Source code for topo.sheet.ptztracker

This class finds the brightest pixel of the image, returns it in white and
other in black.
This class also gives instructions to move the camera.

import numpy as np
from PIL import  Image

import param
from topo.base.sheet import Sheet
from topo.hardware.ptz import PTZ
from topo.base.arrayutil import array_argmax

    import opencv

except ImportError:
    param.Parameterized().warning(" classes will not be usable; python-opencv is not available.")

[docs]class PtzTracker(Sheet): """ Given an incoming Activity pattern, find the brightest pixel and output an activity pattern where all but this pixel is set to zero. Also controls a pan/tilt/zoom camera, instructing it to move so that the brightest pixel will be in the center of the sheet. """ dest_ports=['Activity'] src_ports=['Activity'] ratio = param.Number(default=1.33,doc= "Ratio depends of the resolution of the camera, here 640x480.") fov_x = param.Number(default=76,doc= "Field of view along x in degrees, depends of the camera.") fov_y = param.Number(default=57,doc= """ Field of view along y in degrees. It is calculate with the resolution of the camera, and its field of view. It also depends of the bounds used, here the size_normalization used is "fit_shortest". So Sheet coordinates along y for camera's image are between -0.5 and 0.5. The original calculation is fov_y=fov_x*0.5*2/ratio. """) ptz = param.ClassSelector(PTZ,default=None,doc=""" An instance of ptzcamera.PTZ to be controlled.""") # Max Ranges (determined with uvcdynctrl -v -c) maxrange_x = param.Number(default=4480, doc= """Maximum position of the camera along x.""") maxrange_y = param.Number(default=1920, doc= """Maximum position of the camera along y.""") #Coordinates in degrees y_deg = 0 x_deg = 0 #Coordinates in degrees for uvcdynctrl(unit=1/64th of a degree) y_deg_uvc = 0 x_deg_uvc = 0 #Coordinates of the brightest pixel coor = (0,0) #Current postitions along x and y curr_y=0 curr_x=0 def __init__(self, **params): # Set here to avoid having it one instantiated by default if self.ptz==None: self.ptz=PTZ() def input_event(self,conn,data): self.input_data=data
[docs] def determine_next_position(self,img): """ Determine the next location to move in the specified image, using whatever criterion is appropriate for this class. Returns a tuple of (pos,bbox), where pos is the (row,column) coordinate of the next position, and bbox is a bounding box around that coordinate, with whatever size is appropriate for this class. Returns None if no appropriate location can be found. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def draw_boxes(self,input_data,bboxmin,bboxmax): """ Draws three boxes arond the returned location. """ opencv.cvRectangle(self.input_data, opencv.cvPoint([0]),[1])),opencv.cvPoint([0]) ,[1])),0,1) opencv.cvRectangle(self.input_data, opencv.cvPoint([0])-1,[1])-1),opencv.cvPoint([0]) +1,[1])+1),0,1) opencv.cvRectangle(self.input_data, opencv.cvPoint([0])-2,[1])-2),opencv.cvPoint([0]) +2,[1])+2),1,1)
[docs] def move_camera(self,pos, bboxmin, bbboxmax,brightpixel): """ Move the camera to centre the returned location. """ #Determinate the centre of the returned location if (self.brightpixel==True): self.pos=pos else: self.pos=(((self.bboxmax[0]+self.bboxmin[0])/2,(self.bboxmax[1]+self.bboxmin[1])/2)) #Find sheet coordinates of the specified position self.coor=self.matrixidx2sheet(*self.pos) self.y_deg=self.coor[1]*(self.fov_y/2)/0.5 self.x_deg=self.coor[0]*(self.fov_x/2)/(self.ratio/2) # The unit of uvcdynctrl is 1/64th of a degree ## HACK problem with the scaling. so divide by 2. ##it doesn't come from the fov or resolution maybe from somewhere with the coordinates self.y_deg_uvc=self.y_deg*64/2 self.x_deg_uvc=self.x_deg*64/2 self.message("Coordinates of the new position: (%f,%f)",self.coor[0],self.coor[1]) self.verbose("Current position of the camera (%f,%f) along the two directions of the camera",self.curr_x,self.curr_y) self.verbose("Movements in degrees of uvcdynctrl (%f,%f)",self.x_deg_uvc,self.y_deg_uvc) #Use class PTZ in order to move the camera with uvcdynctrl # Max Ranges (determined with uvcdynctrl -v -c) if ((self.curr_y+self.y_deg_uvc<self.maxrange_y) and (self.curr_y+self.y_deg_uvc>-self.maxrange_y)): self.curr_y+=self.y_deg_uvc self.ptz.tilt(self.y_deg_uvc) else: self.message("The camera can't move further along y") if ((self.curr_x+self.x_deg_uvc<self.maxrange_x) and (self.curr_x+self.x_deg_uvc>-self.maxrange_x)): self.curr_x+=self.x_deg_uvc self.ptz.pan(self.x_deg_uvc) else: self.message("The camera can't move further along x")
def process_current_time(self): if hasattr(self, 'input_data'): #Find the brightest pixel of the image, put it in white and other pixels in black result=self.determine_next_position(self.input_data) self.activity*=0 if result: # Draw a box around the returned location self.pos,self.bboxmin,self.bboxmax,self.brightpixel=result self.draw_boxes(self.input_data,self.bboxmin,self.bboxmax) self.activity+=self.input_data self.send_output(src_port='Activity',data=self.activity) del self.input_data if not result: return # Else move camera self.move_camera(self.pos,self.bboxmin,self.bboxmax,self.brightpixel)
[docs]class BrightPixelTracker(PtzTracker): """ This class is used to define the position of the brightest pixel in the image. """ def determine_next_position(self,img): self.maximum=array_argmax(img) #Coordinates for the box around the brightest pixel self.coormin_bbox=(self.maximum[1]-1,self.maximum[0]-1) self.coormax_bbox=(self.maximum[1]+1,self.maximum[0]+1) self.brightpixel=True return(self.maximum,self.coormin_bbox,self.coormax_bbox,self.brightpixel)
[docs]class FaceTracker(PtzTracker): """ This class is used to detect face in the image and draws a rectangle around each detected face. """ def determine_next_position(self,image): self.image=image self.ipl_im = opencv.adaptors.PIL2Ipl( = opencv.cvCreateMemStorage(0) opencv.cvClearMemStorage( self.cascade = opencv('/usr/share/opencv/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml',opencv.cvSize(1,1)) self.faces = opencv.cvHaarDetectObjects(self.ipl_im, self.cascade,, 1.2, 2,opencv.CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, opencv.cvSize(50,50)) if < 1: return None for f in self.faces: print "face detected: %s" %f #row and column are inverted in Opencv self.pos=(f.y,f.x) self.coormin_bbox=(self.pos[0],self.pos[1]) self.coormax_bbox=(self.pos[0]+f.width,self.pos[1]+f.height) self.brightpixel=False return (self.pos,self.coormin_bbox,self.coormax_bbox,self.brightpixel) #Convert an array into PIL image
def array2image(arr): arr = arr*255.0 arr=np.floor(arr)#arr=arr.round() arr=arr.astype(np.uint8) return Image.fromarray(arr) __all__ = [ "PtzTracker", "BrightPixelTracker", "FaceTracker", ]