Source code for topo.misc.ipython

Topographica IPython extension for notebook support. Automatically
loaded when importing the topo module but may also be explicitly
loaded using:

%load_ext topo.misc.ipython
import os
import time
import difflib

import topo

    import IPython # pyflakes:ignore (Required import)
    from IPython.core.magic import Magics, magics_class, line_magic
    from unittest import SkipTest
    raise SkipTest("IPython extension requires IPython >= 0.12")

[docs]def prompt(message, default, options, skip=False): """ Helper function to repeatedly prompt the user with a list of options. If no input is given, the default value is returned. If wither the skip flag is True or the prompt is in a batch mode environment (e.g. for automated testing), the default value is immediately returned. """ options = list(set(opt.lower() for opt in options)) show_options = options[:] assert default.lower() in options, "Default value must be in options list." if skip or ('SKIP_IPYTHON_PROMPTS' in os.environ): return default default_index = show_options.index(default.lower()) show_options[default_index] = show_options[default_index].upper() choices ="/".join(show_options) prompt_msg = "%s (%s): " % (message, choices) response = raw_input(prompt_msg) if response =="": return default.lower() while response.lower() not in options: msg = ("Response '%s' not in available options (%s). Please try again: " % (response, choices)) response = raw_input(msg) return response.lower()
[docs]def export_notebook(notebook, output_path=None, ext='.ty', identifier='_export_', diff=True, invert=False, stale_time=None): """ Given a v3-format .ipynb notebook file (from IPython 0.13 or later), allows the contents of labelled code cells to be exported to a plaintext file. The typical use case is for generating a runnable plain Python source file from selected cells of an IPython notebook. Code is selected for export by placing the given identifier on the first line of the chosen code cells. By default, only the labelled cells are exported. This behavior may be inverted to exclude labelled cells by setting the invert flag. notebook The filename of the notebook (.ipynb). output_path Optional output file path. Otherwise, uses the notebook basename. ext The file extension of the output. identifier The identifier used to label cells. diff Whether to print a diff when overwriting content. invert When set, only the non-labelled cells are exported. stale_time Number of seconds that may elapse since the last notebook save before a staleness warning is issued. Useful when exporting from an active IPython notebook. """ print("Deprecation Warning: Please use the %define_exporter magic instead") lines = [] if output_path is None: output_path = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(notebook))[0] + ext # Assumes the v3 version of the ipynb format. import IPython.nbformat.current nbnode =, 'r'), 'ipynb') for cell in nbnode['worksheets'][0]['cells']: if cell['cell_type'] == 'code': celllines = cell['input'].rsplit("\n") labelled = (celllines[0].strip() == identifier) if labelled and not invert: lines.append('\n'.join(celllines[1:])) if invert and not labelled: lines.append('\n'.join(celllines[1:])) if stale_time: modified_time = time.time() - os.path.getmtime(notebook) if modified_time > stale_time: print "Notebook last saved %.1f seconds ago." % modified_time new_contents = "\n".join(lines) overwrite = os.path.isfile(output_path) if overwrite: old_contents = open(output_path, 'r').read() with open(output_path, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(new_contents) if diff and overwrite: deltas =difflib.unified_diff(old_contents.splitlines(), new_contents.splitlines(), lineterm='') print '\n'.join(list(deltas))
[docs]class ExportMagic(Magics): """ Line magic that defines a cell magic to export the cell contents to a specific file. For instance, running %define_exporter OUT ./output.txt will define an %%OUT cell magic that writes to the file output.txt. This cell magic takes a optional arguments 'clear' and 'run'. If 'clear' should be specified for the first cell to be exported. If 'run' is specified, the cell is executed in the active notebook as well as exported. """ @line_magic def define_exporter(self, line): split = line.split() if len(split) != 2: raise Exception("Please supply the export magic name and target filename") [name, filename] = split def exporter(line, cell): mode = 'w' if 'clear' in line.split() else 'a' with open(os.path.abspath(filename), mode) as f: f.write(cell+'\n') if 'run' in line.split():, magic_kind='cell', magic_name=name)'complete_command', lambda k,v: ['clear'], str_key = '%%{name}'.format(name=name)) #===============# # Display hooks # #===============#
from holoviews.ipython import load_ipython_extension as load_imagen_extension from holoviews.ipython.widgets import RunProgress RunProgress.run_hook = _loaded = False def load_ipython_extension(ip): load_imagen_extension(ip) global _loaded if not _loaded: _loaded = True ip.register_magics(ExportMagic) try: from lancet import load_ipython_extension as load_lancet_extension load_lancet_extension(ip) except: pass from topo.command import runscript runscript.ns = ip.user_ns runscript.push = ip.push from topo.misc.commandline import exec_startup_files exec_startup_files()