Source code for topo.responsefn.projfn

Projection-level response functions.

For CFProjections, these function objects compute a response matrix
when given an input pattern and a set of ConnectionField objects.

import numpy as np
import param

from import CFPResponseFn
from topo.base.functionfamily import ResponseFn,DotProduct
from topo.base.arrayutil import L2norm

# Imported here so that all ResponseFns will be in the same package
from import CFPRF_Plugin  # pyflakes:ignore (API import)

# CEBERRORALERT: doesn't use iterator, so ignores
# sheet mask!
[docs]class CFPRF_EuclideanDistance(CFPResponseFn): """ Euclidean-distance--based response function. """ def __call__(self, iterator, input_activity, activity, strength, **params): cfs = iterator.flatcfs rows,cols = activity.shape euclidean_dist_mat = np.zeros((rows,cols), np.float) for r in xrange(rows): for c in xrange(cols): flati = r*cols+c cf = cfs[flati] r1,r2,c1,c2 = cf.input_sheet_slice X = input_activity[r1:r2,c1:c2] diff = np.ravel(X) - np.ravel(cf.weights) euclidean_dist_mat.flat[flati] = L2norm(diff) max_dist = max(euclidean_dist_mat.ravel()) activity *= 0.0 activity += (max_dist - euclidean_dist_mat) activity *= strength
[docs]class CFPRF_ActivityBased(CFPResponseFn): """ Calculate the activity of each unit nonlinearly based on the input activity. The activity is calculated from the input activity, the weights, and a strength that is a function of the input activity. This allows connections to have either an excitatory or inhibitory effect, depending on the activity entering the unit in question. The strength function is a generalized logistic curve (Richards' curve), a flexible function for specifying a nonlinear growth curve:: y = l + ( u /(1 + b exp(-r (x - 2m)) ^ (1 / b)) ) This function has five parameters:: * l: the lower asymptote, i.e. the value at infinity; * u: the upper asymptote minus l, i.e. (u + l) is the value at minus infinity; * m: the time of maximum growth; * r: the growth rate; * b: affects near which asymptote maximum growth occurs. Richards, F.J. 1959 A flexible growth function for empirical use. J. Experimental Botany 10: 290--300, 1959. """ l = param.Number(default=-1.3,doc="Value at infinity") u = param.Number(default=1.2,doc="(u + l) is the value at minus infinity") m = param.Number(default=0.25,doc="Time of maximum growth.") r = param.Number(default=-200,doc="Growth rate, controls the gradient") b = param.Number(default=2,doc="Controls position of maximum growth") single_cf_fn = param.ClassSelector(ResponseFn,default=DotProduct(),doc=""" ResponseFn to apply to each CF individually.""") def __call__(self, iterator, input_activity, activity, strength): single_cf_fn = self.single_cf_fn normalize_factor=max(input_activity.flat) for cf,r,c in iterator(): r1,r2,c1,c2 = cf.input_sheet_slice X = input_activity[r1:r2,c1:c2] avg_activity=np.sum(X.flat)/len(X.flat) x=avg_activity/normalize_factor strength_fn=self.l+(self.u/(1+np.exp(-self.r*(x-2*self.m)))**(1.0/self.b)) activity[r,c] = single_cf_fn(X,cf.weights) activity[r,c] *= strength_fn
__all__ = [ "CFPRF_EuclideanDistance", "CFPRF_ActivityBased", "CFPRF_Plugin", ]