Source code for topo.optimized.unoptimized
Provides unoptimized fallbacks for Cython optimized components.
import param
from import ResponseFn, CFPOutputFn, CFPRF_Plugin, CFPLF_Plugin
from topo.base.functionfamily import DotProduct, LearningFn, Hebbian, TransferFn, IdentityTF
from topo.learningfn import BCMFixed
from topo.transferfn import DivisiveNormalizeL1
from topo.learningfn.projfn import CFPLF_Trace as CFPLF_Trace_cython # pyflakes:ignore (optimized version provided)
[docs]class CFPRF_DotProduct_cython(CFPRF_Plugin):
Wrapper written to allow transparent non-optimized fallback;
equivalent to CFPRF_Plugin(single_cf_fn=DotProduct()).
single_cf_fn = param.ClassSelector(ResponseFn, DotProduct(),readonly=True)
def __init__(self,**params):
[docs]class CFPLF_Hebbian_cython(CFPLF_Plugin):
"""Same as CFPLF_Plugin(single_cf_fn=Hebbian()); just for non-optimized fallback."""
single_cf_fn = param.ClassSelector(LearningFn,default=Hebbian(),readonly=True)
[docs]class CFPLF_BCMFixed_cython(CFPLF_Plugin):
"""Same as CFPLF_Plugin(single_cf_fn=BCMFixed()); just for non-optimized fallback."""
single_cf_fn = param.ClassSelector(LearningFn,default=BCMFixed(),readonly=True)
[docs]class CFPOF_DivisiveNormalizeL1_cython(CFPOutputFn):
Non-optimized version of CFPOF_DivisiveNormalizeL1_cython.
Same as CFPOF_Plugin(single_cf_fn=DivisiveNormalizeL1()), except
that it supports joint normalization using the norm_total
property of ConnectionField.
single_cf_fn = param.ClassSelector(TransferFn,
def __call__(self, iterator, **params):
Uses the cf.norm_total attribute to allow optimization
by computing the sum separately, and to allow joint
normalization. After use, cf.norm_total is deleted because
the value it would have has been changed.
# CEBALERT: fix this here and elsewhere
if type(self.single_cf_fn) is not IdentityTF:
norm_value = self.single_cf_fn.norm_value
current_sum = 0.0
for cf, i in iterator():
current_sum += cf.norm_total
if current_sum > 0.0000000000001:
factor = norm_value / current_sum
cf.weights *= factor
del cf.norm_total