Response functions and CFProjection response functions (see projfn.py) written
in C to optimize performance.
Requires the weave package; without it unoptimized versions are used.
import param
from topo.base.functionfamily import ResponseFn,DotProduct
from topo.base.cf import CFPResponseFn, CFPRF_Plugin
from topo.misc.inlinec import inline,provide_unoptimized_equivalent,\
from topo.misc.pyxhandler import provide_unoptimized_equivalent_cy
from topo.responsefn.projfn import CFPRF_EuclideanDistance # pyflakes:ignore (optimized version provided)
# CEBALERT: this function works for 1D arrays; the docstring below is
# out of date. Need to update for this and other optimized fns that
# have been flattened.
[docs]class CFPRF_DotProduct_opt(CFPResponseFn):
Dot-product response function.
Written in C for a manyfold speedup; see CFPRF_DotProduct for an
easier-to-read version in Python. The unoptimized Python version
is equivalent to this one, but it also works for 1D arrays.
single_cf_fn = param.ClassSelector(ResponseFn,DotProduct(),readonly=True)
def __call__(self, iterator, input_activity, activity, strength, **params):
temp_act = activity # pyflakes:ignore (passed to weave C code)
irows,icols = input_activity.shape
X = input_activity.ravel() # pyflakes:ignore (passed to weave C code)
cfs = iterator.flatcfs
num_cfs = len(cfs) # pyflakes:ignore (passed to weave C code)
mask = iterator.mask.data # pyflakes:ignore (passed to weave C code)
cf_type = iterator.cf_type # pyflakes:ignore (passed to weave C code)
# Note: no performance hit from array indexing of mask and
# temp_act (r11447).
code = c_header + """
for (int r=0; r<num_cfs; ++r) {
if(mask[r] == 0.0) {
temp_act[r] = 0;
} else {
PyObject *cf = PyList_GetItem(cfs,r);
// CONTIGUOUS_ARRAY_FROM_SLOT_OFFSET(float,weights,cf) <<<<<<<<<<<
char *data = weights_obj->data;
int s0 = weights_obj->strides[0];
int s1 = weights_obj->strides[1];
double tot = 0.0;
npfloat *xj = X+icols*rr1+cc1;
// computes the dot product
for (int i=rr1; i<rr2; ++i) {
npfloat *xi = xj;
// float *wi = weights;
// for (int j=cc1; j<cc2; ++j) {
// tot += *wi * *xi;
// ++wi;
// ++xi;
// }
for (int j=cc1; j<cc2; ++j) {
tot += *((float *)(data + (i-rr1)*s0 + (j-cc1)*s1)) * *xi;
xj += icols;
// weights += cc2-cc1;
temp_act[r] = tot*strength;
inline(code, ['mask','X', 'strength', 'icols', 'temp_act','cfs','num_cfs','cf_type'],
local_dict=locals(), headers=['<structmember.h>'])
[docs]class CFPRF_DotProduct(CFPRF_Plugin):
Wrapper written to allow transparent non-optimized fallback;
equivalent to CFPRF_Plugin(single_cf_fn=DotProduct()).
# CB: should probably have single_cf_fn here & readonly
def __init__(self,**params):
from optimized_cy import CFPRF_DotProduct_cyopt # pyflakes:ignore (optimized version)
# CEBERRORALERT: ignores the sheet mask!
[docs]class CFPRF_EuclideanDistance_opt(CFPResponseFn):
Euclidean-distance response function.
Written in C for a several-hundred-times speedup; see
CFPRF_EuclideanDistance for an easier-to-read (but otherwise
equivalent) version in Python.
def __call__(self, iterator, input_activity, activity, strength, **params):
temp_act = activity # pyflakes:ignore (passed to weave C code)
rows,cols = activity.shape
irows,icols = input_activity.shape
X = input_activity.ravel() # pyflakes:ignore (passed to weave C code)
cfs = iterator.flatcfs
num_cfs = len(cfs) # pyflakes:ignore (passed to weave C code)
code = c_header + """
#include <math.h>
npfloat *tact = temp_act;
double max_dist=0.0;
for (int r=0; r<num_cfs; ++r) {
PyObject *cf = PyList_GetItem(cfs,r);
PyObject *weights_obj = PyObject_GetAttrString(cf,"weights");
PyObject *slice_obj = PyObject_GetAttrString(cf,"input_sheet_slice");
float *wj = (float *)(((PyArrayObject*)weights_obj)->data);
int *slice = (int *)(((PyArrayObject*)slice_obj)->data);
int rr1 = *slice++;
int rr2 = *slice++;
int cc1 = *slice++;
int cc2 = *slice;
npfloat *xj = X+icols*rr1+cc1;
// computes the dot product
double tot = 0.0;
for (int i=rr1; i<rr2; ++i) {
npfloat *xi = xj;
float *wi = wj;
for (int j=cc1; j<cc2; ++j) {
double diff = *wi - *xi;
tot += diff*diff;
xj += icols;
wj += cc2-cc1;
double euclidean_distance = sqrt(tot);
if (euclidean_distance>max_dist)
max_dist = euclidean_distance;
*tact = euclidean_distance;
// Anything obtained with PyObject_GetAttrString must be explicitly freed
tact = temp_act;
for (int r=0; r<num_cfs; ++r) {
*tact = strength*(max_dist - *tact);
inline(code, ['X', 'strength', 'icols', 'temp_act','cfs','num_cfs'],