Functions for measuring memory usage, to allow usage to be optimized.
bin/python -c 'execfile("topo/misc/memuse.py") ; print topsize_mb()'
./topographica -c 'from topo.misc import memuse' -c 'print memuse.topsize_mb()'
./topographica -c 'from topo.misc import memuse, asizeof' -c 'print memuse.topsize_mb()'
./topographica -a -c 'from topo.misc import memuse, asizeof' -c 'print memuse.topsize_mb()'
./topographica -a -c 'from topo.misc import memuse, asizeof' examples/tiny.ty -c 'print memuse.allsizes_mb()'
./topographica -a -c 'from topo.misc import memuse, asizeof' -c 'memuse.memuse_batch("examples/tiny.ty",cortex_density=20)'
./topographica -a -c 'from topo.misc import memuse, asizeof' -c 'memuse.memuse_batch("examples/tiny.ty",times=[0,100],analysis_fn=memuse.plotting_and_saving_analysis_fn,cortex_density=20)'
# If functions in this file need anything other than the very basic
# imports declared here at the top, they must do so using import
# statements *within* the function definition to avoid polluting
# memory. Otherwise, the simplest functions in this file would end up
# measuring memory taken by unused and irrelevant imports like 'topo',
# which doesn't ever need to be loaded for the 'execfile' example
# shown above.
import subprocess
[docs]def cmd_to_string(cmd):
"""Run a system command as in os.system(), but capture the stdout and return it as a string."""
return subprocess.Popen(cmd,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
[docs]def topsize():
"""Return the RES size of this process as reported by the top(1) command."""
import os
top_line=cmd_to_string("top -n 1 -b -p %d | grep '^[ ]*%d '" % (os.getpid(),os.getpid()))
return top_line.split()[5]
[docs]def simsize():
Return the size of topo.sim reported by asizeof.asizeof().
This estimate does not currently include any numpy arrays, and
may also be missing other important items.
Python 2.6 supports getsizeof() and a __sizeof__ attribute that user
code can implement, which should provide a more accurate estimate.
import asizeof,topo
return asizeof.asizeof(topo.sim)
# String-formatted versions of the above
[docs]def mb(bytes):
"""Format the given value in bytes as a string in megabytes"""
return "%dMB" % (bytes/1024.0/1024.0)
[docs]def topsize_mb():
"""String-formatted version of the RES size of this process reported by top(1)."""
return "topsize:%s" % topsize()
[docs]def simsize_mb():
"""String-formatted version of the value reported by asizeof(topo.sim)."""
return "simsize:%s" % (mb(simsize()))
[docs]def wtsize_mb():
"""String-formatted version of the memory taken by the weights, from print_sizes()."""
from topo.command import n_bytes
return "wtsize:%s" % (mb(n_bytes()))
[docs]def allsizes_mb():
Collates results from topsize, simsize, and wtsize.
Formatted to suggest that the topsize is made up of code (not
currently estimated), topo.sim (apart from weights), and weights.
from topo.command import n_bytes
return "%s =? code + %s + %s (%s tot)" % (topsize_mb(),simsize_mb(),wtsize_mb(),mb(simsize()+n_bytes()))
# Batch commands
[docs]def default_memuse_analysis_fn(prefix=""):
"""Basic memuse function for use with memuse_batch()"""
import topo
print "%st%s: %s" % (prefix,topo.sim.timestr(),allsizes_mb())
[docs]def plotting_and_saving_analysis_fn(prefix=""):
"""For use with memuse_batch() to test snapshot and plotting memory usage."""
import topo
from topo.command import save_snapshot
from topo.command.analysis import measure_sine_pref,save_plotgroup
print "%sMemuse at time %s: %s" % (prefix,topo.sim.timestr(),allsizes_mb())
print "%sAfter measure_sine_pref: %s" % (prefix,allsizes_mb())
save_plotgroup("Orientation Preference")
print "%sAfter save_plotgroup: %s" % (prefix,allsizes_mb())
print "%sAfter save_snapshot: %s" % (prefix,allsizes_mb())
[docs]def memuse_batch(script_file,times=[0],analysis_fn=default_memuse_analysis_fn,**params):
Similar to run_batch, but analyzes the memory requirement of a simulation at different times.
First, the specified script file will be run using the specified parameters.
Then at each of the specified times, the given analysis_fn (which
calls allsizes_mb() by default) is run. The output is labeled
with the script file, time, and parameters so that results from
different runs can be compared.
import os,re,__main__,topo
from topo.misc.commandline import global_params
# Construct simulation name, etc.
scriptbase= re.sub('.ty$','',os.path.basename(script_file))
prefix = ""
#prefix += time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M") + "_"
prefix += scriptbase
simname = prefix
# Construct parameter-value portion of filename; should do more filtering
for a,val in params.iteritems():
# Special case to give reasonable filenames for lists
valstr= ("_".join([str(i) for i in val]) if isinstance(val,list)
else str(val))
prefix += "," + a + "=" + valstr
# Set provided parameter values in main namespace
# Run script in main
execfile(script_file,__main__.__dict__) #global_params.context
# Run each segment, doing the analysis and saving the script state each time
for run_to in times:
topo.sim.run(run_to - topo.sim.time())
analysis_fn(prefix=prefix+": ")
import traceback,sys
sys.stderr.write("Warning -- Error detected: execution halted.\n")