This page gives information about the external packages that are required or useful for Topographica; installation of these packages is described on the main Downloads page.
Topographica makes extensive use of the following external packages that must be installed to use Topographica.
Some of the modules developed for Topographica are maintained and released separately, so that they can be used in other projects, but are also required for Topographica:
Again, installation of these packages is described on the main Downloads page.
Most Topographica users will also want these additional packages:
A number of other packages are also useful with Topographica, but are not necessarily required. Packages listed below are therefore not part of the default Topographica installation, but many are in use by Topographica users and/or developers.
In most cases, these packages are included in Python distributions such as EPD/Python(x,y), or are available via package managers such as apt-get/MacPorts. Alternatively, the packages are available for easy_install/pip install/standard Python installation via PyPI. Many of these packages can also be installed using the external directory of Topographica; see the github installation instructions. Note that, however you choose to install any of these packages, if your system has more than one copy of Python you must install the package using the same copy of Python that you are using for Topographica.
If you encounter problems using these packages, feel free to ask the Topographica community for help.
mlabwrap is a high-level Python-to-Matlab bridge, allowing Matlab to look like a normal Python library:
from mlabwrap import mlab # start a Matlab session
mlabwrap is transitioning to SciKits (see below), but installation can be tricky so we describe it further here. First, check you can run matlab -nodesktop -nosplash successfully, then build from source (e.g. from Topographica’s fat distribution with make -C external mlabwrap, or download and build the source yourself). If the matlab libraries are not in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH, there will be a note during the build telling you to add the libraries to your path. For example:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/opt/matlab-7.5/bin/glnx86
You can either add that permanently to your path, or add it each time before using mlabwrap.
Topographica runs on an unmodified version of the Python language, and so it can be used with any other Python package that you install yourself. A good list of potentially useful software is located at
As above, note that if your system has more than one copy of Python, you must install the package using the same copy of Python that you are using for Topographica.