Object classes for recording and plotting time-series data.
This module defines a set of DataRecorder object types for recording
time-series data, a set of Trace object types for
specifying ways of generating 1D-vs-time traces from recorded data,
and a TraceGroup object that will plot a set of traces on stacked,
aligned axes.
import os
import bisect
from itertools import izip
from numpy import asarray
import ImageDraw
import param
from param import normalize_path
from topo.base.simulation import EventProcessor
from topo.plotting.bitmap import RGBBitmap, MontageBitmap, TITLE_FONT
from topo.misc.util import Struct
[docs]class DataRecorder(EventProcessor):
Record time-series data from a simulation.
A DataRecorder instance stores a set of named time-series
variables, consisting of a sequence of recorded data items of any
type, along with the times at which they were recorded.
DataRecorder is an abstract class for which different
implementations may exist for different means of storing recorded
data. For example, the subclass InMemoryRecorder stores all the
data in memory.
A DataRecorder instance can operate either as an event processor, or in a
stand-alone mode. Both usage modes can be used on the same
instance in the same simulation.
A DataRecorder instance is used as follows:
- Method .add_variable adds a named time series variable.
- Method .record_data records a new data item and timestamp.
- Method .get_data gets a time-delimited sequence of data from a variable
A DataRecorder can also be connected to a simulation as an event
processor, forming a kind of virtual recording equipment. An
output port from any event processor in a simulation can be
connected to a DataRecorder; the recorder will automaticall create
a variable with the same name as the connection, and record any
incoming data on that variable with the time it was received. For
topo.sim['Recorder'] = InMemoryRecorder()
topo.sim.connect('V1','Recorder',name='V1 Activity')
This script snippet will create a new DataRecorder and
automatically record all activity sent from the sheet 'V1'.
__abstract = True
def __init__(self,**params):
self._trace_groups = {}
def _src_connect(self,conn):
raise NotImplementedError
def _dest_connect(self,conn):
def input_event(self,conn,data):
[docs] def add_variable(self,name):
Create a new time-series variable with the given name.
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def record_data(self,varname,time,data):
Record the given data item with the given timestamp in the
named timeseries.
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_data(self,varname,times=(None,None),fill_range=False):
Get the named timeseries between the given times
(inclusive). If fill_range is true, the returned data will
have timepoints exactly at the start and end of
the given timerange. The data values at these timepoints will
be those of the next-earlier datapoint in the series.
(NOTE: fill_range can fail to create a beginning timepoint if
the start of the time range is earlier than the first recorded datapoint.]
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_times(self,var):
Get all the timestamps for a given variable.
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_time_indices(self,varname,start_time,end_time):
For the named variable, get the start and end indices suitable
for slicing the data to include all times t::
start_time <= t <= end_time.
A start_ or end_time of None is interpreted to mean the
earliest or latest available time, respectively.
times = self.get_times(varname)
if start_time is None:
start = 0
start = bisect.bisect_left(times,start_time)
if start >= len(times):
start = len(times)-1
elif times[start] > start_time:
start -= 1
if end_time is None:
end = None
end = bisect.bisect_right(times,end_time)
return start,end
[docs]class InMemoryRecorder(DataRecorder):
A data recorder that stores all recorded data in memory.
def __init__(self,**params):
self._vars = {}
def add_variable(self,name):
self._vars[name] = Struct(time=[],data=[])
def record_data(self,varname,time,data):
var = self._vars[varname]
# add the data, maintaining it sorted by time
if not var.time or var.time[-1] <= time:
elif time < var.time[0]:
idx = bisect.bisect_right(var.time,time)
def get_datum(self,name,time):
idx,dummy = self.get_time_indices(name,time,time)
data = self._vars[name].data
if idx >= len(data):
idx -= 1
return data[idx]
def get_data(self,name,times=(None,None),fill_range=False):
tstart,tend = times
start,end = self.get_time_indices(name,tstart,tend)
var = self._vars[name]
if start >= len(var.data):
# if the start index is out of bounds
if fill_range:
time = times
data = [var.data[-1]]*2
time,data = [],[]
time,data = var.time[start:end],var.data[start:end]
if fill_range:
if time[0] > tstart and start > 0:
if time[-1] < tend:
return time,data
def get_times(self,varname):
return self._vars[varname].time
[docs]class Trace(param.Parameterized):
A specification for generating 1D traces of data from recorded
A Trace object is a callable object that encapsulates
a method for generating a 1-dimensional trace from possibly
multidimensional timeseries data, along with a specification for
how to plot that data, including Y-axis boundaries and plotting arguments.
Trace is an abstract class. Subclasses implement
the __call__ method to define how to extract a 1D trace from a
sequence of data.
__abstract = True
data_name = param.String(default=None,doc="""
Name of the timeseries from which the trace is generated.
E.g. the connection name into a DataRecorder object.""")
# JPALERT: This should really be something like a NumericTuple,
# except that NumericTuple won't allow the use of None to indicate
# 'no default'. (Nor will Number.)
# JB: We could have that as an option, or as another Parameter
# type, but in many cases knowing that the parameter cannot be set
# to a non-numeric value is crucial, as it means we don't have to
# do special checks every time the value is used. So we should
# leave the default behavior as it is, but yes, it would be good
# to handle None for numeric types (and also for Boolean, to make
# it tri-state). Note that Bounds is a specific type that we
# should probably support in any case, because it not only needs
# to support None, it needs to specify whether the bounds are
# inclusive or exclusive.
ybounds = param.Parameter(default=(None,None),doc="""
The (min,max) boundaries for y axis. If either is None, then
the bound min or max of the data given, respectively.""")
ymargin = param.Number(default=0.1,doc="""
The fraction of the difference ymax-ymin to add to the
top of the plot as padding.""")
plotkw = param.Dict(default=dict(linestyle='steps'),doc="""
Contains the keyword arguments to pass to the plot command
when plotting the trace.""")
def __call__(self,data):
raise NotImplementedError
# JB: Needs docstring. Should this be a property instead?
def get_ybounds(self,ydata):
ymin,ymax = self.ybounds
if ymax is None:
ymax = max(ydata)
if ymin is None:
ymin = min(ydata)
ymax += (ymax-ymin)*self.ymargin
return ymin,ymax
[docs]class IdentityTrace(Trace):
A Trace that returns the data, unmodified.
def __call__(self,data):
return data
[docs]class SheetPositionTrace(Trace):
A trace that assumes that the data are sheet activity matrices,
and traces the value of a given (x,y) position on the sheet.
x = param.Number(default=0.0,doc="""
The x sheet-coordinate of the position to be traced.""")
y = param.Number(default=0.0,doc="""
The y sheet-coordinate of the position to be traced.""")
position = param.Composite(attribs=['x','y'],doc="""
The sheet coordinates of the position to be traced.""")
# JPALERT: Would be nice to some way to set up the coordinate system
# automatically. The DataRecorder object already knows what Sheet
# the data came from.
coordframe = param.Parameter(default=None,doc="""
The SheetCoordinateSystem to use to convert the position
into matrix coordinates.""")
def __call__(self,data):
r,c = self.coordframe.sheet2matrixidx(self.x,self.y)
return [d[r,c] for d in data]
[docs]class TraceGroup(param.Parameterized):
A group of data traces to be plotted together.
A TraceGroup defines a set of associated data traces and allows
them to be plotted on stacked, aligned axes. The constructor
takes a DataRecorder object as a data source, and a list of
Trace objects that indicate the traces to plot. The
trace specifications are stored in the attribute self.traces,
which can be modified at any time.
hspace = param.Number(default=0.6,doc="""
Height spacing adjustment between plots. Larger values
produce more space.""")
time_axis_relative = param.Boolean(default=False,doc="""
Whether to plot the time-axis tic values relative to the start
of the plotted time range, or in absolute values.""")
def __init__(self,recorder,traces=[],**params):
self.traces = traces
self.recorder = recorder
[docs] def plot(self,times=(None,None)):
Plot the traces.
Requires MatPlotLib (aka pylab).
Plots the traces specified in self.traces, over the timespan
specified by times. times = (start_time,end_time); if either
start_time or end_time is None, it is assumed to extend to the
beginning or end of the timeseries, respectively.
import pylab
rows = len(self.traces)
tstart,tend = times
for i,trace in enumerate(self.traces):
# JPALERT: The TraceGroup object should really create its
# own matplotlib.Figure object and always plot there
# (instead of in the frontmost plot), but I haven't
# figured out how to do that yet.
time,data = self.recorder.get_data(trace.data_name,times=times,fill_range=True)
y = trace(data)
if self.time_axis_relative:
time = asarray(time) - time[0]
ymin,ymax = trace.get_ybounds(y)
[docs]def get_images(name,times,recorder,overlays=(0,0,0)):
Get a time-sequence of matrix data from a DataRecorder variable
and convert it to a sequence of images stored in Bitmap objects.
Parameters: name is the name of the variable to be queried. times
is a sequence of timepoints at which to query the
variable. recorder is the data recorder. overlays is a tuple of
matrices or scalars to be added to the red, green, and blue
channels of the bitmaps respectively.
result = []
for t in times:
d = recorder.get_datum(name,t)
im = RGBBitmap(d+overlays[0],d+overlays[1],d+overlays[2])
return result
# JABALERT: Is there some reason it is called ActivityMovie in
# particular, if it can plot things other than Activity?
# Maybe DataRecorderMovie?
[docs]class ActivityMovie(param.Parameterized):
An object encapsulating a series of movie frames displaying the
value of one or more matrix-valued time-series contained in a
DataRecorder object.
An ActivityMovie takes a DataRecorder object, a list of names of
variables in that recorder and a sequence of timepoints at which
to sample those variables. It uses that information to compose a
sequence of MontageBitmap objects displaying the stored values of
each variable at each timepoint. These bitmaps can then be saved
to sequentially-named files that can be composited into a movie by
external software.
Parameters are available to control the layout of the montage,
adding timecodes to the frames, and the names of the frame files.
variables = param.List(class_=str, doc="""
A list of variable names in a DataRecorder object containing
matrix-valued time series data.""")
overlays = param.Dict(default={}, doc="""
A dictionary indicating overlays for the variable bitmaps. The
for each key in the dict matching the name of a variable, there
should be associated a triple of matrices to be overlayed on
the red, green, and blue channels of the corresponding bitmap
in each frame.""")
frame_times = param.List(default=[0,1], doc="""
A list of the times of the frames in the movie.""")
montage_params = param.Dict(default={},doc="""
A dictionary containing parameters to be used when
instantiating the MontageBitmap objects representing each frame.""",
recorder = param.ClassSelector(class_=DataRecorder, doc="""
The DataRecorder storing the timeseries.""")
filename_fmt = param.String(default='%n_%t.%T',doc="""
The format for the filenames used to store the frames. The following
substitutions are possible:
%n: The name of this ActivityMovie object.
%t: The frame time, as formatted by the filename_time_fmt parameter
%T: The filetype given by the filetype parameter. """)
filename_time_fmt = param.String(default='%05.0f', doc="""
The format of the frame time, using Python string substitution for
a floating-point number.""")
filetype = param.String(default='tif',doc="""
The filetype to use when writing frames. Can be any filetype understood
by the Python Imaging Library.""")
filename_prefix = param.String(default='', doc="""
A prefix to prepend to the filename of each frame when saving;
can include directories. If the filename contains a path, any
non-existent directories in the path will be created when the
movie is saved.""")
add_timecode = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Whether to add a visible timecode indicator to each frame.""")
timecode_options = param.Dict(default={},instantiate=False,doc="""
A dictionary of keyword options to be passed to the PIL ImageDraw.text method
when drawing the timecode on the frame. Valid options include font,
an ImageFont object indicating the text font, and fill a PIL color
specification indicating the text color. If unspecified, color defaults to
the PIL default of black. Font defaults to topo.plotting.bitmap.TITLE_FONT.""")
timecode_fmt = param.String(default='%05.0f',doc="""
The format of the timecode displayed in the movie frames, using
Python string substitution for a floating-point number.""")
timecode_offset = param.Number(default=0,doc="""
A value to be added to each timecode before formatting for display.""")
def __init__(self,**params):
bitmaps = [get_images(var,self.frame_times,self.recorder,
for var in self.variables]
self.frames = [MontageBitmap(bitmaps=list(bms),**self.montage_params)
for bms in izip(*bitmaps)]
if self.add_timecode:
for t,f in izip(self.frame_times,self.frames):
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(f.image)
timecode = self.timecode_fmt % (t+self.timecode_offset)
tw,th = draw.textsize(timecode,font=self.timecode_options.setdefault('font',TITLE_FONT))
w,h = f.image.size
[docs] def save(self):
"""Save the movie frames."""
filename_pat = self.name.join(self.filename_fmt.split('%n'))
filename_pat = self.filename_time_fmt.join(filename_pat.split('%t'))
filename_pat = self.filetype.join(filename_pat.split('%T'))
filename_pat = normalize_path(filename_pat,prefix=self.filename_prefix)
dirname = os.path.dirname(filename_pat)
if not os.access(dirname,os.F_OK):
self.verbose('Writing %s to files like "%s"',len(self.frames),filename_pat)
for t,f in zip(self.frame_times,self.frames):
filename = filename_pat% t
self.debug("Writing frame %s",filename)