Source code for topo.tkgui.editor

The GUI model editor.

Tools:   for the editor menu bar
Objects: that can be manipulated in the canvas
Window:  window and canvas

Originally written by Alan Lindsay.

from inspect import getdoc
import math

from Tkinter import Button, Label, Frame, TOP, LEFT, RIGHT, BOTTOM, E, LAST, FIRST, OptionMenu, StringVar,Canvas,X,GROOVE,RAISED,Checkbutton,Menu,Scrollbar, YES,Y,END,BOTH
from tkFileDialog import asksaveasfilename

import param
from param import parameterized,normalize_path
import paramtk as tk
from paramtk.tilewrapper import Combobox

import topo
from topo.command.analysis import update_activity
from topo.misc.util import shortclassname
from topo.base.simulation import EventProcessor

# Make sure at least some sheets or projections are available to
# choose from; rest will be available if some other module imports *
# from sheet and projection
from topo.base.sheet import Sheet
from topo.base.projection import Projection
from import CFProjection


# These can be customized, e.g. in .topographicarc; they should probably be parameters
# somewhere.
canvas_width = 1200
scaling_factor = topo.sim.item_scale
enlarging_factor = 1.25

canvas_region = (0, 0, canvas_width, canvas_width)
"""Size of the canvas, as a bounding box (xl yl xh yh)."""

[docs]class EditorCanvas(Canvas): """ EditorCanvas extends the Tk Canvas class. There are 3 modes that determine the effect of mouse events in the Canvas A Canvas can accept new objects, move objects and make connections between them. The intended use of this class is as the main canvas in a Topographica model-editing GUI. """ def __init__(self, root = None, width = 600, height = 600): Canvas.__init__(self, root, width = width, height = height,bg='white') # bg = "white", bd = 2, relief = SUNKEN) self.panel = Frame(root) self.panel.pack(side = TOP, fill = X) # Top bar of the canvas, allowing changes in size, display and to force refresh. Button(self.panel,text="Refresh", command=self.refresh).pack(side=LEFT) Button(self.panel,text="Reduce", command=self.reduce_scale).pack(side=LEFT) Button(self.panel,text="Enlarge", command=self.enlarge_scale).pack(side=LEFT) self.auto_refresh = False self.console = topo.guimain self.auto_refresh_checkbutton = Checkbutton(self.panel,text="Auto-refresh", command=self.toggle_auto_refresh) self.auto_refresh_checkbutton.pack(side=LEFT) self.normalize_checkbutton = Checkbutton(self.panel, text="Normalize", command=self.toggle_normalize) self.normalize_checkbutton.pack(side=LEFT) if EditorSheet.normalize == True: self.node_labels_checkbutton = Checkbutton(self.panel, text="Node labels", command=self.toggle_node_labels) self.node_labels_checkbutton.pack(side=LEFT) if EditorNode.show_label == True: self.connection_labels_checkbutton = Checkbutton(self.panel, text="Connection labels", command=self.toggle_connection_labels) self.connection_labels_checkbutton.pack(side=LEFT) if EditorConnection.show_label == True: # retain the current focus in the canvas self.scaling_factor = topo.sim.item_scale#scaling_factor self.current_object = None self.current_connection = None self.focus = None # list holding references to all the objects in the canvas self.object_list = [] # set the initial mode. self.display_mode = 'video' self.mode = "ARROW" self.MAX_VIEWS = 5 # get the topo simulation self.simulation = topo.sim # create the menu widget used as a popup on objects and connections self.option_add("*Menu.tearOff", "0") self.item_menu = Menu(self) self.view = Menu(self.item_menu) # add property, toggle activity drawn on sheets, object draw ordering and delete entries to the menu. self.item_menu.insert_command(END, label = 'Properties', command = lambda: self.show_properties(self.focus)) self.item_menu.add_cascade(label = 'Change View', menu = self.view, underline = 0) self.item_menu.insert_command(END, label = 'Move Forward', command = lambda: self.move_forward(self.focus)) self.item_menu.insert_command(END, label = 'Move to Front', command = lambda: self.move_to_front(self.focus)) self.item_menu.insert_command(END, label = 'Move to Back', command = lambda: self.move_to_back(self.focus)) self.item_menu.insert_command(END, label = 'Delete', command = lambda: self.delete_focus(self.focus)) # the indexes of the menu items that are for objects only self.object_indices = [2,3,4] self.canvas_menu = Menu(self) self.sheet_options = Menu(self.canvas_menu) mode_options = Menu(self.canvas_menu) self.canvas_menu.add_command(label = 'Export as PostScript image', command = self.save_snapshot) self.canvas_menu.add_cascade(label = 'Select Mode', menu = mode_options) mode_options.add_command(label = 'Video', command = lambda: self.set_display_mode('video')) mode_options.add_command(label = 'Normal', command = lambda: self.set_display_mode('normal')) mode_options.add_command(label = 'Printing', command = lambda: self.set_display_mode('printing')) self.canvas_menu.add_cascade(label = 'Sheet options', menu = self.sheet_options, underline = 0) self.sheet_options.add_command(label = 'Toggle Density Grid', command = self.toggle_object_density) self.sheet_options.add_command(label = 'Toggle Activity', command = self.toggle_object_activity) # bind key_press events in canvas. self.bind('<KeyPress>', self.key_press) # bind the possible left button events to the canvas. self.bind('<Button-1>', self.left_click) self.bind('<B1-Motion>', self.left_click_drag) self.bind('<Double-1>', self.left_double_click) self.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.left_release) # bind the possible right button events to the canvas. self.bind('<<right-click>>', self.right_click) # because right-click opens menu, a release event can only be flagged by the menu. self.item_menu.bind('<<right-click-release>>', self.right_release) # add scroll bar; horizontal and vertical self.config(scrollregion = canvas_region) vertical_scrollbar = Scrollbar(root) horizontal_scrollbar = Scrollbar(root, orient = 'horizontal') vertical_scrollbar.config(command = self.yview) horizontal_scrollbar.config(command = self.xview) self.config(yscrollcommand=vertical_scrollbar.set) self.config(xscrollcommand=horizontal_scrollbar.set) vertical_scrollbar.pack(side = RIGHT, fill = Y) horizontal_scrollbar.pack(side = BOTTOM, fill = X)
[docs] def key_press(self, event): "What happens when a key is pressed." self.change_mode(event.char) # Left mouse button event handlers
[docs] def left_click(self, event): "What is to happen if the left button is pressed." x,y = self.canvasx(event.x), self.canvasy(event.y) {"ARROW" : self.init_move, # case Arrow mode "MAKE" : self.none, # case Make mode "CONNECTION" : self.init_connection # case Connection mode. }[self.mode](x,y) # select function depending on mode
[docs] def left_click_drag(self, event): "What is to happen if the mouse is dragged while the left button is pressed." x,y = self.canvasx(event.x), self.canvasy(event.y) {"ARROW" : self.update_move, # case Arrow mode "MAKE" : self.none, # case Make mode "CONNECTION" : self.update_connection # case Connection mode. }[self.mode](x,y) # select function depending on mode
[docs] def left_release(self, event): "What is to happen when the left mouse button is released." x,y = self.canvasx(event.x), self.canvasy(event.y) {"ARROW" : self.end_move, # case Arrow mode "MAKE" : self.create_object, # case Make mode "CONNECTION" : self.end_connection # case Connection mode. }[self.mode](x,y) # select function depending on mode
[docs] def left_double_click(self, event): """ What is to happen if the left button is double clicked. The same for all modes - show the properties for the clicked item. Gets object or connection at this point and gives it the focus. """ focus = self.get_xy(event.x, event.y) if (focus != None): focus.set_focus(True) # show the object or connection's properties. self.show_properties(focus) # Right mouse button event handlers
[docs] def right_click(self, event): "What is to happen if the right button is pressed." self.show_hang_list(event)
[docs] def right_release(self, event): "What is to happen when the right mouse button is released (bound to the menu)." if (self.focus != None) : # remove focus. self.focus.set_focus(False) # Mode Methods
[docs] def change_mode(self, char): "Changes the mode of the canvas, i.e., what mouse events will do." if not char in ('c', 'm', 'a') : return # remove the focus from the previous toolbar item {"ARROW" : self.arrow_tool.set_focus, # arrow toolbar item "MAKE" : self.object_tool.set_focus, # object toolbar item "CONNECTION" : self.connection_tool.set_focus # connection toolbar item }[self.mode](False) # select function depending on mode # determine the new mode and corresponding toolbar item. if (char == 'c'): mode = "CONNECTION" bar = self.connection_tool elif (char == 'm'): mode = "MAKE" bar = self.object_tool elif (char == 'a'): mode = "ARROW" bar = self.arrow_tool # set the focus of the toolbar item of the new mode and retain the note the new mode. bar.set_focus(True) self.mode = mode # Panel methods
def refresh(self): for obj in self.object_list: obj.set_focus(True) obj.set_focus(False) for obj in self.object_list: connection_list = obj.from_connections[:] connection_list.reverse() for con in connection_list: con.move() def enlarge_scale(self): self.scaling_factor *= enlarging_factor self.refresh() def reduce_scale(self): self.scaling_factor /= enlarging_factor self.refresh() def toggle_auto_refresh(self): self.auto_refresh = not self.auto_refresh if self.auto_refresh: self.console.auto_refresh_panels.append(self) else: self.console.auto_refresh_panels.remove(self) def toggle_normalize(self): EditorSheet.normalize = not EditorSheet.normalize self.refresh() def toggle_node_labels(self): EditorNode.show_label = not EditorNode.show_label self.refresh() def toggle_connection_labels(self): EditorConnection.show_label = not EditorConnection.show_label self.refresh() # Object moving methods # # If an object is left clicked in the canvas, these methods allow # it to be repositioned in the canvas.
[docs] def init_move(self, x, y): "Determine if click was on an object." self.current_object = self.get_object_xy(x, y) if (self.current_object != None) : # if it was, give it the focus self.current_object.set_focus(True)
[docs] def update_move(self, x, y): "If dragging an object, refresh its position" if (self.current_object != None): self.current_object.move(x, y)
[docs] def end_move(self, x, y): "If dropping an object, remove focus and refresh." if (self.current_object != None): self.current_object.set_focus(False) self.current_object.move(x, y) # redraw all the objects in the canavas and dereference self.redraw_objects() self.current_object = None # Connection methods # # these methods allow a connection to be made between two objects in the canvas
[docs] def init_connection(self, x, y): "Determine if click was on an object, and retain if so." current_object = self.get_object_xy(x, y) if (current_object == None) : # if not change to ARROW mode self.change_mode('a') else : # if on an object, create a connection and give it the focus self.current_connection = self.connection_tool.new_cover(current_object) self.current_connection.set_focus(True)
[docs] def update_connection(self, x, y): "Update connection's position." self.current_connection.update_position((x, y))
[docs] def end_connection(self, x, y): "Determine if the connection has been dropped on an object." obj = self.get_object_xy(x, y) if (obj != None) : # if an object, connect the objects and remove focus if (self.current_connection != None): connected = self.connection_tool.create_connection(self.current_connection, obj) if connected: self.current_connection.set_focus(False) else : # if not an object, remove the connection connected=False if (self.current_connection != None): self.current_connection.remove() if connected: self.redraw_objects() # dereference self.current_connection = None
[docs] def get_connection_xy(self, x, y): "Return connection at given x, y (None if no connection)." for obj in self.object_list: connection_list = obj.from_connections[:] connection_list.reverse() for con in connection_list: if (con.in_bounds(x, y)): return con return None # Object Methods
[docs] def create_object(self, x, y) : "Create a new object." self.add_object(self.object_tool.create_node(x, y))
[docs] def add_object(self, obj) : "Add a new object to the Canvas." self.object_list = [obj] + self.object_list
[docs] def add_object_to_back(self, obj) : "Add a new object to the Canvas at back of the list." self.object_list = self.object_list + [obj]
[docs] def remove_object(self, obj) : "Remove an object from the canvas." for i in range(len(self.object_list)) : if (obj == self.object_list[i]) : break else : return # object was not found del self.object_list[i] return i
def toggle_object_density(self): if EditorSheet.show_density: EditorSheet.show_density = False else: EditorSheet.show_density = True self.refresh() def toggle_object_activity(self): if EditorSheet.view == 'activity': EditorSheet.view = 'normal' else: EditorSheet.view = 'activity' self.refresh()
[docs] def get_object_xy(self, x, y) : "Return object at given x, y (or None if no object)." # search through the bounds of each object in the canvas. # returns the first (nearest to front) object, None if no object at x,y for obj in self.object_list: if (obj.in_bounds(x, y)): break else : return None return obj
[docs] def show_properties(self, focus): "Show properties of an object or connection, and remove the focus." if (focus != None): focus.show_properties() focus.set_focus(False)
[docs] def delete_focus(self, focus): "Tell a connection or object to delete itself." if (focus == None) : pass else: focus.remove() self.redraw_objects() # Object Order Methods # # These methods ensure the ordering in the canvas window is held # and allows manipulation of the order.
[docs] def redraw_objects(self, index = None): """ Redraw all the objects in the canvas. If non-None, the index specifies that only the objects below that index need drawing. """ if (index == None or index < 0) : index = len(self.object_list) for i in range(index ,0, -1): self.object_list[i-1].draw()
def move_to_front(self, obj): index = self.remove_object(obj) self.add_object(obj) self.redraw_objects(index) def move_forward(self, obj): for i in range(len(self.object_list)) : # find object index in list if (obj == self.object_list[i]) : break else : return # object was not found # swap this object for the one higher in the canvas and redraw a = self.object_list[(i-1) : (i+1)] a.reverse() self.object_list[(i-1):(i+1)] = a self.redraw_objects(i+1) def move_to_back(self, obj): self.remove_object(obj) self.add_object_to_back(obj) self.redraw_objects() # Hang List Methods # # If there is an object or connection at the right clicked point, # a popup menu is displayed, allowing for modifications to the # particular obj/con. def show_hang_list(self, event): # change to ARROW mode and get x, y mouse coords self.change_mode('a') x, y = self.canvasx(event.x), self.canvasy(event.y) # get connection at this point focus = self.get_connection_xy(x, y) for i in range(self.MAX_VIEWS) : # max number of views self.view.delete(END) if (focus == None): # if no connection, checks bounds of objects focus = self.get_object_xy(x, y) # fill in menu items that are just for objects for i in self.object_indices: self.item_menu.entryconfig(i, foreground = 'Black', activeforeground = 'Black') else: # gray out menu items that are just for objects for i in self.object_indices: self.item_menu.entryconfig(i,foreground = 'Gray', activeforeground = 'Gray') if (focus != None): for (label, function) in focus.viewing_choices: self.view.add_command(label = label, command = function) # give the connection or object the focus focus.set_focus(True) self.focus = focus # create the popup menu at current mouse coord self.item_menu.tk_popup(event.x_root, event.y_root) else: self.canvas_menu.tk_popup(event.x_root, event.y_root) # Utility methods def save_snapshot(self): POSTSCRIPT_FILETYPES = [('Encapsulated PostScript images','*.eps'), ('PostScript images','*.ps'),('All files','*')] snapshot_name = asksaveasfilename(filetypes=POSTSCRIPT_FILETYPES, initialdir=normalize_path(), initialfile=topo.sim.basename()+".ps") if snapshot_name: self.postscript(file=snapshot_name) def set_display_mode(self, mode): self.display_mode = mode for obj in self.object_list: obj.set_mode(mode) def set_tool_bars(self, arrow_tool, connection_tool, object_tool): # reference to the toolbar items, a tool is notified when the canvas is changed # to the mode corresponding to it. self.arrow_tool = arrow_tool # connection tool supplies 'connection' objects that can draw themselves in the canvas self.connection_tool = connection_tool # object tool supplies 'object' objects that can draw themselves in the canvas self.object_tool = object_tool # initialise mode self.change_mode('a') # does nothing def none(self, x, y) : pass
[docs] def get_xy(self, x, y): "Returns the connection or object at this x, y position or None if there is not one." # check for a connection focus = self.get_connection_xy(x, y) if (focus == None): # if no connection, check bounds of objects focus = self.get_object_xy(x, y) return focus # return the first found or None # JABALERT: I made this into parameterized.Parameterized to make self.warning work, # but it should be changed to a PlotGroupPanel eventually
[docs]class ModelEditor(parameterized.Parameterized): """ This class constructs the main editor window. It uses a instance of GUICanvas as the main editing canvas and inserts the three-option toolbar in a Frame along the left side of the window. """ def __init__(self,master,**params): parameterized.Parameterized.__init__(self,**params) # create editor window and set title root = tk.AppWindow(master) root.title("Model Editor") canvas_frame = Frame(root,bg = 'white') canvas_frame.pack(side='right',fill = BOTH, expand = YES) toolbar_frame = Frame(root, bg = 'light grey', bd = 2) toolbar_frame.pack(side=LEFT,fill=Y) self.canvas = EditorCanvas(canvas_frame) self.canvas.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = YES) # object/node = sheet parameters_tool = ParametersTool(toolbar_frame) arrow_tool=ArrowTool(self.canvas,toolbar_frame,parameters_tool) object_tool=NodeTool(self.canvas,toolbar_frame,parameters_tool) connection_tool=ConnectionTool(self.canvas,toolbar_frame,parameters_tool) arrow_tool.pack(side='top') object_tool.pack(side='top') connection_tool.pack(side='top') parameters_tool.pack(side='top') # give the canvas a reference to the toolbars self.canvas.set_tool_bars(arrow_tool, connection_tool, object_tool) # give the canvas focus and import any objects and connections already in the simulation self.canvas.focus_set() # Grid layout defaults self.xstart = 100 self.ystart = 100 self.next_x = self.xstart+100 self.next_y = self.ystart self.xstep = 150 self.ystep = 150 self.import_model() def import_model(self): # get a list of all the objects in the simulation sim = self.canvas.simulation node_dictionary = sim.objects(EventProcessor) node_list = node_dictionary.values() # create the editor covers for the nodes for node in node_list: # if the sheet has x,y coords, use them if (hasattr(node,'layout_location') and node.layout_location!=(-1,-1)): x, y = node.layout_location # if not generate new coords on a grid layout # Could use dot/graphviz to place the objects nicely else: x, y = self.next_x , self.next_y self.next_y += self.ystep if self.next_y > canvas_region[3]: self.next_y = self.ystart self.next_x += self.xstep if self.next_x > canvas_region[2]: self.next_x = self.xstart + 15 self.next_y = self.ystart + 15 # Could handle more EventProcessor subclasses here if isinstance(node,Sheet): editor_node = EditorSheet(self.canvas, node, (x, y), else: editor_node = EditorEP(self.canvas, node, (x, y), node.layout_location=(x,y) self.canvas.add_object(editor_node) # create the editor covers for the connections for editor_node in self.canvas.object_list: for con in editor_node.simobj.out_connections: # Could handle more EditorConnection subclasses here if isinstance(con,CFProjection): editor_connection = EditorProjection("", self.canvas, editor_node) else: editor_connection = EditorEPConnection("", self.canvas, editor_node) # find the EditorNode that the proj connects to for dest in self.canvas.object_list: if (dest.simobj == con.dest): # connect the connection to the destination node editor_connection.connect(dest, con) break else: self.warning("The model editor cannot draw connection",, "because",, "is not drawn in the editor.") self.canvas.redraw_objects() ########################################################################### ## TOOLS ###########################################################################
[docs]class ArrowTool(Frame): """ ArrowTool is a selectable frame containing an arrow icon and a label. It is a toolbar item in a ModelEditor that allows the user to change the GUICanvas to 'ARROW' mode. """ def __init__(self, canvas, parent = None, parambar = None): Frame.__init__(self, parent,bg = 'light grey', bd = 4, relief = RAISED) self.canvas = canvas # hold canvas reference self.parameter_tool = parambar # To display class properties and name # label sets canvas mode self.title_label = Label(self, text="Move:", bg ='light grey') self.title_label.bind('<Button-1>', self.change_mode) self.title_label.pack() self.doc = 'Use the arrow tool to select and\nmove objects in the canvas around' # arrow icon self.icon = Canvas(self, width = 35, height = 30,bg = 'light grey') self.icon.create_polygon(10,0, 10,22, 16,17, 22,29, 33,22, 25,13, 33,8, fill = 'black', outline = 'white') self.icon.pack() self.icon.bind('<Button-1>', self.change_mode) # icon sets canvas mode # pack in toolbar at top and fill out in X direction; click changes canvas mode self.pack(side = TOP, fill = X) self.bind('<Button-1>', self.change_mode) def change_mode(self, event): self.canvas.change_mode('a') # (ARROW)
[docs] def set_focus(self, focus): "Change the background highlight to reflect whether this toolbar item is selected." if (focus): col = 'dark grey'; relief = GROOVE if not(self.parameter_tool == None): self.parameter_tool.set_focus('Arrow', None, self.doc) else: col = 'light grey'; relief = RAISED # ALERT self.config(bg = col, relief = relief) self.title_label.config(bg = col) self.icon.config(bg = col) # hack to sort by precedence # (won't need when modeleditor is plotgroup)
def names_sorted_by_precedence(classes): classes.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(-x.precedence,-y.precedence)) return [class_.__name__ for class_ in classes]
[docs]class NodeTool(Frame): """ NodeTool extends Frame. It is expected to be included in a topographica model development GUI and functions as a self populating Node tool. The available Sheet types are supplied to be selected from. This Tool supplies a suitable Editor cover for a node and creates the corresponding topo object. """ # hack: we can do this properly when converting to a plotgrouppanel default_sheet = 'CFSheet' def __init__(self, canvas, parent = None, parambar = None): Frame.__init__(self, parent,bg = 'light grey', bd = 4, relief = RAISED) self.canvas = canvas # hold canvas reference. self.parameter_tool = parambar # To display class properties and name # bind clicks, pack in toolbar at top and fill out in X direction self.bind('<Button-1>', self.change_mode) self.pack(side = TOP, fill = X) # label sets canvas mode # CebAlerT: make these 'move' 'add sheet of type' things etc # look like buttons again, or -better - clean up the whole # interface! self.title_label = Label(self, text="Add sheet of type:",bg ='light grey') self.title_label.bind('<Button-1>', self.change_mode) self.title_label.pack() self.doc = 'Use the sheet tool to click a\nsheet object into the canvas.' # gets list of all the available sheets. self.sheet_list = param.concrete_descendents(Sheet) sheet_list = names_sorted_by_precedence(self.sheet_list.values()) ## menu with list of available sheets self.option_var = StringVar() self.option_var.set(self.default_sheet) self.current_option = self.option_var.get() self.option_menu = Combobox(self,textvariable=self.option_var, values=sheet_list,state='readonly') self.option_menu.pack() self.option_menu.bind('<Button-1>', self.change_mode) self.option_var.trace_variable('w',self.set_option) # Focus Methods def change_mode(self, option): self.canvas.change_mode('m') # ('MAKE')
[docs] def set_focus(self, focus): "Change the background highlight to reflect whether this toolbar item is selected." if (focus): col = 'dark grey'; relief = GROOVE if not(self.parameter_tool == None): current_option = self.sheet_list[self.current_option] name = str(current_option).split('.')[-1][:-2] self.parameter_tool.set_focus(name, current_option, self.doc) else: col = 'light grey'; relief = RAISED # ALERT self.config(bg = col, relief = relief) self.title_label.config(bg = col) #self.option_menu.config(bg = col) # Node Methods
def create_node(self, x, y): if self.parameter_tool.focus: self.parameter_tool.update_parameters() # get the current selection and create the new topo object # CEBALERT: because Parameterized overwrites the name # unless it's passed in params when the object is created, I # pass the class name (set by ParametersFrameWithApply) here. # Same goes for projections. (i.e. Allow people to set the name # for a new sheet or projection.) name=self.sheet_list[self.current_option].name # Instead, should have a popup that asks for the name. if name: simobj = self.sheet_list[self.current_option](name=name) else: simobj = self.sheet_list[self.current_option]() sim = self.canvas.simulation # get the current simulation sim[] = simobj # create the cover for the simobj and return it. return EditorSheet(self.canvas, simobj, (x, y), # Util Methods
[docs] def set_option(self,*args): """ """ self.current_option = self.option_var.get() self.change_mode(None) # JABHACKALERT: Currently only searches for topo.projection (connections have not been implemented yet).
[docs]class ConnectionTool(Frame): """ ConnectionTool extends Frame. It is expected to be included in a topographica model development GUI and functions as a self populating Connection toolbar. The available Connection types are listed and the user can select one. When a connection is formed between two nodes a topo.projection of the specified type is instantiated and a reference to it is stored in it's Editor cover. Allows user to change the EditorCanvas mode to 'CONNECTION' mode. """ def __init__(self, canvas, parent = None, parambar = None): # super constructor call. Frame.__init__(self, parent, bg = 'light grey', bd = 4, relief = RAISED) self.canvas = canvas # hold canvas reference. self.parameter_tool = parambar # To display class properties and name # bind clicks, pack in toolbar at top and fill out in X direction self.bind('<Button-1>', self.change_mode) self.pack(side = TOP, fill = X) # label sets canvas mode self.title_label = Label(self, text="Add projection of type:",bg ='light grey') self.title_label.bind('<Button-1>', self.change_mode) self.title_label.pack() self.doc = 'Use the connection tool to\ndrag connections between objects' # gets list of all the available projections. self.proj_list = param.concrete_descendents(Projection) proj_list = names_sorted_by_precedence(self.proj_list.values()) ## menu with list of available projections self.option_var = StringVar() self.option_var.set(proj_list[0]) self.current_option = self.option_var.get() self.option_menu = Combobox(self,textvariable=self.option_var, values=proj_list,state='readonly') self.option_menu.pack() self.option_menu.bind("<Button-1>",self.change_mode) self.option_var.trace_variable('w',self.set_option) # Canvas Topo Linking Methods
[docs] def new_cover(self, from_node): """ Create an EditorProjection and return it. If there is more than one representation for connections/ projections, the returned object will depend on the current selection. """ return EditorProjection("", self.canvas, from_node)
[docs] def create_connection(self, editor_connection, node): "Connects the editor connection and the topo simulation connection." if self.parameter_tool.focus: self.parameter_tool.update_parameters() sim = self.canvas.simulation from_node = editor_connection.from_node.simobj to_node = node.simobj con_type = self.proj_list[self.current_option] con_name = # CEBHACKALERT: see alert about sheet name # CEBHACKALERT: should probably catch a specific error? try: if con_name is not None: con = sim.connect(,,connection_type=con_type,name=con_name) else: con = sim.connect(,,connection_type=con_type) except Exception, e: param.Parameterized().warning("Unable to connect these sheets with the given "+ self.current_option + " (" + str(e) +").") editor_connection.remove() return False editor_connection.connect(node, con) return True
[docs] def set_option(self,*args): """ """ self.current_option = self.option_var.get() self.change_mode(None) # Focus Methods
def change_mode(self, option): self.canvas.change_mode('c') # ('CONNECTION')
[docs] def set_focus(self, focus): "Change the background highlight to reflect whether this toolbar item is selected." if (focus): col = 'dark grey'; relief = GROOVE if not(self.parameter_tool == None): current_option = self.proj_list[self.current_option] name = str(current_option).split('.')[-1][:-2] self.parameter_tool.set_focus(name, current_option, self.doc) else: col = 'light grey'; relief = RAISED # ALERT self.config(bg = col, relief = relief) self.title_label.config(bg = col) #self.option_menu.config(bg = col)
class ParametersTool(Frame): def __init__(self, parent = None): # CEBALERT: need to tidy up the title, positioning, etc. Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.focus = None # label self.title_label = Label(self) self.title_label.pack(side = TOP) self.doc_label = Label(self, font = ("Times", 12)) self.doc_label.pack(side = TOP) # CEBALERT: will the users think they have to press 'apply' rather than just clicking # on the canvas to get the new object? self.parameter_frame = tk.ParametersFrameWithApply(self)#,buttons_to_remove=['Close','Defaults']) self.parameter_frame.hide_param('Close') self.parameter_frame.hide_param('Defaults') self.parameter_frame.pack(side=BOTTOM) def update_parameters(self): self.parameter_frame.update_parameters() def set_focus(self, name, focus_class, doc = ''): self.focus = name self.title_label.config(text = name) self.doc_label.config(text = doc) if focus_class: self.parameter_frame.set_PO(focus_class) ########################################################################### ## OBJECTS ########################################################################### # CEBALERT: should be a Parameterized
[docs]class EditorObject(object): """ Anything that can be added and manipulated in an EditorCanvas. Every EditorCanvas has a corresponding Topo object associated with it. An instance of this class can have the focus. """ FROM = 0 TO = 1 def __init__(self, name, canvas,**params): self.canvas = canvas # retains a reference to the canvas = name # set the name of the sheet self.focus = False # this does not have the focus self.viewing_choices = [] self.label=None
[docs] def draw(self): "Draw the object at the current x, y position." pass
[docs] def objdoc(self): """Documentation string for this object.""" ### JABALERT: Should be expanded to allow a per-object description, ### and should be bound to the actual editor object as well. return + " is of type " + \ shortclassname(self.simobj) + \ ":\n\n" + str(getdoc(self.simobj))
[docs] def show_properties(self): "Show parameters frame for object." parameter_window = tk.AppWindow(topo.guimain,status=True) #status=tk.StatusBar(parameter_window) #status.pack(side="bottom",fill='x',expand='yes') parameter_window.title( balloon = tk.Balloon(parameter_window) # import __main__;__main__.__dict__['AAA'] = parameter_window title = Label(parameter_window, text = title.pack(side = TOP) self.parameter_frame = tk.ParametersFrameWithApply( parameter_window, msg_handler=parameter_window.status) parameter_window.sizeright() balloon.bind(title,self.objdoc()) self.parameter_window = parameter_window
def update_parameters(self): self.parameter_frame.update_parameters() def okay_parameters(self, parameter_window): self.update_parameters() parameter_window.destroy() def set_focus(self, focus) : # set focus self.focus = focus
[docs] def move(self): "Update position of object and redraw." pass
[docs] def remove(self): "Remove this object from the canvas and from the Topographica simulation." pass
[docs] def in_bounds(self, x, y) : "Return true if x,y lies within this gui object's boundary." pass
[docs]class EditorNode(EditorObject): """ An EditorNode is used to cover any topographica node, presently this can only be a sheet. It is a sub class of EditorObject and supplies the methods required by any node to be used in a EditorCanvas. Extending classes will supply a draw method and other type specific attributes. """ show_label= param.Boolean(default=True, doc="Whether to show a textual label for this object") def __init__(self, canvas, simobj, pos, name): EditorObject.__init__(self, name, canvas) self.from_connections = [] # connections from this node self.to_connections = [] # connections to this node self.x = pos[0] # set the x and y coords of the center of this node self.y = pos[1] self.mode = canvas.display_mode self.simobj = simobj # Connection methods def attach_connection(self, con, from_to): if (from_to == self.FROM): if (con.from_node == con.to_node): self.from_connections = [con] + self.from_connections else: self.from_connections = self.from_connections + [con] else: if (con.from_node == con.to_node): self.to_connections = [con] + self.to_connections else: self.to_connections = self.to_connections + [con] def remove_connection(self, con, from_to) : # remove a connection to or from this node if (from_to): l = len(self.to_connections) for i in range(l): if (con == self.to_connections[i]) : break else : return del self.to_connections[i] else: l = len(self.from_connections) for i in range(l): if (con == self.from_connections[i]) : break else : return del self.from_connections[i] # Util methods def get_pos(self): return (self.x, self.y) # return center point of node def show_properties(self): EditorObject.show_properties(self) self.parameter_frame.set_PO(self.simobj) Label(self.parameter_window, text = '\n\nConnections').pack(side = TOP) connections = list(set(self.to_connections).union(set(self.from_connections))) connection_list = [ for con in connections] self.connection_var = StringVar() self.connection_var.set(connection_list[0]) connection_menu = OptionMenu(self.parameter_window,self.connection_var,*connection_list) self.connection_var.trace_variable('w',self.view_connection_parameters) connection_menu.pack(side = TOP) def view_connection_parameters(self, *args): con_sel = self.connection_var.get() for con in self.to_connections + self.from_connections: if == con_sel: break else : return con.show_properties() # JABALERT: Should probably combine this with EditorNode
[docs]class EditorEP(EditorNode): """ Represents any topo EventProcessor as a small, fixed-size oval by default. """ def __init__(self, canvas, simobj, pos, name): EditorNode.__init__(self, canvas, simobj, pos, name) simobj.layout_location = (self.x,self.y) # store the ed coords in the topo sheet self.set_bounds() self.set_colours() col = self.colour[1] self.init_draw(col, False) # create a new parallelogram self.currentCol = col self.gradient = 1 # Draw methods def set_focus(self, focus): for id in self.canvas.delete(id) self.canvas.delete(self.label) # remove label EditorNode.set_focus(self, focus) # call to super's set focus col = self.colour[not focus] self.init_draw(col, focus) # create new one with correct colour self.currentCol = col self.draw() def select_view(self, view_choice): self.view = view_choice self.set_focus(False) self.canvas.redraw_objects() def set_colours(self): colour = {'video':('dark red','black'), 'normal':('slate blue', 'lavender'), 'printing':('grey','white')} self.colour = colour[self.mode] # colours for drawing this node on the canvas def init_draw(self, colour, focus): if focus : label_colour = colour else : label_colour = 'black' h, w = 0.5*self.height, 0.5*self.width x, y = self.x, self.y x1,y1 = (x-w,y-h) x2,y2 = (x+w,y+h) = [self.canvas.create_oval(x1,y1,x2,y2,fill=colour,outline="black")] dX = w + 5 if (self.show_label): self.label = self.canvas.create_text(x - dX, y, anchor = E, fill = label_colour, text = def dec_to_hex_str(self, val, length): # expects a normalised value and maps it to a hex value of the given length max_val = pow(16, length) - 1 fmt = '%%0%dx'%length return fmt % (val*max_val) def draw(self, x = 0, y = 0): # move the parallelogram and label by the given x, y coords (default redraw) if not(x == y == 0): for id in self.canvas.move(id, x, y) if (self.show_label): self.canvas.move(self.label, x, y) for id in self.canvas.tag_raise(id) if (self.show_label): self.canvas.tag_raise(self.label) # redraw the connections for con in self.to_connections : if (con.from_node == con.to_node): con.move() for con in self.to_connections: if (not(con.from_node == con.to_node)): con.move() for con in self.from_connections: if (not(con.from_node == con.to_node)): con.move() # Update methods def remove(self): l = len(self.from_connections) # remove all the connections from and to this sheet for index in range(l): self.from_connections[0].remove() l = len(self.to_connections) for index in range(l): self.to_connections[0].remove() for id in self.canvas.delete(id) self.canvas.delete(self.label) self.canvas.remove_object(self) # remove from canvas' object list del topo.sim[] # actually delete the sheet def move(self, x, y): # the connections position is updated old = self.x, self.y self.x = x self.y = y self.simobj.layout_location = (self.x,self.y) # update topo sheet position self.draw(self.x - old[0], self.y - old[1]) # Connection methods def remove_connection(self, con, from_to): EditorNode.remove_connection(self, con, from_to) if from_to: node = con.from_node else: node = con.to_node index = con.draw_index # Decrease the indexes of the connections between the same nodes and with a higher index. for connection in self.from_connections: if (node == connection.to_node and connection.draw_index >= index): connection.decrement_draw_index() if connection.to_node == connection.from_node : return for connection in self.to_connections : if (node == connection.from_node and connection.draw_index >= index): connection.decrement_draw_index() def get_connection_count(self, node): count = 0 for con in self.from_connections: if (con.to_node == node): count += 1 for con in self.to_connections: if (con.from_node == node): count += 1 if node == self : count /= 2 return count # Util methods def in_bounds(self, pos_x, pos_y): return ((pos_x> self.x-self.width) and (pos_x<= self.x+self.width) and (pos_y> self.y-self.height) and (pos_y<= self.y+self.height)) def set_bounds(self): # Default representation: fixed-size node self.width=15 self.height=self.width*0.7 def set_mode(self, mode): self.mode = mode self.set_colours() for id in self.canvas.delete(id) self.canvas.delete(self.label) # remove label self.init_draw(self.colour[not self.focus], self.focus) for con in self.to_connections: con.set_mode(mode) for con in self.from_connections: con.draw()
[docs]class EditorSheet(EditorEP): """ Represents any topo sheet. It is a subclass of EditorEP and fills in the methods that are not defined. It is represented by a Parallelogram in its Canvas. The colours used for drawing can be set. Uses bounding box to determine if x, y coord is within its boundary. """ normalize = param.Boolean(default=False) show_density = param.Boolean(default=False) view = param.ObjectSelector(default='activity',objects=['normal','activity']) def __init__(self, canvas, simobj, pos, name): # Should call EditorEP's constructor instead EditorNode.__init__(self, canvas, simobj, pos, name) simobj.layout_location = (self.x,self.y) # store the ed coords in the topo sheet self.element_count = self.matrix_element_count() self.set_bounds() self.set_colours() col = self.colour[1] self.init_draw(col, False) # create a new parallelogram self.currentCol = col self.gradient = 1 self.viewing_choices = [('Normal', lambda: self.select_view('normal')), ('Activity', lambda: self.select_view('activity'))] # Draw methods def set_focus(self, focus): for id in self.canvas.delete(id) self.canvas.delete(self.label) # remove label EditorNode.set_focus(self, focus) # call to super's set focus col = self.colour[not focus] self.init_draw(col, focus) # create new one with correct colour self.currentCol = col self.draw() def init_draw(self, colour, focus): = [] if focus : label_colour = colour else : label_colour = 'black' factor = self.canvas.scaling_factor h, w = 0.5 * self.height * factor, 0.5 * self.width *factor if not(self.focus): if self.view == 'activity': colour = '' x, y = self.x - w + h, self.y - h # AL, the idea will be to allow any available plots to be shown on the sheet. # eg m = self.simobj.sheet_views['OrientationPreference'].view()[0] update_activity() m = self.simobj.views.Maps['ActivityBuffer'] if self.normalize == True: m = self.normalize_plot(m) matrix_width, matrix_height = self.element_count dX, dY = (w * 2)/ matrix_width, (h * 2) / matrix_height for i in range(matrix_height): for j in range(matrix_width): a = i * dY x1, y1 = x - a + (j * dX), y + a x2, y2 = x1 - dY, y1 + dY x3, x4 = x2 + dX, x1 + dX point = m[i,j] if point < 0 : point = 0.0 if point > 1 : point = 1.0 col = '#' + (self.dec_to_hex_str(point, 3)) * 3 = + [self.canvas.create_polygon (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y2, x4, y1, fill = col, outline = col)] x, y = self.x, self.y x1,y1 = (x - w - h, y + h) x2,y2 = (x - w + h, y - h) x3,y3 = x2 + (w * 2), y2 x4,y4 = x1 + (w * 2), y1 = + [self.canvas.create_polygon(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, fill = colour , outline = "black")] dX = w + 5 if (self.show_label): self.label = self.canvas.create_text(x - dX, y, anchor = E, fill = label_colour, text = # adds a density grid over the sheet if self.show_density: x, y = self.x - w + h, self.y - h matrix_width, matrix_height = self.element_count dX, dY = (w * 2)/ matrix_width, (h * 2) / matrix_height for i in range(matrix_height + 1): x1 = x - (i * dY) x2 = x1 + (w * 2) y1 = y + (i * dY) = + [self.canvas.create_line(x1, y1, x2, y1, fill = 'slate blue')] for j in range(matrix_width + 1): x1 = x + (j * dX) x2 = x1 - (h * 2) y1 = y y2 = y1 + (h * 2) = + [self.canvas.create_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill = 'slate blue')]
[docs] def normalize_plot(self,a): """ Normalize an array s. In case of a constant array, ones is returned for value greater than zero, and zeros in case of value inferior or equal to zero. """ # AL is it possible to use the normalize method in plot? import numpy as np a_offset = a-min(a.ravel()) max_a_offset = max(a_offset.ravel()) if max_a_offset>0: a = np.divide(a_offset,float(max_a_offset)) else: if min(a.ravel())<=0: a=np.zeros(a.shape, dtype=np.float) else: a=np.ones(a.shape, dtype=np.float) return a # Util methods
def in_bounds(self, pos_x, pos_y) : # returns true if point lies in a bounding box # if the coord is pressed within the parallelogram representation this # returns true. # Get the parallelogram points and centers them around the given point x = self.x - pos_x; y = self.y - pos_y w = 0.5 * self.width * self.canvas.scaling_factor h = 0.5 * self.height * self.canvas.scaling_factor A = (x - w - h, y + h) B = (x - w + h, y - h) C = B[0] + (2 * w), B[1] D = A[0] + (2 * w), A[1] # calculate the line constants # As the gradient of the lines is 1 the calculation is simple. a_AB = A[1] + A[0] a_CD = C[1] + C[0] # The points are centered around the given coord, finding the # intersects with line y = 0 and ensuring that the left line # lies on the negative side of the point and the right line # lies on the positive side of the point determines that the # point is within the parallelogram. if ((D[1] >= 0) and (B[1] <= 0) and (a_AB <= 0) and (a_CD >= 0)): return True return False def matrix_element_count(self): # returns the length and width of the matrix that holds this sheet's plot values l,b,r,t = self.simobj.bounds.aarect().lbrt() density = self.simobj.xdensity return int(density * (r - l)), int(density * (t - b)) def set_bounds(self): # Use the default sheet bounds as to set the "normal" size # of SheetObject in the GUI, so simulations using very large # sheets still look normal. dl,db,dr,dt = self.simobj.__class__.nominal_bounds.aarect().lbrt() width_fact = 120.0 / (dr - dl) height_fact = 60.0 / (dt - db) l,b,r,t = self.simobj.bounds.aarect().lbrt() self.width = width_fact * (r - l) * self.canvas.scaling_factor self.height = height_fact * (t - b) * self.canvas.scaling_factor
[docs]class EditorConnection(EditorObject): """ A connection formed between 2 EditorNodes on a EditorCanvas. A EditorConnection is used to cover any topographica connection (connection / projection), and extending classes will supply a draw method and other type specific attributes. """ show_label= param.Boolean(default=True, doc="Whether to show a textual label for this object") def __init__(self, name, canvas, from_node): EditorObject.__init__(self, name, canvas) self.from_node = from_node # initial node selected self.to_node = None # updated when the user selects the second node - self.connect(..) # temporary point, for when the to connection node is undefined self.to_position = from_node.get_pos() self.mode = canvas.display_mode # Draw methods def set_focus(self, focus) : # give this connection the focus EditorObject.set_focus(self, focus) self.draw() # Update methods def move(self): # if one of the nodes connected by this connection move, then move by redrawing self.draw() def update_position(self, pos) : # update the temporary point self.to_position = pos self.draw() def connect(self, to_node, con) : # pass the node this connection is to self.simobj = con if ( == ""): = self.to_node = to_node # store a reference to the node this is connected to self.to_position = None self.from_node.attach_connection(self, self.FROM) # tell the sheets that they are connected. self.to_node.attach_connection(self, self.TO) def remove(self): # CEBALERT: there's no code here to handle GUI object # removal (though the EditorProjection subclass does have GUI # removal code, so presumably projections do get removed from # the screen. But I'm confused about what is treated as a # connection, and what as a projection in the model editor). if hasattr(self,'simobj'): self.simobj.remove() # Util methods def show_properties(self): EditorObject.show_properties(self) self.parameter_frame.set_PO(self.simobj) # JABALERT: Should probably combine this with EditorConnection
[docs]class EditorEPConnection(EditorConnection): """ Represents any topo EPConnection using a line with an arrow head in the middle. """ def __init__(self, name, canvas, from_node): EditorConnection.__init__(self, name, canvas, from_node) # if more than one connection between nodes, # this will reflect how to draw this connection self.draw_index = 0 self.deviation = 0 self.gradient = (1,1) = (None,None) self.balloon = tk.Balloon(canvas) self.set_colours() self.view = 'line' self.draw_fn = self.draw_line self.viewing_choices = [('Line', lambda: self.select_view('line'))] self.update_factor() # Draw methods def select_view(self, view_choice): self.view = view_choice self.move() self.set_focus(False) def set_colours(self): colours = {'video' : ('dark red', 'blue', 'yellow'), 'normal': ('dark red', 'blue', 'yellow'), 'printing': ('grey', 'black', 'black')} self.colour = colours[self.mode] def draw(self): # determine if connected to a second node, and find the correct from_position for id in : # remove the old connection self.canvas.delete(id) self.canvas.delete(self.label) from_position = self.from_node.get_pos() # get the center points of the two nodes if (self.to_node == None) : # if not connected yet, use temporary point. to_position = self.to_position else: to_position = self.to_node.get_pos() self.draw_fn(from_position, to_position) def draw_line(self,from_position, to_position): # set the colour to be used depending on whether connection has the focus. if (self.focus) : text_col = col = self.colour[0] else: text_col = 'black' col = self.colour[1] middle = self.get_middle(from_position, to_position) factor = self.canvas.scaling_factor if (to_position == from_position) : # connection to and from the same node deviation = self.draw_index * 15 * factor x1 = to_position[0] - ((20 * factor) + deviation) y2 = to_position[1] x2 = x1 + (40 * factor) + (2 * deviation) y1 = y2 - ((30 * factor) + deviation) midX = self.get_middle((x1,0),(x2,0))[0] # create oval and an arrow head. = (self.canvas.create_oval(x1, y1, x2, y2, outline = col), self.canvas.create_line(midX, y1, midX+1, y1, arrow = FIRST, fill = col)) # draw name label beside arrow head if (self.show_label): self.label = self.canvas.create_text(middle[0] - (20 + len(*3), middle[1] - (30 + deviation) , text = else : # create a line between the nodes - use 2 to make arrow in center. dev = self.deviation from_pos = from_position[0] + self.deviation, from_position[1] mid = middle[0] + 0.5 * dev, middle[1] = (self.canvas.create_line(from_pos, mid , arrow = LAST, fill = col), self.canvas.create_line(mid, to_position, fill = col)) # draw name label dX = 20 * factor dY = self.draw_index * 20 * factor if (self.show_label): self.label = self.canvas.create_text(middle[0] - dX, middle[1] - dY, fill = text_col, text =, anchor = E) # Update methods def remove(self): if (self.to_node != None) : # if a connection had been made then remove it from the 'to' node self.to_node.remove_connection(self, self.TO) self.from_node.remove_connection(self, self.FROM) # and remove from 'from' node for id in : # remove the representation from the canvas self.canvas.delete(id) self.canvas.delete(self.label) # CEBALERT: see earlier alert about EditorObject not inheriting from object. EditorConnection.remove(self) #super(EditorProjection,self).remove() def move(self): # if one of the nodes connected by this connection move, then move by redrawing self.gradient = self.calculate_gradient() self.update_factor() self.draw() def decrement_draw_index(self): self.draw_index -= 1 if self.to_node == self.from_node: self.update_factor() else: self.connect_to_coord((self.from_node.width / 2) - 10) def connect(self, to_node, con): EditorConnection.connect(self, to_node, con) self.draw_index = self.from_node.get_connection_count(to_node)-1 if (self.from_node == to_node): self.update_factor() else: self.connect_to_coord((self.from_node.width / 2) - 10) self.gradient = self.calculate_gradient() self.radius = self.get_radius() # Util methods def get_middle(self, pos1, pos2) : # returns the middle of two points return (pos1[0] + (pos2[0] - pos1[0])*0.5, pos1[1] + (pos2[1] - pos1[1])*0.5)
[docs] def get_radius(self): """Not implemented in this class""" return (0,0)
def update_factor(self): pass def connect_to_coord(self, width): n = self.draw_index sign = math.pow(-1, n) self.deviation = sign * width + (-sign) * math.pow(0.5, math.ceil(0.5 * (n))) * width # returns the gradients of the two lines making the opening 'v' part of the receptive field. # this depends on the draw_index, as it determines where the projection's representation begins.
[docs] def calculate_gradient(self): """Not implemented in this class""" return (1,1)
def in_bounds(self, x, y) : # returns true if point lies in a bounding box factor = self.canvas.scaling_factor # If connections are represented as lines # currently uses an extent around the arrow head. to_position = self.to_node.get_pos() from_position = self.from_node.get_pos() if (self.to_node == self.from_node): dev = self.draw_index * 15 * factor middle = (to_position[0], to_position[1] - ((30 * factor) + dev)) else: dev = self.deviation * 0.5 middle = self.get_middle(from_position, to_position) if ((x < middle[0] + 10 + dev) & (x > middle[0] - 10 + dev) & (y < middle[1] + 10) & (y > middle[1] - 10)): return True return False def set_mode(self, mode): self.mode = mode self.set_colours() self.draw()
[docs]class EditorProjection(EditorEPConnection): """ Represents any topo CFProjection. It is a subclass of EditorEPConnection and fills in the methods that are not defined. Can be represented by a representation of a projection's receptive field or by a line with an arrow head in the middle; lateral projections are represented by a dotted ellipse around the center. Can determine if x,y coord is within the triangular receptive field or within an area around the arrow head. The same can be determined for a lateral projection ellipse. """ def __init__(self, name, canvas, from_node, receptive_field = True): EditorEPConnection.__init__(self, name, canvas, from_node) # if more than one connection between nodes, # this will reflect how to draw this connection self.normal_radius = 15 self.radius = self.get_radius() self.receptive_field = receptive_field self.view = 'radius' self.viewing_choices = [('Field Radius', lambda: self.select_view('radius')), ('Line', lambda: self.select_view('line')), ('Fixed Size', lambda: self.select_view('normal'))] # Draw methods def draw(self): self.draw_fn = \ {'normal' : self.draw_normal, 'line' : self.draw_line, 'radius' : self.draw_radius }[self.view] EditorEPConnection.draw(self) def draw_radius(self, from_position, to_position): # set the colour to be used depending on whether connection has the focus. if (self.focus) : text_col = col = self.colour[0] lateral_colour = self.from_node.colour[0] else: text_col = 'black' col = self.colour[1] lateral_colour = '' # midpoint of line middle = self.get_middle(from_position, to_position) if (to_position == from_position) : # connection to and from the same node a, b = self.get_radius() x1 = to_position[0] - a y1 = to_position[1] + b x2 = to_position[0] + a y2 = to_position[1] - b = (self.canvas.create_oval(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill = lateral_colour, dash = (2,2), outline = self.colour[2], width = 2), None) # CEBALERT: as far as I know, this balloon binding never worked. # self.balloon.tagbind(self.canvas,[0], else : # connection between distinct nodes x1, y1 = to_position x2, y2 = from_position # this is for cases when the radius changes size. radius_x, radius_y = self.get_radius() = (self.canvas.create_line(x1, y1, x2 - radius_x, y2, fill = col), self.canvas.create_line(x1, y1, x2 + radius_x, y2, fill = col), self.canvas.create_oval(x2 - radius_x, y2 - radius_y, x2 + radius_x, y2 + radius_y, outline = col)) # draw name label dX = 20 dY = self.draw_index * 20 if (self.show_label): self.label = self.canvas.create_text(middle[0] - dX, middle[1] - dY, fill = text_col, text =, anchor = E) def draw_normal(self, from_position, to_position): # set the colour to be used depending on whether connection has the focus. if (self.focus) : text_col = col = self.colour[0] lateral_colour = self.from_node.colour[0] else: text_col = 'black' col = self.colour[1] lateral_colour = '' # midpoint of line middle = self.get_middle(from_position, to_position) if (to_position == from_position) : # connection to and from the same node a, b = self.factor x1 = to_position[0] - a y1 = to_position[1] + b x2 = to_position[0] + a y2 = to_position[1] - b = (self.canvas.create_oval(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill = lateral_colour, dash = (2,2), outline = self.colour[2], width = 2), None) # self.balloon.tagbind(self.canvas,[0], else : # connection between distinct nodes x1, y1 = to_position x2, y2 = from_position x2 += self.deviation radius = self.normal_radius = (self.canvas.create_line(x1, y1, x2 - radius, y2, fill = col), self.canvas.create_line(x1, y1, x2 + radius, y2, fill = col), self.canvas.create_oval(x2 - radius, y2 - (0.5 * radius), x2 + radius, y2 + (0.5 * radius), outline = col)) # draw name label dX = 20 dY = self.draw_index * 20 if (self.show_label): self.label = self.canvas.create_text(middle[0] - dX, middle[1] - dY, fill = text_col, text =, anchor = E) # Util methods def get_radius(self): factor = self.canvas.scaling_factor if self.to_node == None: return (factor * self.normal_radius, factor * self.normal_radius * self.from_node.height / self.from_node.width) node = self.from_node node_bounds = node.simobj.bounds.aarect().lbrt() try: bounds = self.simobj.bounds_template.lbrt() except AttributeError: return (factor * self.normal_radius, factor * self.normal_radius * self.from_node.height / self.from_node.width) radius_x = factor * (node.width / 2) * (bounds[2] - bounds[0]) / (node_bounds[2] - node_bounds[0]) radius_y = radius_x * node.height / node.width return radius_x, radius_y # returns the size of the semimajor and semiminor axis of the ellipse representing # the draw_index-th lateral projection. def get_factor(self): factor = self.canvas.scaling_factor w = factor * self.from_node.width; h = factor * self.from_node.height a = 20; n = (w / 2) - 10; b = (n - a) major = a + (b * (1 - pow(0.8, self.draw_index))) a = 20 * h / w; n = (h / 2) - 10; b = (n - a) minor = a + (b * (1 - pow(0.8, self.draw_index))) return major, minor def update_factor(self): self.factor = self.get_factor() # returns the gradients of the two lines making the opening 'v' part of the receptive field. # this depends on the draw_index, as it determines where the projection's representation begins. def calculate_gradient(self): factor = self.canvas.scaling_factor if self.view == 'radius': A = self.to_node.get_pos() T = self.from_node.get_pos() B = (T[0] - self.radius[0], T[1]) C = (T[0] + self.radius[0], T[1]) else: A = self.to_node.get_pos() T = (self.from_node.get_pos()[0] + self.deviation ,self.from_node.get_pos()[1]) B = (T[0] - (factor * self.normal_radius), T[1]) C = (T[0] + (factor * self.normal_radius), T[1]) den_BA = (A[0] - B[0]) if not(den_BA == 0): m_BA = (A[1] - B[1]) / den_BA else : m_BA = 99999 # AL - this should be a big number den_CA = (A[0] - C[0]) if not(den_CA == 0): m_CA = (A[1] - C[1]) / den_CA else : m_CA = 99999 # AL - this should be a big number return (m_BA, m_CA) def in_bounds(self, x, y) : # returns true if point lies in a bounding box factor = self.canvas.scaling_factor if self.view == 'line': return EditorEPConnection.in_bounds(self,x,y) else: # returns true if x, y lie inside the oval representing this lateral projection if (self.to_node == None or self.to_node == self.from_node): if self.view == 'radius': a, b = self.get_radius() else: a, b = self.factor x, y = x - self.to_node.get_pos()[0], y - self.to_node.get_pos()[1] if (x > a or x < -a): return False pY = math.sqrt(pow(b,2) * (1 - (pow(x,2)/pow(a,2)))) if (y > pY or y < -pY): return False return True # returns true if x, y lie inside the triangular receptive # field representing this projection get the points of the # triangular receptive field, centered around the x, y # point given to_position = self.to_node.get_pos() from_position = self.from_node.get_pos() if self.view == 'radius': A = (to_position[0] - x, to_position[1] - y) T = (from_position[0] + (self.deviation * factor) - x, from_position[1] - y) B = (T[0] - self.radius[0], T[1]) #C = (T[0] + self.radius[0], T[1]) else: A = (to_position[0] - x, to_position[1] - y) T = (from_position[0] + (self.deviation * factor) - x, from_position[1] - y) B = (T[0] - (self.normal_radius * factor), T[1]) #C = (T[0] + (self.normal_radius * factor), T[1]) # if the y coords lie outwith the boundaries, return false if (((A[1] < B[1]) and (B[1] < 0 or A[1] > 0)) or ((A[1] >= B[1]) and (B[1] > 0 or A[1] < 0))): return False # calculate the constant for the lines of the triangle a_BA = A[1] - (self.gradient[0] * A[0]) a_CA = A[1] - (self.gradient[1] * A[0]) # The points are centered around the given coord, finding # the intersects with line y = 0 and ensuring that the # left line lies on the negative side of the point and the # right line lies on the positive side of the point # determines that the point is within the triangle. if (((0 - a_CA) / self.gradient[1] >= 0) and ((0 - a_BA) / self.gradient[0] <= 0)): return True return False