Source code for topo.tkgui.topoconsole

TopoConsole class file.

# CB: does the status bar need to keep saying 'ok'? Sometimes
# positive feedback is useful, but 'ok' doesn't seem too helpful.

import os
import copy
import sys
import re
import webbrowser
from Tkinter import Frame, Button, \
     LEFT, YES, Label, DISABLED, \
     NORMAL, DoubleVar
from tkFileDialog import asksaveasfilename,askopenfilename

import __main__
import param
from param import normalize_path,resolve_path
import paramtk as tk
from collections import OrderedDict
import topo
from topo.plotting.plotgroup import plotgroups, FeatureCurvePlotGroup
from topo.misc.commandline import sim_name_from_filename
import topo.misc.genexamples
import topo.command
import topo.tkgui
from templateplotgrouppanel import TemplatePlotGroupPanel
from featurecurvepanel import FeatureCurvePanel
from projectionpanel import SheetPanel,CFProjectionPanel,ProjectionActivityPanel,ConnectionFieldsPanel,RFProjectionPanel
from testpattern import TestPattern
from editor import ModelEditor

tk.AppWindow.window_icon_path = resolve_path('tkgui/icons/topo.xbm')

SCRIPT_FILETYPES = [('Topographica scripts','*.ty'),
                    ('Python scripts','*.py'),
                    ('All files','*')]
SAVED_FILETYPES = [('Topographica saved networks',
                   ('All files','*')]

turl = ""
userman = "User_Manual/index.html"
tuts = "Tutorials/index.html"
refman = "Reference_Manual/index.html"
plotman = "User_Manual/plotting.html"

# for deb on ubuntu; will need to check others
pkgdoc = "/usr/share/doc/topographica/doc/"

# Documentation locations: locally built and web urls.
user_manual_locations      = ('doc/'+userman,
tutorials_locations        = ('doc/'+tuts,
reference_manual_locations = ('doc/'+refman,
python_doc_locations = ('',)
topo_www_locations = (turl,)
plotting_help_locations = ('doc/'+plotman,

# If a particular plotgroup_template needs (or works better with) a
# specific subclass of PlotPanel, the writer of the new subclass
# or the plotgroup_template can declare here that that template
# should use a specific PlotPanel subclass.  For example:
#   plotpanel_classes['Hue Pref Map'] = HuePreferencePanel
plotpanel_classes = {}
# CEBALERT: why are the other plotpanel_classes updates at the end of this file?

def open_plotgroup_panel(class_,plotgroup=None,**kw):

    if class_.valid_context():
        win = topo.guimain.some_area.new_window()
        panel = class_(win,plotgroup=plotgroup,**kw)

        if not panel.dock:




        #topo.guimain.messageBar.message('state', 'OK')
        return panel
            'No suitable objects in this simulation for this operation.')

[docs]class PlotsMenuEntry(param.Parameterized): """ Stores information about a Plots menu command (including the command itself, and the plotgroup template). """ def __init__(self,plotgroup,class_=TemplatePlotGroupPanel,**params): """ Store the template, and set the class that will be created by this menu entry If users want to extend the Plot Panel classes, then they should add entries to the plotpanel_classes dictionary. If no entry is defined there, then the default class is used. The class_ is overridden for any special cases listed in this method. """ super(PlotsMenuEntry,self).__init__(**params) self.plotgroup = plotgroup # Special cases. These classes are specific to the topo/tkgui # directory and therefore this link must be made within the tkgui # files. if isinstance(self.plotgroup,FeatureCurvePlotGroup): class_ = plotpanel_classes.get(,FeatureCurvePanel) self.class_ = plotpanel_classes.get(,class_) def __call__(self,event=None,**kw): """ Instantiate the class_ (used as menu commands' 'command' attribute). Keyword args are passed to the class_. """ new_plotgroup = copy.deepcopy(self.plotgroup) # CB: hack to share plot_templates with the current # plotgroup in plotgroups new_plotgroup.plot_templates = topo.plotting.plotgroup.plotgroups[].plot_templates return open_plotgroup_panel(self.class_,new_plotgroup,**kw) # Notebook only available for Tkinter>=8.5
try: from paramtk.tilewrapper import Notebook
[docs] class DockManager(Notebook): """Manages windows that can be tabs in a notebook, or toplevels.""" def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw): Notebook.__init__(self, master, cnf=cnf, **kw) self._tab_ids = {} def _set_tab_title(self,win,title):[win],text=title) def _set_toplevel_title(self,win,title): prefix =": " if not title.startswith(prefix): title=prefix+title"wm","title",win._w,title) def add(self, child, cnf={}, **kw): self._tab_ids[child]=len(self.tabs()) Notebook.add(self,child,cnf=cnf,**kw) ## def unhide(self,win): ## if win in self._tab_ids: ##[win],state='normal') def new_window(self): win = tk.AppWindow(self,status=True) #self.consume(win) return win def consume(self,win): if win not in self._tab_ids:'wm','forget',win._w) win.title = lambda x: self._set_tab_title(win,x) self.add(win) def eject(self,win): if win in self._tab_ids: self.forget(self._tab_ids[win]) # manage my tab ids (HACK) del self._tab_ids[win] for w in self._tab_ids: self._tab_ids[w]-=1 self._tab_ids[w]=max(self._tab_ids[w],0)'wm','manage',win._w) win.renew() win.title = lambda x: self._set_toplevel_title(win,x) return win
except ImportError: class FakeDockManager(Frame): def _set_tab_title(self,*args): pass def _set_toplevel_title(self,win,title): prefix =": " if not title.startswith(prefix): title=prefix+title"wm","title",win._w,title) def add(self,*args): pass def new_window(self): win = tk.AppWindow(self,status=True) return win def consume(self,win): pass def eject(self,win): win.renew() win.title = lambda x: self._set_toplevel_title(win,x) return win DockManager = FakeDockManager # This is really a hack. There doesn't seem to be any easy way to tie # an exception to the window from which it originated. (I couldn't # find an example of tkinter software displaying a gui exception on # the originating window.) def _tkinter_report_exception(widget): exc, val = sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value msg = "(%s) %s"%(exc.__name__,val) # If the supplied widget has no master, it's probably the Tk # instance. In that case, resort to the 'last-one-set' hack (see # CEBALERT "provide a way of allowing other gui components" in # topo/param/ if not widget.master: widget = tk._last_one_set stat = None while (widget is not None and widget.master): # CEBALERT: should rename all status bars to the same thing # (status_bar) if hasattr(widget,'status'): stat = widget.status break elif hasattr(widget,'messageBar'): stat = widget.messageBar break widget = widget.master if stat is not None: stat.error('%s'%msg) else: topo.guimain.messageBar.error('%s'%msg) # BK-NOTE: Default is now to display full trace always. Any user # errors should be caught as special exception cases # BK-ALERT: Want to raise errors vs print, however this currently crashes ipython. #raise param.Parameterized().warning(msg) import traceback traceback.print_exc() import Tkinter
[docs]class TopoConsole(tk.AppWindow,tk.TkParameterized): """ Main window for the Tk-based GUI. """ def _getmenubar(self): return self.master.menubar menubar = property(_getmenubar) def __getitem__(self,menu_name): """Allow dictionary-style access to the menu bar.""" return self.menubar[menu_name] def __init__(self, root,exit_on_quit=True, **params): tk.AppWindow.__init__(self,root,status=True) tk.TkParameterized.__init__(self,root,**params) # Instead of displaying tracebacks on the commandline, try to display # them on the originating window. # CEBALERT: on destroy(), ought to revert this Tkinter.Misc._report_exception=_tkinter_report_exception self.exit_on_quit = exit_on_quit self.auto_refresh_panels = [] self._init_widgets() self.title( # If -g passed *before* scripts on commandline, this is useless. # So topo.misc.commandline sets the title as its last action (if -g) # catch click on the 'x': offers choice to quit or not self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW",self.quit_topographica) ########## ### Make cascade menus open automatically on linux when the mouse ### is over the menu title. ### [Tkinter-discuss] Cascade menu issue ### if topo.tkgui.system_platform is 'linux': activate_cascade = """\ if {[%W cget -type] != {menubar} && [%W type active] == {cascade}} { %W postcascade active } """ self.bind_class("Menu", "<<MenuSelect>>", activate_cascade) ########## # Install warning and message handling from param.parameterized import Parameterized self.__orig_P_warning = Parameterized.warning #self.__orig_P_message = Parameterized.message type.__setattr__(Parameterized,'warning',self.gui_warning) #type.__setattr__(Parameterized,'message',self.gui_message) def gui_warning(self,msg,*args,**kw): stat = self.__get_status_bar() stat.warn(msg%args) self.__orig_P_warning(self,msg,*args,**kw) def gui_message(self,msg,*args,**kw): stat = self.__get_status_bar() stat.message(msg%args) self.__orig_P_message(self,*args) def title(self,t=None): newtitle = "Topographica" if t: newtitle+=": %s" % t tk.AppWindow.title(self,newtitle) def _init_widgets(self): ## CEBALERT: now we can have multiple operations at the same time, ## status bar could be improved to show all tasks? # CEBALERT self.messageBar = self.status self.some_area = DockManager(self) self.some_area.pack(fill="both", expand=1) ### Balloon, for pop-up help self.balloon = tk.Balloon(self.content) ### Top-level (native) menu bar #self.menubar = tk.ControllableMenu(self.content) self.configure(menu=self.menubar) #self.menu_balloon = Balloon(topo.tkgui.root) # no menubar in tile yet # self.__simulation_menu() self.__create_plots_menu() self.refresh_plots_menu() self.__help_menu() ### Running the simulation run_frame = Frame(self.content) run_frame.pack(side='top',fill='x',padx=4,pady=8) self.run_frame = run_frame Label(run_frame,text='Run for: ').pack(side=LEFT) self.run_for_var=DoubleVar() self.run_for_var.set(1.0) run_for = tk.TaggedSlider(run_frame, variable=self.run_for_var, tag_width=11, slider_length=150, bounds=(0,20000)) self.balloon.bind(run_for,"Duration to run the simulation, e.g. 0.0500, 1.0, or 20000.") run_for.pack(side=LEFT,fill='x',expand=YES) run_for.tag.bind("<Return>",self.run_simulation) # When return is pressed, the TaggedSlider updates itself...but we also want to run # the simulation in this case. run_frame.optional_action=self.run_simulation go_button = Button(run_frame,text="Go", command=self.run_simulation) go_button.pack(side=LEFT) self.balloon.bind(go_button,"Run the simulation for the specified duration.") self.step_button = Button(run_frame,text="Step",command=self.run_step) self.balloon.bind(self.step_button,"Run the simulation through the time at which the next events are processed.") self.step_button.pack(side=LEFT) self.sizeright() def __simulation_menu(self): """Add the simulation menu options to the menubar.""" simulation_menu = ControllableMenu(self.menubar,tearoff=0) self.menubar.add_cascade(label='Simulation',menu=simulation_menu) simulation_menu.add_command(label='Run script',command=self.run_script) simulation_menu.add_command(label='Save script',command=self.save_script_repr) simulation_menu.add_command(label='Load snapshot',command=self.load_snapshot) simulation_menu.add_command(label='Save snapshot',command=self.save_snapshot) #simulation_menu.add_command(label='Reset',command=self.reset_network) simulation_menu.add_command(label='Test Pattern',command=self.open_test_pattern) simulation_menu.add_command(label='Model Editor',command=self.open_model_editor) simulation_menu.add_command(label='Quit',command=self.quit_topographica) def open_test_pattern(self): return open_plotgroup_panel(TestPattern) def __create_plots_menu(self): """ Add the plot menu to the menubar, with Basic plots on the menu itself and others in cascades by category (the plots come from plotgroup_templates). """ plots_menu = ControllableMenu(self.menubar,tearoff=0) self.menubar.add_cascade(label='Plots',menu=plots_menu) # CEBALERT: should split other menus in same way as plots (create/refresh) def refresh_plots_menu(self): plots_menu = self['Plots'] plots_menu.delete(0,'end') # create menu entries, and get list of categories entries=OrderedDict() # keep the order of plotgroup_templates (which is also KL) categories = [] for label,plotgroup in plotgroups.items(): entries[label] = PlotsMenuEntry(plotgroup) categories.append(plotgroup.category) categories = sorted(set(categories)) # The Basic category items appear on the menu itself. assert 'Basic' in categories, "'Basic' is the category for the standard Plots menu entries." for label,entry in entries.items(): if entry.plotgroup.category=='Basic': plots_menu.add_command(label=label,command=entry.__call__) categories.remove('Basic') plots_menu.add_separator() # Add the other categories to the menu as cascades, and the plots of each category to # their cascades. for category in categories: category_menu = ControllableMenu(plots_menu,tearoff=0) plots_menu.add_cascade(label=category,menu=category_menu) # could probably search more efficiently than this for label,entry in entries.items(): if entry.plotgroup.category==category: category_menu.add_command(label=label,command=entry.__call__) plots_menu.add_separator() plots_menu.add_command(label="Help",command=(lambda x=plotting_help_locations: self.open_location(x))) def __help_menu(self): """Add the help menu options.""" help_menu = ControllableMenu(self.menubar,tearoff=0,name='help') self.menubar.add_cascade(label='Help',menu=help_menu) help_menu.add_command(label='About',command=self.new_about_window) help_menu.add_command(label="User Manual", command=(lambda x=user_manual_locations: self.open_location(x))) help_menu.add_command(label="Tutorials", command=(lambda x=tutorials_locations: self.open_location(x))) help_menu.add_command(label="Examples", command=self.run_example_script) help_menu.add_command(label="Reference Manual", command=(lambda x=reference_manual_locations: self.open_location(x))) help_menu.add_command(label="", command=(lambda x=topo_www_locations: self.open_location(x))) help_menu.add_command(label="Python documentation", command=(lambda x=python_doc_locations: self.open_location(x)))
[docs] def quit_topographica(self,check=True,exit_status=0): """Quit topographica.""" if not check or (check and tk.askyesno("Quit Topographica","Really quit?")): self.destroy() # matplotlib's tk backend starts its own Tk instances; we # need to close these ourselves (at least to avoid error # message about 'unusual termination' in Windows). try: # not that there should be an error, but just in case... import matplotlib._pylab_helpers for figman in matplotlib._pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_all_fig_managers(): figman.destroy() except: pass self.message("Quit selected%s" % ("; exiting" if self.exit_on_quit else "")) # Workaround for obscure problem on some UNIX systems # as of 4/2007, probably including Fedora Core 5. # On these systems, if Topographica is started from a # bash prompt and then quit from the Tkinter GUI (as # opposed to using Ctrl-D in the terminal), the # terminal would suppress echoing of all future user # input. stty sane restores the terminal to sanity, # but it is not clear why this is necessary. # For more info: # if topo.tkgui.system_platform=="linux" and os.getenv('EMACS')!='t': try: os.system("stty sane") except: pass # CEBALERT: re. above. Shouldn't we be able to store the # output of "stty --save" before starting the gui, then # ensure that when the gui exits (however badly it # happens) run "stty saved_settings"? # CEBALERT: there was no call to self.master.destroy() if self.exit_on_quit: sys.exit(exit_status)
[docs] def run_script(self): """ Dialog to run a user-selected script The script is exec'd in __main__.__dict__ (i.e. as if it were specified on the commandline.) """ script = askopenfilename(initialdir=normalize_path(),filetypes=SCRIPT_FILETYPES) if script in ('',(),None): # (representing the various ways no script was selected in the dialog) self.messageBar.response('Run canceled') else: execfile(script,__main__.__dict__) self.messageBar.response('Ran ' + script) sim_name_from_filename(script) self.title( # CEBALERT: duplicates most of run_script()
def run_example_script(self): script = askopenfilename(initialdir=topo.misc.genexamples.find_examples(), filetypes=SCRIPT_FILETYPES) if script in ('',(),None): # (representing the various ways no script was selected in the dialog) self.messageBar.response('No example opened') else: execfile(script,__main__.__dict__) self.messageBar.response('Ran ' + script) sim_name_from_filename(script) self.title( def save_script_repr(self): script_name = asksaveasfilename(filetypes=SCRIPT_FILETYPES, initialdir=normalize_path(), initialfile=topo.sim.basename()+"_script_repr.ty") if script_name: topo.command.save_script_repr(script_name) self.messageBar.response('Script saved to ' + script_name)
[docs] def load_snapshot(self): """ Dialog to load a user-selected snapshot (see topo.command.load_snapshot() ). """ snapshot_name = askopenfilename(initialdir=normalize_path(),filetypes=SAVED_FILETYPES) if snapshot_name in ('',(),None): self.messageBar.response('No snapshot loaded.') else: self.messageBar.dynamicinfo('Loading snapshot (may take some time)...') self.update_idletasks() topo.command.load_snapshot(snapshot_name) self.messageBar.response('Loaded snapshot ' + snapshot_name) self.title( self.auto_refresh()
[docs] def save_snapshot(self): """ Dialog to save a snapshot (see topo.command.save_snapshot() ). Adds the file extension .typ if not already present. """ snapshot_name = asksaveasfilename(filetypes=SAVED_FILETYPES, initialdir=normalize_path(), initialfile=topo.sim.basename()+".typ") if snapshot_name in ('',(),None): self.messageBar.response('No snapshot saved.') else: if not snapshot_name.endswith('.typ'): snapshot_name = snapshot_name + SAVED_FILE_EXTENSION self.messageBar.dynamicinfo('Saving snapshot (may take some time)...') self.update_idletasks() topo.command.save_snapshot(snapshot_name) self.messageBar.response('Snapshot saved to ' + snapshot_name)
[docs] def auto_refresh(self, update=True): """ Refresh all windows in auto_refresh_panels. Panels can add and remove themselves to the list; those in the list will have their refresh() method called whenever this console's autorefresh() is called. """ for win in self.auto_refresh_panels: win.refresh(update) self.set_step_button_state() self.update_idletasks() ### CEBERRORALERT: why doesn't updatecommand("display=True") for an ### orientation preference map measurement work with the ### hierarchical example? I guess this is the reason I thought the ### updating never worked properly (or I really did break it ### recently - or I'm confused)...
[docs] def refresh_activity_windows(self): """ Update any windows with a plotgroup_key ending in 'Activity'. Used primarily for debugging long scripts that present a lot of activity patterns. """ for win in self.auto_refresh_panels: if re.match('.*Activity$', win.refresh() self.update_idletasks()
[docs] def open_model_editor(self): """Start the Model editor.""" return ModelEditor(self)
def new_about_window(self): win = tk.AppWindow(self) win.withdraw() win.title("About Topographica") text = Label(win,text=topo.about(display=False),justify=LEFT) text.pack(side=LEFT) win.deiconify() #self.messageBar.message('state', 'OK')
[docs] def open_location(self, locations): """ Try to open one of the specified locations in a new window of the default browser. See webbrowser module for more information. locations should be a tuple. """ # CB: could have been a list. This is only here because if locations is set # to a string, it will loop over the characters of the string. assert isinstance(locations,tuple),"locations must be a tuple." for location in locations: try: existing_location = resolve_path(location),new=2,autoraise=True) self.messageBar.response('Opened local file '+existing_location+' in browser.') return ### except: pass for location in locations: if location.startswith('http'): try:,new=2,autoraise=True) self.messageBar.response('Opened remote location '+location+' in browser.') return ### except: pass self.messageBar.response("Could not open any of %s in a browser."%locations) # CEBALERT: need to take care of removing old messages automatically? # (Otherwise callers might always have to pass 'ok'.)
def status_message(self,m): self.messageBar.response(m)
[docs] def run_simulation(self,event=None): # event=None allows use as callback """ Run the simulation for the duration specified in the 'run for' taggedslider. """ fduration = self.run_for_var.get() self.open_progress_window(timer=topo.sim.timer) topo.sim.run_and_time(fduration) self.auto_refresh() # CEBERRORALERT: Step button does strange things at time==0. # E.g. for lissom_oo_or, nothing appears to happen. For # hierarchical, runs to time==10.
def run_step(self): if not # JP: step button should be disabled if there are no events, # but just in case... return # JPALERT: This should really use .run_and_time() but it doesn't support # run(until=...)[0].time) self.auto_refresh() def set_step_button_state(self): if self.step_button.config(state=NORMAL) else: self.step_button.config(state=DISABLED) def __get_status_bar(self,i=2): # Hack to find appropriate status bar: Go back through frames # until a widget with a status bar is found, and return it. try: while True: f = sys._getframe(i) if hasattr(f,'f_locals'): if 'self' in f.f_locals: o = f.f_locals['self'] # (temporary hack til ScrolledFrame cleaned up) if o.__class__.__name__!='ScrolledFrame': if hasattr(o,'messageBar'): return o.messageBar elif hasattr(o,'status'): return o.status i+=1 except: pass #print "GUI INTERNAL WARNING: failed to determine window on which to display message." return self.messageBar
[docs] def open_progress_window(self,timer,title=None): """ Provide a convenient link to progress bars. """ stat = self.__get_status_bar() return stat.open_progress_window(timer=timer,sim=topo.sim) # CEBALERT: of course dictionary access is used as an alternative to # the config method or whatever it's called! So this could cause # serious confusion to someone trying to set config options using the # dictionary style access rather than .config()! Either document # clearly or abandon, and get() and set() to access menu entries by # name.
[docs]class ControllableMenu(tk.Menu): """ A Menu, but where entries are accessible by name (using dictionary-style access). ** Not truly compatible with Tkinter; work in progress ** """ def __getitem__(self,name): return self.named_commands[name]
if __name__ != '__main__': plotpanel_classes['Activity'] = SheetPanel plotpanel_classes['Connection Fields'] = ConnectionFieldsPanel plotpanel_classes['RF Projection'] = RFProjectionPanel plotpanel_classes['Projection'] = CFProjectionPanel plotpanel_classes['Projection Activity'] = ProjectionActivityPanel