Code used to support old snapshots (those created from 0.9.7/r11275
import collections as odict
import sys
import decimal # CEBALERT: when did decimal appear? too late to use?
import param
from snapshots import PicklableClassAttributes
from topo import version_int
# CEBALERT: remove the extraneous "import param"s
# CEB: Add note that snapshot can be re-saved, making updates
# permanent. All functions in here should be written to support that.
# CEB: code to support older snapshots is available in earlier
# versions of this file (e.g. r11323). I consider that version of the
# file to be a "proof of concept"; techniques from it will be used to
# support changes made from 0.9.7 onwards.
# CEBNOTE: could also support running old scripts without modifying
# them.
# E.g. we changed output_fn to output_fns for several classes. To
# support that in a snapshot requires intercepting the saved data and
# detecting 'output_fn=x' and replacing it with 'output_fns=[x]',
# etc. To support it in a script requires installing something in the
# class that will take .output_fn=x and actually do
# .output_fns=[x]. Here's one way we could support CFProjection's
# weights_shape changing to cf_shape:
# import topo.base.cf
# cfp = topo.base.cf.CFProjection
# type.__setattr__(cfp,'weights_shape',cfp.__dict__['cf_shape'])
# CEBALERT: should probably restructure this file so that as little as
# possible happens on import. Should be easy to do.
releases = {"0.9.7": 11275}
def _get_version(snapshot_release,snapshot_version):
Try to determine a single numerical version for use in looking up
patches in the support dictionary, given a snapshot's declared
release and version.
Because of the variety of different version formats that have been
in use over the different version-control systems over the years,
it's not always possible to make such a mapping. E.g. versions
controlled by SVN would normally return topo.version like 11499,
which is clear, but also sometimes 11499:11503 or 11499M.
Versions from git checkouts of svn source would just say
"exported", while native git versions will have a four-tuple. If
nothing else works, the numerical version associated with the
stated release is used.
found_version = False
if snapshot_version is not None:
try: # to detect the passed version
snapshot_version = snapshot_version.split(":")[0]
snapshot_version = snapshot_version.split("M")[0]
except AttributeError: # the version is a tuple, thus it's from git
snapshot_version = version_int(snapshot_version)
# Convert to integer if snapshot_version contains only digits
if snapshot_version:
snapshot_version = int(snapshot_version)
found_version = True
except ValueError:
if not found_version:
snapshot_version = releases[snapshot_release]
param.Parameterized().debug("No version could be detected for this snapshot; assuming version of release %s (i.e. %s)."%(snapshot_release,snapshot_version))
return snapshot_version
class SnapshotSupport(object):
def install(snapshot_release,snapshot_version=None):
snapshot_version = _get_version(snapshot_release,snapshot_version)
param.Parameterized().debug("Snapshot is from release %s (r%s)"%(snapshot_release,snapshot_version))
def apply_external_patches():
global external_patches
# not ordered
for message in external_patches.keys():
def apply_support(version_to_support):
global support
# apply oldest to newest
for version in sorted(support.keys())[::-1]:
if version_to_support < version:
param.Parameterized().message("Applying legacy support for change r%s"%version)
# Supporting code
def _version_greater_or_equal(module,than):
# CB: I forgot Python: how do I do "if module version >= than"?!
major,minor = module.__version__.split(".")[0:2]
version = decimal.Decimal(major+"."+minor)
return version>=than
def _setstate(inst,state):
for k,v in state.items():
[docs]def preprocess_state(class_,state_mod_fn):
Allow processing of state with state_mod_fn before
class_.__setstate__(instance,state) is called.
state_mod_fn must accept two arguments: instance and state.
if not hasattr(class_,'__setstate__'):
# e.g. class_ used to be Parameterized, but now isn't
class_.__setstate__ = _setstate
old_setstate = class_.__setstate__
def new_setstate(instance,state):
class_.__setstate__ = new_setstate
[docs]def postprocess_state(class_,state_mod_fn):
Allow processing of instance and state after state has been applied.
state_mod_fn must accept two arguments: instance and state.
if not hasattr(class_,'__setstate__'):
# e.g. class_ used to be Parameterized, but now isn't
class_.__setstate__ = _setstate
old_setstate = class_.__setstate__
def new_setstate(instance,state):
class_.__setstate__ = new_setstate
# CEBNOTE: eventually, might have to support multiple redirections for
# one module (see version in r11323).
[docs]def module_redirect(name,parent,actual_module):
For use when module parent.name is now actual_module.
# CEBALERT: adapted from topo.misc.util's version; need to merge and
# clean up. Also, needs a better name: used only for allow_import().
class _ModuleFaker(object):
def __init__(self,module):
self.module = module
def load_module(self,name):
if name not in sys.modules:
self.module.__file__ = self.path
sys.modules[name] = self.module
if '.' in name:
parent_name, child_name = name.rsplit('.', 1)
setattr(sys.modules[parent_name], child_name, self.module)
return sys.modules[name]
class _ModuleImporter(object):
def __init__(self,module,fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
self.module = module
def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
if fullname == self.fullname:
param.Parameterized().message("%s imported as %s"%(self.module.__name__,self.fullname))
faker = _ModuleFaker(self.module)
faker.path = path
return faker
return None
[docs]def allow_import(module,location):
"""Allow module to be imported from location."""
# Functions to update old snapshots
# support[v]=fn : for snapshots saved before v, call fn
# only ONE entry per svn revision
support = {}
def do_not_restore_paths():
# For snapshots saved before 11323
# Avoid restoring search_paths,prefix for resolve_path,normalize_path
# (For snapshots before r11323, these were included.)
support[11323] = do_not_restore_paths
def param_add_pickle_default_value():
# For snapshots saved before 11321
# pickle_default_value attribute added to Parameter in r11321
from topo import param
def _param_add_pickle_default_value(instance,state):
if 'pickle_default_value' not in state:
support[11321] = param_add_pickle_default_value
# CEB: deliberately no support for audio-related changes, since
# audio-related code is changing fast and isn't in general
# use. Support could be added if necessary.
def pattern_basic_rectangular_removed():
# 11558 pattern.basic.rectangular() was removed
# CB: I'm assuming nobody cares about this, but if
# they do, replace the lambda with 11557's rectangular()
def rectangular(*args,**kw): raise NotImplementedError
import topo.pattern as B
B.rectangular = rectangular
support[11558] = pattern_basic_rectangular_removed
def pattern_Null_removed():
import imagen
from imagen import Constant
support[90800407] = pattern_Null_removed
# CEBALERT: should be renamed (it's not only about pattern.basic). And
# did all these happen in one commit? I added topo.ep recently; did
# that happen in the same commit as the others or not?
def pattern_basic_removed():
import topo
import topo.pattern
import topo.command
import topo.base.ep
import topo.coordmapper
import topo.learningfn
import topo.numbergen
import topo.pattern
import topo.projection
import topo.responsefn
import topo.sheet
import topo.transferfn
support[11871] = pattern_basic_removed
def param_external_removed():
# CB: From param/external.py, only odict should be relevant to snapshots.
import collections
support[12024] = param_external_removed
# CEBALERT: slot removal/addition support could be extracted to its
# own function, then there'd be less duplication and it'd be easier to
# add new slot support.
def Number_and_BoundingRegion_add_set_hook():
import param
import topo.base.boundingregion as R
def _add_set_hook(instance,state):
if 'set_hook' not in state and hasattr(instance.__class__,'set_hook'):
# have to add to state or else slot won't exist on instance, but will
# exist on class (consequence of using __slots__)
support[12028] = Number_and_BoundingRegion_add_set_hook
def renamed_sheetview_norm_factor():
# CEBALERT: stuff to avoid overwriting existing dict could be extracted and made reusable to avoid
# repeating it in all param_name_changes, param_moves
sv_name_changes = PicklableClassAttributes.param_name_changes.get(
def moved_featuremaps_selectivity_multiplier():
fm_moves = PicklableClassAttributes.param_moves.get(
PicklableClassAttributes.param_moves['topo.analysis.featureresponses.FeatureMaps'] = fm_moves
def reorganized_analysis():
support[11904] = reorganized_analysis
def moved_picklableclassattributes():
param.parameterized.PicklableClassAttributes = PicklableClassAttributes
support[12089] = moved_picklableclassattributes
def LISSOM_moved_to_SettlingCFSheet():
import topo.sheet.lissom
import topo.sheet.optimized
def _LISSOM_move_private_params_to_SettlingCFSheet(instance,state):
if '_SettlingCFSheet__counter_stack' not in state and '_LISSOM__counter_stack' in state:
del state['_LISSOM__counter_stack']
support[90800126] = LISSOM_moved_to_SettlingCFSheet
def sim_time_moved_to_Dynamic_time_fn():
def _sim_time_moved_to_Dynamic_time_fn(instance,state):
if '_time' in state and '_time_type_param_value' in state:
del state['_time']
del state['_time_type_param_value']
del state['_time_type_args_param_value']
print "skipped"
import topo.base.simulation
support[90800408] = sim_time_moved_to_Dynamic_time_fn
def removed_JointScaling():
from numpy import zeros,ones
import copy
from topo.base.sheet import activity_type
from topo.sheet import SettlingCFSheet
class JointScaling(SettlingCFSheet):
"""SettlingCFSheet sheet extended to allow joint auto-scaling of Afferent input projections."""
target = param.Number(default=0.045, doc="""
Target average activity for jointly scaled projections.""")
target_lr = param.Number(default=0.045, doc="""
Target learning rate for jointly scaled projections.
Used for calculating a learning rate scaling factor.""")
smoothing = param.Number(default=0.999, doc="""
Influence of previous activity, relative to current, for computing the average.""")
apply_scaling = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""Whether to apply the scaling factors.""")
precedence = param.Number(0.65)
def __init__(self,**params):
def calculate_joint_sf(self, joint_total):
if self.plastic:
self.sf *=0.0
self.lr_sf *=0.0
self.sf += self.target/self.x_avg
self.lr_sf += self.target_lr/self.x_avg
self.x_avg = (1.0-self.smoothing)*joint_total + self.smoothing*self.x_avg
self.scaled_x_avg = (1.0-self.smoothing)*joint_total*self.sf + self.smoothing*self.scaled_x_avg
def do_joint_scaling(self):
joint_total = zeros(self.shape, activity_type)
for key,projlist in self._grouped_in_projections('JointNormalize').items():
if key is not None:
if key =='Afferent':
for proj in projlist:
joint_total += proj.activity
if self.apply_scaling:
for proj in projlist:
proj.activity *= self.sf
if hasattr(proj.learning_fn,'learning_rate_scaling_factor'):
raise ValueError("Projections to be joint scaled must have a learning_fn that supports scaling, such as CFPLF_PluginScaled")
raise ValueError("Only Afferent scaling currently supported")
def activate(self):
self.activity *= 0.0
if self.x_avg is None: self.x_avg=self.target*ones(self.shape, activity_type)
if self.scaled_x_avg is None: self.scaled_x_avg=self.target*ones(self.shape, activity_type)
if self.sf is None: self.sf=ones(self.shape, activity_type)
if self.lr_sf is None: self.lr_sf=ones(self.shape, activity_type)
if self.activation_count == 0: self.do_joint_scaling()
for proj in self.in_connections: self.activity += proj.activity
if self.apply_output_fns:
for of in self.output_fns:
def state_push(self,**args):
copy.copy(self.sf), copy.copy(self.lr_sf)))
def state_pop(self,**args):
self.x_avg,self.scaled_x_avg, self.sf, self.lr_sf=self.__current_state_stack.pop()
import topo.sheet.lissom
topo.sheet.lissom.JointScaling = JointScaling
support[90800129] = removed_JointScaling
def topo_misc_odict_removed():
import collections
allow_import(collections, 'topo.misc.odict')
support[90800361] = topo_misc_odict_removed
def moved_Subplotting():
import topo.analysis.featureresponses
import topo.command.analysis
from topo.plotting.plotgroup import Subplotting, _equivalent_for_plotgroup_update, save_plotgroup
topo.analysis.featureresponses.Subplotting = Subplotting
topo.command.analysis._equivalent_for_plotgroup_update = _equivalent_for_plotgroup_update
topo.command.analysis.save_plotgroup = save_plotgroup
support[90800454] = moved_Subplotting
def moved_distribution():
from featuremapper import distribution
allow_import(distribution, 'topo.misc.distribution')
support[90800481] = moved_distribution
def moved_ep():
from topo.base import ep
support[90800486] = moved_ep
def moved_generatorsheet():
from topo.base import generatorsheet
allow_import(generatorsheet, 'topo.misc.generatorsheet')
support[90800490] = moved_generatorsheet
def replace_keyedlist():
class KeyedList(list):
def __getitem__(self, key):
for value in [v for k,v in self if k == key]: return value
if isinstance(key,int):
for v in [v for i,k,v in enumerate(self) if i==key]: return v
raise KeyError(key)
def get(self, key, default=None):
if key in self.keys(): return self[key]
return default
def set(self, key, value):
if key in self.keys(): self[self.index((key,self[key]))] = (key,value)
else: self.append((key,value))
return True
def has_key(self, key): return key in self.keys()
def __setitem__(self,k,v): return self.set(k,v)
def append(self, (key, value)): super(KeyedList,self).append(tuple((key,value)))
def items(self): return list(self)
def keys(self): return [k for (k, v) in self.items()]
def values(self): return [v for (k, v) in self.items()]
def update(self,b): [self.set(k, v) for (k, v) in b.items()]
odict.KeyedList = KeyedList
sys.modules['topo.misc.keyedlist'] = odict
setattr(sys.modules['topo.misc'], 'keyedlist', odict)
support[90800491] = replace_keyedlist
# patches for external dependencies
# pickle stores path to modules; if path to module changes, module
# can't be imported, so snapshot can't be opened.
external_patches = {}
def numpy_core_defmatrix():
import numpy.matrixlib.defmatrix
import numpy
if _version_greater_or_equal(numpy,decimal.Decimal("1.4")):
external_patches['Support numpy.core.defmatrix for numpy>=1.4'] = numpy_core_defmatrix
# CB: About support for things like the numpy defmatrix change
# (above). When someone asks to load a snapshot, and they have
# numpy>=1.4, we register an import hook so that if the snapshot tries
# to import numpy.core.defmatrix, numpy.matrixlib.defmatrix will be
# provided. This happens without testing that the snapshot will
# actually try to import numpy.core.defmatrix (i.e. "import
# numpy.core.defmatrix" will work (with a warning) after loading *any*
# snapshot if version of numpy>=1.4). As far as I can see, the only
# way of improving this would be either (a) to set
# cPickle.Unpickler.find_global and make it handle all the various
# import changes (plus normal imports; there's no default because
# that's hidden in C) or (b) store version numbers of imported modules
# in the snapshot and use those to figure out what to do.
# CEBALERT: not sure whether to keep the "-l" option to Topographica.
# The idea is that we could start old scripts by loading legacy
# support, and then save a script_repr, thus allowing the script to be
# updated automatically. Not sure script_repr works well enough
# yet. (Should alter the -l option to take an optional release and svn
# version number.)
def install_legacy_support(release="0.9.7",version=None):
if version is None:
version = releases[release]
assert version>=releases[release], "Release/version mismatch."