Extensions to pickle allowing items in __main__ to be saved.
# CEBALERT: move into snapshots.py?
import new
import pickle
import types
import __main__
from StringIO import StringIO
import copy
def _name_is_main(obj):
# CEBALERT: see IPython hack in commandline.py
return obj.__module__ == "__main__" or obj.__module__ == "__mynamespace__"
[docs]class PickleMain(object):
Pickle support for types and functions defined in __main__.
When pickled, saves types and functions defined in __main__ by
value (i.e. as bytecode). When unpickled, loads previously saved
types and functions back into __main__.
def _create_pickler(self):
# Usually we use the cPickle module rather than the pickle
# module (because cPickle is faster), but here we need control
# over the pickling process so we use pickle.
# Additionally, we create a Pickler instance to avoid changing
# defaults in the pickle module itself, so that there are no side
# effects for code elsewhere (although we don't use pickle
# anywhere else ourselves...).
self.pickled_bytecode = StringIO()
self.pickler = pickle.Pickler(self.pickled_bytecode,-1)
# CB: pickle.Pickler's dispatch attribute is a class
# attribute (I don't know why, but it is...), so before
# modifying this instance's dispatch attribute we make sure
# modifications will affect only this instance.
self.pickler.dispatch = copy.copy(self.pickler.dispatch)
self.pickler.dispatch[new.code] = save_code
self.pickler.dispatch[new.function] = save_function
self.pickler.dispatch[dict] = save_module_dict
self.pickler.dispatch[new.classobj] = save_classobj
self.pickler.dispatch[new.instancemethod] = save_instancemethod
self.pickler.dispatch[new.module] = save_module
self.pickler.dispatch[type] = save_type
# CB: maybe this should be registered from elsewhere
import param
self.pickler.dispatch[param.parameterized.ParameterizedMetaclass] = save_type
def __getstate__(self):
bytecode = {}
for name,obj in __main__.__dict__.items():
if not name.startswith('_'):
if isinstance(obj,types.FunctionType) or isinstance(obj,type):
# (could be extended to other types, I guess
if _name_is_main(obj):
#CB: how do I print out info via Parameterized?
print "%s is defined in __main__: saving bytecode."%name
bytecode[name] = obj
return {'pickled_bytecode':self.pickled_bytecode}
def __setstate__(self,state):
bytecode = pickle.load(StringIO(state['pickled_bytecode'].getvalue()))
for name,obj in bytecode.items():
print "%s restored from bytecode into __main__"%name
__main__.__dict__[name] = obj
### Copied from http://code.activestate.com/recipes/572213/ ###
# Original docstring
# Extend pickle module to allow pickling of interpreter state
# including any interactively defined functions and classes.
# This module is not required for unpickling such pickle files.
# >>> import savestate, pickle, __main__
# >>> pickle.dump(__main__, open('savestate.pickle', 'wb'), 2)
# (note that we're not actually using it to pickle __main__, and I've
# removed the lines that change pickle's defaults)
[docs]def save_code(self, obj):
""" Save a code object by value """
args = (
obj.co_argcount, obj.co_nlocals, obj.co_stacksize, obj.co_flags, obj.co_code,
obj.co_consts, obj.co_names, obj.co_varnames, obj.co_filename, obj.co_name,
obj.co_firstlineno, obj.co_lnotab, obj.co_freevars, obj.co_cellvars
self.save_reduce(new.code, args, obj=obj)
[docs]def save_function(self, obj):
""" Save functions by value if they are defined interactively """
if _name_is_main(obj) or obj.func_name == '<lambda>':
args = (obj.func_code, obj.func_globals, obj.func_name, obj.func_defaults, obj.func_closure)
self.save_reduce(new.function, args, obj=obj)
#pickle.Pickler.save_global(self, obj)
[docs]def save_global_byname(self, obj, modname, objname):
""" Save obj as a global reference. Used for objects that pickle does not find correctly. """
self.write('%s%s\n%s\n' % (pickle.GLOBAL, modname, objname))
[docs]def save_module_dict(self, obj, main_dict=vars(__import__('__main__'))):
""" Special-case __main__.__dict__. Useful for a function's func_globals member. """
if obj is main_dict:
save_global_byname(self, obj, '__main__', '__dict__')
return self.save_dict(obj)
#return pickle.Pickler.save_dict(self, obj) # fallback to original
[docs]def save_classobj(self, obj):
""" Save an interactively defined classic class object by value """
if _name_is_main(obj):
args = (obj.__name__, obj.__bases__, obj.__dict__)
self.save_reduce(new.classobj, args, obj=obj)
name = str(obj).split('.')[-1] # CEB: hack to find classic class name
#pickle.Pickler.save_global(self, obj, name)
[docs]def save_instancemethod(self, obj):
""" Save an instancemethod object """
# Instancemethods are re-created each time they are accessed so this will not be memoized
args = (obj.im_func, obj.im_self, obj.im_class)
self.save_reduce(new.instancemethod, args)
[docs]def save_module(self, obj):
""" Save modules by reference, except __main__ which also gets its contents saved by value """
if _name_is_main(obj):
self.save_reduce(__import__, (obj.__name__,), obj=obj, state=vars(obj).copy())
elif obj.__name__.count('.') == 0:
self.save_reduce(__import__, (obj.__name__,), obj=obj)
save_global_byname(self, obj, *obj.__name__.rsplit('.', 1))
def save_type(self, obj):
if getattr(new, obj.__name__, None) is obj:
# Types in 'new' module claim their module is '__builtin__' but are not actually there
save_global_byname(self, obj, 'new', obj.__name__)
elif _name_is_main(obj):
# Types in __main__ are saved by value
# Make sure we have a reference to type.__new__
if id(type.__new__) not in self.memo:
self.save_reduce(getattr, (type, '__new__'), obj=type.__new__)
# Copy dictproxy to real dict
d = dict(obj.__dict__)
# Clean up unpickleable descriptors added by Python
d.pop('__dict__', None)
d.pop('__weakref__', None)
args = (type(obj), obj.__name__, obj.__bases__, d)
self.save_reduce(type.__new__, args, obj=obj)
# Fallback to default behavior: save by reference
#pickle.Pickler.save_global(self, obj)