Source code for topo.tkgui.templateplotgrouppanel

class TemplatePlotGroupPanel
Panel for displaying preference maps and activity plot groups.

from Tkinter import DISABLED, NORMAL
from tkFileDialog import asksaveasfilename

from param import normalize_path
import paramtk as tk

import topo.command.pylabplot
from topo.plotting.plotgroup import TemplatePlotGroup
from topo.base.sheet import Sheet

from plotgrouppanel import SheetPanel

### CEBALERT: additional dynamic info/right-click problems:
# If I open an Activity plot and then measure an orientation map,
# the plot only shows Activity, but the dynamic info includes the or
# pref and selectivity.  That makes sense, given that the plot would
# show that if it were refreshed, but it's confusing.

# CEBALERT: should  be something in plot or wherever, or maybe I don't see how to get this
# info the easy way from it? Not sure I actually wrote this correctly, anyway.
[docs]def available_plot_channels(plot): """ Return the channels+names of the channels that have views. """ available_channels = {} for name,channel in plot.channels.items(): if channel in plot.view_dict[name]: available_channels[name]=channel return available_channels ### CB: I'm working here at the moment.
class TemplatePlotGroupPanel(SheetPanel): plotgroup_type = TemplatePlotGroup ## CB: update init args now we have no pgts. def __init__(self,master,plotgroup,**params): super(TemplatePlotGroupPanel,self).__init__(master,plotgroup,**params) # Display any plots that can be done with existing data, but # don't regenerate the SheetViews unless requested if self.plotgroup.plot_immediately: self.refresh_plots() else: self.redraw_plots() self.display_labels() # should this be called for any redraw? genuinely needs to be # called here because labels might never have been drawn. #################### RIGHT-CLICK MENU STUFF #################### self._sheet_menu.add_command(label="Save image as PNG", command=self.__save_to_png) self._sheet_menu.add_command(label="Save image as EPS", command=self.__save_to_postscript) self._unit_menu.add_command(label="Print info", command=self.__print_info) # JABALERT: Shouldn't be assuming SHC here; should also work # for RGB (or any other channels). channel_menus={} for chan in ['Strength','Hue','Confidence']: newmenu = tk.Menu(self._canvas_menu, tearoff=0) self._canvas_menu.add_cascade(menu=newmenu,label=chan+' channel', indexname=chan) # The c=chan construction is required so that each lambda has its own copy of the string newmenu.add_command(label="Print matrix", command=lambda c=chan: self.__print_matrix(c)) newmenu.add_command(label="Plot in sheet coords", command=lambda c=chan: self.__plot_sheet_matrix(c)) newmenu.add_command(label="Plot in matrix coords", command=lambda c=chan: self.__plot_matrix(c)) newmenu.add_command(label="Plot as 3D wireframe", command=lambda c=chan: self.__plot_matrix3d(c)) newmenu.add_command(label="Fourier transform", command=lambda c=chan: self.__fft(c)) newmenu.add_command(label="Autocorrelation", command=lambda c=chan: self.__autocorrelate(c)) newmenu.add_command(label="Histogram", command=lambda c=chan: self.__histogram(c)) newmenu.add_command(label="Gradient", command=lambda c=chan: self.__gradient(c)) channel_menus[chan]=newmenu #self._sheet_menu.add_command(label="Print matrix values", # command=self.__print_matrix) ################################################################# ### JABALERT: Should remove the assumption that the plot will be ### SHC (could e.g. be RGB). ### ### Should add the ability to turn off any of the channels ### independently (just as the Strength-only button does), and ### eventually should allow the user to type in the name of any ### Image to change the template as desired to visualize any ### quantity. ### # CB: something about these methods does not seem to fit the PlotGroup hierarchy. def _canvas_right_click(self,event_info): """ Make whichever of the SHC channels is present in the plot available on the menu. """ super(TemplatePlotGroupPanel,self)._canvas_right_click(event_info,show_menu=False) if 'plot' in event_info: plot = event_info['plot'] available_channels =available_plot_channels(plot) for channel in ('Strength','Hue','Confidence'): if channel in available_channels: self._canvas_menu.entryconfig(channel, label="%s channel: %s" % (channel,str(plot.channels[channel])),state=NORMAL) else: self._canvas_menu.entryconfig(channel, label="%s channel: None" % (channel),state=DISABLED) self._canvas_menu.tk_popup(event_info['event'].x_root, event_info['event'].y_root) def __save_to_png(self): plot = self._right_click_info['plot'] filename = self.plotgroup.filesaver.filename(plot.label(),file_format="png") PNG_FILETYPES = [('PNG images','*.png'),('All files','*')] snapshot_name = asksaveasfilename(filetypes=PNG_FILETYPES, initialdir=normalize_path(), initialfile=filename) if snapshot_name: # based on routine in def __save_to_postscript(self): plot = self._right_click_info['plot'] canvas = self._right_click_info['event'].widget filename = self.plotgroup.filesaver.filename(plot.label(),file_format="eps") POSTSCRIPT_FILETYPES = [('Encapsulated PostScript images','*.eps'), ('PostScript images','*.ps'),('All files','*')] snapshot_name = asksaveasfilename(filetypes=POSTSCRIPT_FILETYPES, initialdir=normalize_path(), initialfile=filename) if snapshot_name: canvas.postscript(file=snapshot_name) # CB: these methods assume channel has a view (the menu only displays those that do) def __fft(self,channel): plot = self._right_click_info['plot'] description = "%s %s at time %s" % (plot.plot_src_name,, topo.sim.timestr()) m=plot._get_matrix(channel) topo.command.pylabplot.fftplot(m, title="FFT Plot: " + description) def __autocorrelate(self,channel): plot = self._right_click_info['plot'] description = "%s %s at time %s" % (plot.plot_src_name,, topo.sim.timestr()) m=plot._get_matrix(channel) topo.command.pylabplot.autocorrelationplot(m, title="Autocorrelation: " + description) def __histogram(self,channel): plot = self._right_click_info['plot'] description = "%s %s at time %s" % (plot.plot_src_name,, topo.sim.timestr()) m=plot._get_matrix(channel) topo.command.pylabplot.histogramplot(m,title="Histogram: "+ description) def __gradient(self,channel): plot = self._right_click_info['plot'] description = "%s %s at time %s" % (plot.plot_src_name,, topo.sim.timestr()) m=plot._get_matrix(channel) view = plot.view_dict[channel][plot.channels[channel]] topo.command.pylabplot.gradientplot(m,title="Gradient: " + description, cyclic_range=view.cyclic_range) def __print_matrix(self,channel): plot = self._right_click_info['plot'] description = "%s %s at time %s" % (plot.plot_src_name,, topo.sim.timestr()) print ("#" + description) m=plot._get_matrix(channel) print m def __plot_matrix(self,channel): plot = self._right_click_info['plot'] description = "%s %s at time %s" % (plot.plot_src_name,, topo.sim.timestr()) m=plot._get_matrix(channel) topo.command.pylabplot.matrixplot(m, title=description) def __plot_sheet_matrix(self,channel): plot = self._right_click_info['plot'] description = "%s %s at time %s" % (plot.plot_src_name,, topo.sim.timestr()) m=plot._get_matrix(channel) topo.command.pylabplot.activityplot(topo.sim[plot.plot_src_name], m, title=description) def __plot_matrix3d(self,channel): plot = self._right_click_info['plot'] description = "%s %s at time %s" % (plot.plot_src_name,, topo.sim.timestr()) m=plot._get_matrix(channel) topo.command.pylabplot.matrixplot3d(m, title=description) # CEBALERT: decide if and how to allow any of these functions to be used for getting as many # channels' info as possible. # e.g. in this one... def __print_info(self,channel=None): plot = self._right_click_info['plot'] (r,c),(x,y) = self._right_click_info['coords'] description ="%s %s, row %d, col %d at time %s: " % (plot.plot_src_name,, r, c, topo.sim.timestr()) channels_info = "" if channel is None: for channel,name in available_plot_channels(plot).items(): m=plot._get_matrix(channel) channels_info+="%s:%f"%(name,m[r,c]) else: m=plot._get_matrix(channel) channels_info+="%s:%f"%(plot.channels[channel],m[r,c]) print "%s %s" % (description, channels_info) def _dynamic_info_string(self,event_info,basic_text): """ Also print whatever other channels are there and have views. """ plot = event_info['plot'] r,c = event_info['coords'][1] info_string = basic_text for channel,channel_name in available_plot_channels(plot).items(): info_string+=" %s: % 1.3f"%(channel_name,plot._get_sv(channel)[r,c]) return info_string class SheetPanel(TemplatePlotGroupPanel): sheet_type = Sheet def __init__(self,master,plotgroup,**params): super(SheetPanel,self).__init__(master,plotgroup,**params) self.pack_param('color_channel',parent=self.control_frame_2, on_set=self.change_color_channel,side="right") def setup_plotgroup(self): super(SheetPanel,self).setup_plotgroup() self.populate_color_channel_param() def change_color_channel(self): for pt in self.plotgroup.plot_templates.values(): prefix = self.plotgroup.color_channel if prefix is None: pt.pop("Hue", None) pt.pop("Confidence", None) else: pt["Hue"] = prefix + "Preference" pt["Confidence"] = prefix + "Selectivity" self.refresh_plots(update=False) def populate_color_channel_param(self): sheets = [s for s in topo.sim.objects(self.sheet_type).values()] channels = ['None'] for sheet in sheets: paths = [k[0] if isinstance(k, tuple) else k for k in sheet.views.Maps.keys()] channels += [k.replace('Preference','') for k in paths if not k.startswith('_') and 'Preference' in k] self.plotgroup.params()['color_channel'].objects = channels self.plotgroup.color_channel = 'None'