Source code for topo.sheet.saccade

Sheets for simulating a moving eye.

This module provides two classes, ShiftingGeneratorSheet, and
SaccadeController, that can be used to simulate a moving eye,
controlled by topographic neural activity from structures like the
superior colliculus.

ShiftingGeneratorSheet is a subclass of GeneratorSheet that accepts a
saccade command on the 'Saccade' port in the form of a tuple:
(amplitude,direction), specified in degrees.  It shifts its sheet
bounds in response to this command, keeping the centroid of the bounds
within a prespecified boundingregion.

SaccadeController is a subclass of CFSheet that accepts CF projections
and decodes its resulting activity into a saccade command suitable for
controlling a ShiftingGeneratorSheet.

from numpy import sin,cos,pi,array,asarray,argmax,zeros,\

import param

from import CFSheet
from topo.base.simulation import PeriodicEventSequence,FunctionEvent
from topo.base.boundingregion import BoundingBox,BoundingRegionParameter
from topo.base.functionfamily import CoordinateMapperFn, IdentityMF
from topo.sheet import SequenceGeneratorSheet
from topo.misc import util

# JPALERT: The next three functions (activity_centroid,
# activity_sample, and activity_mode) could actually apply to any
# Sheet.  Maybe they should be moved to topo.base.sheet?

[docs]def activity_centroid(sheet,activity=None,threshold=0.0): """ Return the sheet coords of the (weighted) centroid of sheet activity. If the activity argument is not None, then it is used instead of sheet.activity. If the sheet activity is all zero, the centroid of the sheet bounds is returned. """ if activity is None: activity = sheet.activity ys = sheet.sheet_rows() xs = sheet.sheet_cols() xy = array([(x,y) for y in reversed(ys) for x in xs]) a = activity.flat ## Optimization to only compute centroid from ## active (non-zero) units. idxs = nonzero(a > threshold)[0] if not len(idxs): return sheet.bounds.centroid() return util.centroid(take(xy,idxs,axis=0),take(a,idxs))
[docs]def activity_sample(sheet,activity=None): """ Sample from the sheet activity as if it were a probability distribution. Returns the sheet coordinates of the sampled unit. If activity is not None, it is used instead of sheet.activity. """ if activity is None: activity = sheet.activity idx = util.weighted_sample_idx(activity.ravel()) r,c = util.idx2rowcol(idx,activity.shape) return sheet.matrix2sheet(r,c)
[docs]def activity_mode(sheet,activity=None): """ Returns the sheet coordinates of the mode (highest value) of the sheet activity. """ # JPHACKALERT: The mode is computed using numpy.argmax, and # thus for distributions with multiple equal-valued modes, the # result will have a systematic bias toward higher x and lower # y values. (in that order). Function may still be useful for # unimodal activity distributions, or sheets without limiting/squashing # output functions. if activity is None: activity = sheet.activity idx = argmax(activity.flat) r,c = util.idx2rowcol(idx,activity.shape) return sheet.matrix2sheet(r,c)
[docs]class SaccadeController(CFSheet): """ Sheet that decodes activity on CFProjections into a saccade command. This class accepts CF-projected input and computes its activity like a normal CFSheet, then decodes that activity into a saccade amplitude and direction as would be specified by activity in the superior colliculi. The X dimension of activity corresponds to amplitude, the Y dimension to direction. The activity is decoded to a single (x,y) point according to the parameter decode_method. From this (x,y) point an (amplitude,direction) pair, specified in degrees, is computed using the parameters amplitude_scale and direction scale. That pair is then sent out on the 'Saccade' output port. NOTE: Non-linear mappings for saccade commands, as in Ottes, et al (below), are assumed to be provided using the coord_mapperg parameter of the incoming CFProjection. References: Ottes, van Gisbergen, Egglermont. 1986. Visuomotor fields of the superior colliculus: a quantitative model. Vision Research; 26(6): 857-73. """ # JPALERT: amplitude_scale and direction scale can be implemented as # part of self.command_mapper, so these should probably be removed. amplitude_scale = param.Number(default=120,doc=""" Scale factor for saccade command amplitude, expressed in degrees per unit of sheet. Indicates how large a saccade is represented by the x-component of the command input.""") direction_scale = param.Number(default=180,doc=""" Scale factor for saccade command direction, expressed in degrees per unit of sheet. Indicates what direction of saccade is represented by the y-component of the command input.""") decode_fn = param.Callable(default=activity_centroid, instantiate=False,doc=""" The function for extracting a single point from sheet activity. Should take a sheet as the first argument, and return (x,y).""") command_mapper = param.ClassSelector(CoordinateMapperFn,default=IdentityMF(), doc=""" A CoordinateMapperFn that will be applied to the command vector extracted from the sheet activity.""") src_ports = ['Activity','Saccade'] def activate(self): super(SaccadeController,self).activate() # get the input projection activity # decode the input projection activity as a command xa,ya = self.decode_fn(self) self.verbose("Saccade command centroid = (%.2f,%.2f)"%(xa,ya)) xa,ya = self.command_mapper(xa,ya) amplitude = xa * self.amplitude_scale direction = ya * self.direction_scale self.verbose("Saccade amplitute = %.2f."%amplitude) self.verbose("Saccade direction = %.2f."%direction) self.send_output(src_port='Saccade',data=(amplitude,direction))
[docs]class ShiftingGeneratorSheet(SequenceGeneratorSheet): """ A GeneratorSheet that takes an extra input on port 'Saccade' that specifies a saccade command as a tuple (amplitude,direction), indicating the relative size and direction of the saccade in degrees. The parameter visual_angle_scale defines the relationship between degrees and sheet coordinates. The parameter saccade bounds limits the region within which the saccades may occur. """ visual_angle_scale = param.Number(default=90,doc=""" The scale factor determining the visual angle subtended by this sheet, in degrees per unit of sheet.""") saccade_bounds = BoundingRegionParameter(default=BoundingBox(radius=1.0),doc=""" The bounds for saccades. Saccades are constrained such that the centroid of the sheet bounds remains within this region.""") generate_on_shift = param.Boolean(default=True,doc=""" Whether to generate a new pattern when a shift occurs.""") fixation_jitter = param.Number(default=0,doc=""" Standard deviation of Gaussian fixation jitter.""") fixation_jitter_period = param.Number(default=10,doc=""" Period, in time units, indicating how often the eye jitters. """) dest_ports = ["Trigger","Saccade"] src_ports = ['Activity','Position'] def __init__(self,**params): super(ShiftingGeneratorSheet,self).__init__(**params) self.fixation_point = self.bounds.centroid() def start(self): super(ShiftingGeneratorSheet,self).start() if self.fixation_jitter_period > 0: now = self.simulation.time() refix_event = PeriodicEventSequence(now+self.simulation.convert_to_time_type(self.fixation_jitter_period), self.simulation.convert_to_time_type(self.fixation_jitter_period), [FunctionEvent(0,self.refixate)]) self.simulation.enqueue_event(refix_event) def input_event(self,conn,data): if conn.dest_port == 'Saccade': # the data should be (amplitude,direction) amplitude,direction = data self.shift(amplitude,direction) def generate(self): super(ShiftingGeneratorSheet,self).generate() self.send_output(src_port='Position', data=self.bounds.aarect().centroid())
[docs] def shift(self,amplitude,direction,generate=None): """ Shift the bounding box by the given amplitude and direction. Amplitude and direction are specified in degrees, and will be converted using the sheet's visual_angle_scale parameter. Negative directions are always downward, regardless of whether the amplitude is positive (rightword) or negative (leftward). I.e. straight-down = -90, straight up = +90. The generate argument indicates whether or not to generate output after shifting. If generate is None, then the value of the sheet's generate_on_shift parameter will be used. """ # JPALERT: Right now this method assumes that we're doing # colliculus-style saccades. i.e. amplitude and direction # relative to the current position. Technically it would # not be hard to also support absolute or relative x,y # commands, and select what style to use with either with # a parameter, or with a different input port (e.g. 'xy # relative', 'xy absolute' etc. # JPHACKALERT: Currently there is no support for modeling the # fact that saccades actually take time, and larger amplitudes # take more time than small amplitudes. No clue if we should # do that, or how, or what gets sent out while the saccade # "eye" is moving. assert not self._out_of_bounds() # convert the command to x/y translation radius = amplitude/self.visual_angle_scale # if the amplitude is negative, negate the direction (so up is still up) if radius < 0.0: direction *= -1 self._translate(radius,direction) if self._out_of_bounds(): self._find_saccade_in_bounds(radius,direction) self.fixation_point = self.bounds.centroid() if generate is None: generate = self.generate_on_shift if generate: self.generate()
[docs] def refixate(self): """ Move the bounds toward the fixation point. Moves the bounds toward the fixation point specified in self.fixation_point, potentially with noise as specified by the parameter self.fixation_jitter. """ self.debug("Refixating.") if self.fixation_jitter > 0: jitter_vec = random.normal(0,self.fixation_jitter,(2,)) else: jitter_vec = zeros((2,)) fix = asarray(self.fixation_point) pos = asarray(self.bounds.centroid()) refix_vec = (fix - pos) + jitter_vec self.bounds.translate(*refix_vec)
def _translate(self,radius,angle): angle *= pi/180 xoff = radius * cos(angle) yoff = radius * sin(angle) self.verbose("Applying translation vector (%.2f,%.2f)"%(xoff,yoff)) self.bounds.translate(xoff,yoff) def _out_of_bounds(self): """ Return true if the centroid of the current bounds is outside the saccade bounds. """ return not self.saccade_bounds.contains(*self.bounds.aarect().centroid()) def _find_saccade_in_bounds(self,radius,theta): """ Find a saccade in the given direction (theta) that lies within self.saccade_bounds. Assumes that the given saccade was already performed and landed out of bounds. """ # JPHACKALERT: This method iterates to search for a saccade # that lies in bounds along the saccade vector. We should # really compute this algebraically. Doing so involves computing # the intersection of the saccade vector with the saccade # bounds. Ideally, each type of BoundingRegion would know how # to compute its own intersection with a given line (should be # easy for boxes, circles, and ellipses, at least.) # Assume we're starting out of bounds, so start by shifting # back to the original position self._translate(-radius,theta) while not self._out_of_bounds(): radius *= 0.5 self._translate(radius,theta) radius = -radius while self._out_of_bounds(): radius *= 0.5 self._translate(radius,theta)
__all__ = [ "SaccadeController", "ShiftingGeneratorSheet", "activity_centroid", "activity_sample", "activity_mode", ]