Source code for topo.transferfn.misc

Transfer functions with more complex dependencies.

$Id: 10790 2009-11-21 17:51:33Z antolikjan $

import copy
import numpy as np

import param
import imagen
from holoviews import Image

import topo
import topo.base.functionfamily

from topo.base.arrayutil import clip_lower,array_argmax
from topo.base.boundingregion import BoundingBox
from topo.base.sheetcoords import SheetCoordinateSystem

from topo.transferfn import TransferFn, TransferFnWithState

# Not suitable for due to its dependence on patterns.
[docs]class PatternCombine(TransferFn): """ Combine the supplied pattern with one generated using a PatternGenerator. Useful for operations like adding noise or masking out lesioned items or around the edges of non-rectangular shapes. """ generator = param.ClassSelector(imagen.PatternGenerator, default=imagen.Constant(), doc=""" Pattern to combine with the supplied matrix.""") operator = param.Parameter(np.multiply,precedence=0.98,doc=""" Binary Numeric function used to combine the two patterns. Any binary Numeric array "ufunc" returning the same type of array as the operands and supporting the reduce operator is allowed here. See topo.pattern.Composite.operator for more details. """) def __call__(self,x): ###JABHACKALERT: Need to set it up to be independent of #density; right now only things like random numbers work #reasonably rows,cols = x.shape bb = BoundingBox(points=((0,0), (rows,cols))) generated_pattern = self.generator(bounds=bb,xdensity=1,ydensity=1).transpose() new_pattern = self.operator(x, generated_pattern) x *= 0.0 x += new_pattern # Not suitable for due to its dependence on patterns.
[docs]class KernelMax(TransferFn): """ Replaces the given matrix with a kernel function centered around the maximum value. This operation is usually part of the Kohonen SOM algorithm, and approximates a series of lateral interactions resulting in a single activity bubble. The radius of the kernel (i.e. the surround) is specified by the parameter 'radius', which should be set before using __call__. The shape of the surround is determined by the neighborhood_kernel_generator, and can be any PatternGenerator instance, or any function accepting bounds, density, radius, and height to return a kernel matrix. """ kernel_radius = param.Number(default=0.0,bounds=(0,None),doc=""" Kernel radius in Sheet coordinates.""") neighborhood_kernel_generator = param.ClassSelector(imagen.PatternGenerator, default=imagen.Gaussian(x=0.0,y=0.0,aspect_ratio=1.0), doc="Neighborhood function") crop_radius_multiplier = param.Number(default=3.0,doc=""" Factor by which the radius should be multiplied, when deciding how far from the winner to keep evaluating the kernel.""") density=param.Number(1.0,bounds=(0,None),doc=""" Density of the Sheet whose matrix we act on, for use in converting from matrix to Sheet coordinates.""") def __call__(self,x): rows,cols = x.shape radius = self.density*self.kernel_radius crop_radius = int(max(1.25,radius*self.crop_radius_multiplier)) # find out the matrix coordinates of the winner wr,wc = array_argmax(x) # convert to sheet coordinates wy = rows-wr-1 # Optimization: Calculate the bounding box around the winner # in which weights will be changed cmin = max(wc-crop_radius, 0) cmax = min(wc+crop_radius+1,cols) rmin = max(wr-crop_radius, 0) rmax = min(wr+crop_radius+1,rows) ymin = max(wy-crop_radius, 0) ymax = min(wy+crop_radius+1,rows) bb = BoundingBox(points=((cmin,ymin), (cmax,ymax))) # generate the kernel matrix and insert it into the correct # part of the output array kernel = self.neighborhood_kernel_generator(bounds=bb,xdensity=1,ydensity=1, size=2*radius,x=wc+0.5,y=wy+0.5) x *= 0.0 x[rmin:rmax,cmin:cmax] = kernel
[docs]class HalfRectify(TransferFn): """ Transfer function that applies a half-wave rectification (clips at zero) """ t_init = param.Number(default=0.0,doc=""" The initial value of threshold at which output becomes non-zero..""") gain = param.Number(default=1.0,doc=""" The neuronal gain""") randomized_init = param.Boolean(False,doc=""" Whether to randomize the initial t parameter.""") noise_magnitude = param.Number(default=0.1,doc=""" The magnitude of the additive noise to apply to the t_init parameter at initialization.""") def __init__(self,**params): super(TransferFn,self).__init__(**params) self.first_call = True def __call__(self,x): if self.first_call: self.first_call = False if self.randomized_init: self.t = np.ones(x.shape, x.dtype.char) * self.t_init + \ (imagen.random.UniformRandom() \ (xdensity=x.shape[0],ydensity=x.shape[1])-0.5) * \ self.noise_magnitude*2 else: self.t = np.ones(x.shape, x.dtype.char) * self.t_init x -= self.t clip_lower(x,0) x *= self.gain
[docs]class TemporalScatter(TransferFnWithState): """ Scatter values across time using a specified distribution, discretized into a symmetric interval around zero. This class is still work in progress as part of the TCAL model. As no notion of time exists at the level of transfer functions (state is changes according to call count), this class assumes a fixed, 'clocked' timestep exists between subsequent calls. Internally, an activity buffer is computed with a depth corresponding to the number of timestep intervals with the stated span value. Note that the transfer function only has the power to delay output. Therefore the central peak of a unimodal, zero-mean distribution will occur *after* the time 'span' has elapsed. In addition it is very *important* to view the depth map using the view_depth_map method: if the majority of the values generated by the distribution are outside the chosen span, values smaller and larger than the span will be lumped into the first and last bins respectively, distorting the shape of the intended distribution. """ timestep = param.Number(default=5, doc=""" The timestep interval in milliseconds. This value is used to compute the depth and sample the supplied distribution. Note that value must be specified some some extenal source and there is no way to ensure that subsequent calls are regular with the stated interval. """) distribution = param.ClassSelector(imagen.PatternGenerator, default=imagen.random.GaussianRandom(offset=0.0, scale=30), doc=""" The pattern generator that defines the scatter distribution in milliseconds. Any random distribution may be used e.g. UniformRandom or GaussianRandom. Note that the discretized binning with the given 'span' is zero-centered. In other words, even if a distribution is not-symmetric (i.e. skewed), binning will occur around a symmetric interval around zero with a total extent given by the span. """) span = param.Number(default=120, allow_None=True, bounds=(0,None), doc=""" The input distribution is expected to be continuous and may be unbounded. For instance, a Gaussian distribution may generate sample values that are unbounded in both the positive and negative direction. The span parameter determines the size of the (zero-centered) interval which is binned.""") def __init__(self, **params): super(TemporalScatter,self).__init__(**params) self.limits = (-self.span/2.0, self.span/2.0) self._depth = None self.first_call = True self.raw_depth_map = None # The raw depth map (float values) self.depth_map = None # The discretized depth map (ints) self._buffer = None # The activity buffer self.__current_state_stack=[]
[docs] def view_depth_map(self, mode='both'): """ Visualize the depth map using holoviews, including distribution histograms. Mode may be one of 'discrete', 'raw' or 'both': * The 'discrete' mode presents the depth map used by TemporalScatter, showing the latency at which TemporalScatter will propagate the input i.e. discrete, positive latencies in milliseconds. * The 'raw' mode shows the continuous distribution before discretization. This is typically a zero-mean, zero-centered distribution i.e a continuous, zero-centered latency distribution. * Both presents both of the above types together (default). """ views = [] if mode in ['raw', 'both']: views.append(Image(self.raw_depth_map, group='Pattern', label='Raw Depth map').hist()) if mode in ['discrete', 'both']: scaled_map = (self.depth_map * self.timestep) discrete_sv = Image(scaled_map, group='Pattern', label='Depth map') views.append(discrete_sv.hist(num_bins=self.depth, bin_range=(0, self.span))) return views[0] if len(views)==1 else views[0]+views[1]
[docs] def depth(self): """ The depth of the activity buffer. """ if self._depth: return self._depth if not (self.span // self.timestep) or (self.span % self.timestep): raise Exception("The span of the specified limits must be" " an exact, *positive*, multiple of timestep") self._depth = self.span // self.timestep return self._depth
def _compute_depth_map(self, shape): (d1,d2) = shape (min_lim, max_lim) = self.limits self.raw_depth_map = self.distribution(name='ScatterDepth', xdensity=d1, ydensity=d2, bounds=BoundingBox(radius=0.5)) bin_edges = list(np.linspace(min_lim, max_lim, self.depth)) discretized = np.digitize(self.raw_depth_map.flatten(), bin_edges) # Out of bounds bins (to +inf) need to be pulled back in. discretized[discretized==len(bin_edges)]=len(bin_edges)-1 return discretized.reshape(*shape) def __call__(self,x): (d1,d2) = x.shape if self.first_call is True: # The buffer is a 3D array containing a stack of activities self._buffer = np.zeros((d1,d2,self.depth)) self.depth_map = self._compute_depth_map(x.shape) self.first_call = False # Roll the buffer and copy x to the top of the stack self._buffer =np.roll(self._buffer,1,axis=2) self._buffer[...,0] = x x.fill(0.0) x += self._buffer[np.arange(d1)[:, None], np.arange(d2), self.depth_map] return x def state_push(self): self.__current_state_stack.append((copy.copy(self._buffer), copy.copy(self.first_call))) super(TemporalScatter,self).state_push() if self._buffer is not None: self._buffer *= 0.0 def state_pop(self): self._buffer,self.first_call = self.__current_state_stack.pop() super(TemporalScatter,self).state_pop()
[docs]class AdaptiveThreshold(TransferFnWithState): """ Adapts the parameters of a linear threshold function to maintain a constant desired average activity. Defined in: Jean-Luc R. Stevens, Judith S. Law, Jan Antolik, and James A. Bednar. Mechanisms for stable, robust, and adaptive development of orientation maps in the primary visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 33:15747-15766, 2013. """ t_init = param.Number(default=0.15,doc=""" Initial value of the threshold value t.""") randomized_init = param.Boolean(False,doc=""" Whether to randomize the initial t parameter.""") seed = param.Integer(default=42, doc=""" Random seed used to control the initial randomized t values.""") target_activity = param.Number(default=0.024,doc=""" The target average activity.""") linear_slope = param.Number(default=1.0,doc=""" Slope of the linear portion above threshold.""") learning_rate = param.Number(default=0.01,doc=""" Learning rate for homeostatic plasticity.""") smoothing = param.Number(default=0.991,doc=""" Weighting of previous activity vs. current activity when calculating the average activity.""") noise_magnitude = param.Number(default=0.1,doc=""" The magnitude of the additive noise to apply to the t_init parameter at initialization.""") period = param.Number(default=1.0, constant=True, doc=""" How often the threshold should be adjusted. If the period is 0, the threshold is adjusted continuously, each time this TransferFn is called. For nonzero periods, adjustments occur only the first time this TransferFn is called after topo.sim.time() reaches an integer multiple of the period. For example, if period is 2.5 and the TransferFn is evaluated every 0.05 simulation time units, the threshold will be adjusted at times 2.55, 5.05, 7.55, etc.""") def __init__(self,**params): super(HomeostaticResponse,self).__init__(**params) self.first_call = True self.__current_state_stack=[] self.t=None # To allow state_push at init self.y_avg=None # To allow state_push at init next_timestamp = topo.sim.time() + self.period self._next_update_timestamp = topo.sim.convert_to_time_type(next_timestamp) self._y_avg_prev = None self._x_prev = None def _initialize(self,x): self._x_prev = np.copy(x) self._y_avg_prev = np.ones(x.shape, x.dtype.char) * self.target_activity if self.randomized_init: self.t = np.ones(x.shape, x.dtype.char) * self.t_init + \ (imagen.random.UniformRandom( \ random_generator=np.random.RandomState(seed=self.seed)) \ (xdensity=x.shape[0],ydensity=x.shape[1]) \ -0.5)*self.noise_magnitude*2 else: self.t = np.ones(x.shape, x.dtype.char) * self.t_init self.y_avg = np.ones(x.shape, x.dtype.char) * self.target_activity def _apply_threshold(self,x): """Applies the piecewise-linear thresholding operation to the activity.""" x -= self.t clip_lower(x,0) if self.linear_slope != 1.0: x *= self.linear_slope def _update_threshold(self, prev_t, x, prev_avg, smoothing, learning_rate, target_activity): """ Applies exponential smoothing to the given current activity and previous smoothed value following the equations given in the report cited above. If plastic is set to False, the running exponential average values and thresholds are not updated. """ y_avg = (1.0-smoothing)*x + smoothing*prev_avg t = prev_t + learning_rate * (y_avg - target_activity) return (y_avg, t) if self.plastic else (prev_avg, prev_t) def __call__(self,x): """Initialises on the first call and then applies homeostasis.""" if self.first_call: self._initialize(x); self.first_call = False if (topo.sim.time() > self._next_update_timestamp): self._next_update_timestamp += self.period # Using activity matrix and and smoothed activity from *previous* call. (self.y_avg, self.t) = self._update_threshold(self.t, self._x_prev, self._y_avg_prev, self.smoothing, self.learning_rate, self.target_activity) self._y_avg_prev = self.y_avg # Copy only if not in continuous mode self._apply_threshold(x) # Apply the threshold only after it is updated self._x_prev[:] = x[:] # Recording activity for the next periodic update def state_push(self): self.__current_state_stack.append((copy.copy(self.t), copy.copy(self.y_avg), copy.copy(self.first_call), copy.copy(self._next_update_timestamp), copy.copy(self._y_avg_prev), copy.copy(self._x_prev))) super(HomeostaticResponse, self).state_push() def state_pop(self): (self.t, self.y_avg, self.first_call, self._next_update_timestamp, self._y_avg_prev, self._x_prev) = self.__current_state_stack.pop() super(HomeostaticResponse, self).state_pop() # Old alias for AdaptiveThreshold
HomeostaticResponse = AdaptiveThreshold
[docs]class AttributeTrackingTF(TransferFnWithState): """ Keeps track of attributes of a specified Parameterized over time, for analysis or plotting. Useful objects to track include sheets (e.g. "topo.sim['V1']"), projections ("topo.sim['V1'].projections['LateralInhibitory']"), or an output_function. Any attribute whose value is a matrix the same size as the activity matrix can be tracked. Only specified units within this matrix will be tracked. If no object is specified, this function will keep track of the incoming activity over time. The results are stored in a dictionary named 'values', as (time, value) pairs indexed by the parameter name and unit. For instance, if the value of attribute 'x' is v for unit (0.0,0.0) at time t, values['x'][(0.0,0.0)]=(t,v). Updating of the tracked values can be disabled temporarily using the plastic parameter. """ # ALERT: Need to make this read-only, because it can't be changed # after instantiation unless _object is also changed. Or else # need to make _object update whenever object is changed and # _object has already been set. object = param.Parameter(default=None, doc=""" Parameterized instance whose parameters will be tracked. If this parameter's value is a string, it will be evaluated first (by calling Python's eval() function). This feature is designed to allow circular references, so that the TF can track the object that owns it, without causing problems for recursive traversal (as for script_repr()).""") # There may be some way to achieve the above without using eval(), which would be better. #JLALERT When using this function snapshots cannot be saved because of problem with eval() attrib_names = param.List(default=[], doc=""" List of names of the function object's parameters that should be stored.""") units = param.List(default=[(0.0,0.0)], doc=""" Sheet coordinates of the unit(s) for which parameter values will be stored.""") step = param.Number(default=1, doc=""" How often to update the tracked values. For instance, step=1 means to update them every time this TF is called; step=2 means to update them every other time.""") coordframe = param.Parameter(default=None,doc=""" SheetCoordinateSystem to use to convert the position into matrix coordinates. If this parameter's value is a string, it will be evaluated first(by calling Python's eval() function). This feature is designed to allow circular references, so that the TF can track the object that owns it, without causing problems for recursive traversal (as for script_repr()).""") def __init__(self,**params): super(AttributeTrackingTF,self).__init__(**params) self.values={} self.n_step = 0 self._object=None self._coordframe=None for p in self.attrib_names: self.values[p]={} for u in self.units: self.values[p][u]=[] def __call__(self,x): if self._object==None: if isinstance(self.object,str): self._object=eval(self.object) else: self._object=self.object if self._coordframe == None: if isinstance(self.coordframe,str) and isinstance(self._object,SheetCoordinateSystem): raise ValueError(str(self._object)+"is already a coordframe, no need to specify coordframe") elif isinstance(self._object,SheetCoordinateSystem): self._coordframe=self._object elif isinstance(self.coordframe,str): self._coordframe=eval(self.coordframe) else: raise ValueError("A coordinate frame (e.g. coordframe=topo.sim['V1']) must be specified in order to track"+str(self._object)) #collect values on each appropriate step self.n_step += 1 if self.n_step == self.step: self.n_step = 0 if self.plastic: for p in self.attrib_names: if p=="x": value_matrix=x else: value_matrix= getattr(self._object, p) for u in self.units: mat_u=self._coordframe.sheet2matrixidx(u[0],u[1]) self.values[p][u].append((topo.sim.time(),value_matrix[mat_u]))
__all__ = list(set([k for k,v in locals().items() if isinstance(v,type) and issubclass(v,TransferFn)])) __all__.remove("TransferFn") __all__.remove("TransferFnWithState")