Source code for topo.misc.snapshots


import inspect
import __main__

from param.parameterized import Parameterized, Parameter

# CEBALERT: Can't this stuff move to the ParameterizedMetaclass?
class PicklableClassAttributes(object):
[docs] Supports pickling of Parameterized class attributes for a given module. When requested to be pickled, stores a module's PO classes' attributes, and any given startup_commands. On unpickling, executes the startup commands and sets the class attributes. """ # classes that aren't parameterized any more do_not_restore = [] deleted_params = {"Simulation": ["time_type","time_type_args"]} # Support for changing parameter names # CEBALERT: doesn't support things like changing output_fn to output_fns, # where we also need to do output_fn=x -> output_fns=[x]. # Should implement fuller support in legacy, and remove this from here. param_name_changes = {} # e.g. you change imagen.Gaussian.aspect_ratio to aspect_ration # _param_name_changes['imagen.Gaussian']={'aspect_ratio':'aspect_ration'} # # (not yet finished - do we need to add information about version numbers?) # CEBALERT: same comments as above about doing this more cleanly param_moves = {} # pylint: disable-msg=R0903 # CB: might have mixed up module and package in the docs. def __init__(self,module,exclusions=(),startup_commands=()): """ module: a module object, such as topo Any submodules listed by name in exclusions will not have their classes' attributes saved. """ self.module=module self.exclude=exclusions self.startup_commands=startup_commands def __getstate__(self): """ Return a dictionary of self.module's PO classes' attributes, plus self.startup_commands. """ class_attributes = {} self.get_PO_class_attributes(self.module,class_attributes,[],exclude=self.exclude) # CB: we don't want to pickle anything about this object except what # we want to have executed on unpickling (this object's not going to be hanging around). return {'class_attributes':class_attributes, 'startup_commands':self.startup_commands} def __setstate__(self,state): """ Execute the startup commands and set class attributes. """ self.startup_commands = state['startup_commands'] for cmd in self.startup_commands: exec cmd in __main__.__dict__ to_restore = {} ########## pre-processing (renames, moves, etc) for class_path,state in state['class_attributes'].items(): # from e.g. "topo.base.parameter.Parameter", we want "topo.base.parameter" if class_path in self.do_not_restore: #print "Did not restore:",class_path break for p_name,p_obj in state.items(): if p_name in self.param_moves.get(class_path,{}): assert p_name not in self.param_name_changes.get(class_path,{}) if len(self.param_moves[class_path][p_name]) == 2: new_class_path,new_p_name = self.param_moves[class_path][p_name] if len(self.param_moves[class_path][p_name]) == 3: new_class_path,new_p_name,fn = self.param_moves[class_path][p_name] p_obj = fn(p_obj) if new_class_path not in to_restore: to_restore[new_class_path] = {} Parameterized().message("%s.%s has been moved to %s.%s"%(class_path,p_name,new_class_path,new_p_name)) assert new_p_name not in to_restore[new_class_path] to_restore[new_class_path][new_p_name]=p_obj elif p_name in self.param_name_changes.get(class_path,{}): if isinstance(self.param_name_changes[class_path][p_name],tuple): new_p_name, fn = self.param_name_changes[class_path][p_name] p_obj = fn(p_obj) else: new_p_name= self.param_name_changes[class_path][p_name] if class_path not in to_restore: to_restore[class_path] = {} Parameterized().message("%s's %s parameter has been renamed to %s."%(class_path,p_name,new_p_name)) to_restore[class_path][new_p_name] = p_obj else: if class_path not in to_restore: to_restore[class_path] = {} to_restore[class_path][p_name]= p_obj ########## restoring for class_path in to_restore: module_path = class_path[0:class_path.rindex('.')] class_name = class_path[class_path.rindex('.')+1::] deleted_params = self.deleted_params.get(class_name, []) try: module = __import__(module_path,fromlist=[module_path]) except: Parameterized().warning("Could not find module '%s' to restore parameter values of '%s' (module might have been moved or renamed; if you are using this module, please file a support request via"%(module_path,class_path)) break try: class_=getattr(module,class_name) except: Parameterized().warning("Could not find class '%s' to restore its parameter values (class might have been removed or renamed; if you are using this class, please file a support request via"%class_path) break for p_name,p_obj in to_restore[class_path].items(): try: if p_name in deleted_params: pass elif p_name not in class_.params(): # CEBALERT: GlobalParams's source code never has # parameters. If we move Parameter saving and # restoring to Parameterized, could allow # individual classes to customize Parameter # restoration. if class_.__name__!='GlobalParams': Parameterized(name='load_snapshot').warning("%s.%s found in snapshot, but '%s' is no longer defined as a Parameter by the current version of %s. If you are using this class, please file a support request via" % (class_.__name__, p_name,p_name,class_.__name__)) else: setattr(class_,p_name,p_obj) except: Parameterized(name='load_snapshot').warning("%s.%s found in snapshot, but '%s' but could not be restored to the current version of %s. If you are using this class, please file a support request via" % (class_.__name__, p_name,p_name,class_.__name__)) # CB: I guess this could be simplified def get_PO_class_attributes(self,module,class_attributes,processed_modules,exclude=()): """
[docs] Recursively search module and get attributes of Parameterized classes within it. class_attributes is a dictionary {module.path.and.Classname: state}, where state is the dictionary {attribute: value}. Something is considered a module for our purposes if inspect says it's a module, and it defines __all__. We only search through modules listed in __all__. Keeps a list of processed modules to avoid looking at the same one more than once (since e.g. __main__ contains __main__ contains __main__...) Modules can be specifically excluded if listed in exclude. """ dict_ = module.__dict__ for (k,v) in dict_.items(): if '__all__' in dict_ and inspect.ismodule(v) and k not in exclude: if k in dict_['__all__'] and v not in processed_modules: self.get_PO_class_attributes(v,class_attributes,processed_modules,exclude) processed_modules.append(v) else: if isinstance(v,type) and issubclass(v,Parameterized): # Note: we take the class name as v.__name__, not # k, because k might be just a label for the true # class. For example, if someone imports a class # using 'as', the name in the local namespace # could be different from the name when the class # was defined. It is correct to set the # attributes on the true class. full_class_path = v.__module__+'.'+v.__name__ class_attributes[full_class_path] = {} # Parameterized classes always have parameters in # __dict__, never in __slots__ for (name,obj) in v.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(obj,Parameter) and obj.pickle_default_value: class_attributes[full_class_path][name] = obj

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