.flat[i], cf.weights, single_connection_learning_rate)
# homeostatic normalization
cf.weights /= activity_norm.flat[i]
# CEBHACKALERT: see ConnectionField.__init__()
cf.weights *= cf.mask
# For analysis only; can be removed (in which case also remove the initializations above)
# CEBALERT: I changed [0][7] to [0]!
self.temp_hist.append (np.sum(abs(iterator.flatcfs[0].weights.ravel())))
[docs]class CFPLF_PluginScaled(CFPLearningFn):
CFPLearningFunction applying the specified single_cf_fn to each CF.
Scales the single-connection learning rate by a scaling factor
that is different for each individual unit. Thus each individual
connection field uses a different learning rate.
single_cf_fn = param.ClassSelector(LearningFn,default=Hebbian(),
doc="Accepts a LearningFn that will be applied to each CF individually.")
learning_rate_scaling_factor = param.Parameter(default=None,
doc="Matrix of scaling factors for scaling the learning rate of each CF individually.")
def __call__(self, iterator, input_activity, output_activity, learning_rate, **params):
"""Apply the specified single_cf_fn to every CF."""
if self.learning_rate_scaling_factor is None:
self.learning_rate_scaling_factor = np.ones(output_activity.shape)
single_cf_fn = self.single_cf_fn
single_connection_learning_rate = self.constant_sum_connection_rate(iterator.proj_n_units,learning_rate)
for cf,i in iterator():
sc_learning_rate = self.learning_rate_scaling_factor.flat[i] * single_connection_learning_rate
output_activity.flat[i], cf.weights, sc_learning_rate)
# CEBHACKALERT: see ConnectionField.__init__() re. mask & output fn
cf.weights *= cf.mask
[docs] def update_scaling_factor(self, new_scaling_factor):
"""Update the single-connection learning rate scaling factor."""
self.learning_rate_scaling_factor = new_scaling_factor
__all__ = [