
Installing Topographica

Topographica is platform-independent, and all instructions below apply to Linux, UNIX, Mac, or Windows, unless otherwise specified. In Windows, to get a command prompt, you can use the Run command from the Start menu and enter cmd; on other systems you can start a Terminal or similar application.

The instructions below explain how to install Topographica using pip (for most users), or using git (if you want the latest version, or need to track our files using revision control). However, we first provide a quick start recipe, which you can follow step by step to get the most recent official release in a short time.

Quick start

To get started quickly on 64-bit Linux (even if your user account has no system privileges), you can follow the steps below:

chmod +x ./
./ -b -p ~/topo-env
export PATH=~/topo-env:~/topo-env/bin:${PATH}
conda install --yes numpy=1.8 matplotlib scipy
conda install --yes --channel gmpy
pip install topographica==0.9.8-1

This will install Topographica into a completely self-contained Anaconda Python environment, so will not interfere with any existing software, nor will it be affected by any subsequent changes to the system. Note that if you decide not to keep Topographica, you can uninstall by deleting the ~/topo-env directory.

Having followed the quick start guide, you can skip ahead to Running Topographica. The remaining sections below explain the general cross-platform installation procedure, but if you have problems on any particular platform, you might consider using e.g. a 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04 virtual machine (via VirtualBox, for instance) to try out Topographica so that you can use the simple recipe above. Similar approaches should work on other platforms, but we don’t currently have a list of the precise steps in each case. User-contributed recipes are welcome: please submit a github issue.

Install a Python environment

Topographica is written in Python, which is available for nearly all operating systems. If you do not already have a Python environment in which you wish to install Topographica, you can get one via your system’s package manager, or by installing one of the free integrated scientific Python distributions like Anaconda, Python(X,Y), or Canopy. These integrated distributions provide many useful related packages (including many of Topographica’s required and optional dependencies), can be installed without requiring special privileges, and provide a C compiler on platforms that may otherwise not have one (e.g. Windows or Mac), allowing Topographica’s optional optimized components to be used.

However you obtain a Python environment, note the following minimum requirements:

  • Python 2.7 (we do not yet support Python 3)
  • NumPy
  • PIL (from pillow)

Install via pip

The typical way to install the most recently released version of Topographica is via pip from the command prompt:

pip install topographica

This will install Topographica and any required dependencies your Python environment does not have (from PyPI). Apart from the dependencies listed above, Topographica also requires three other IOAM packages: param, paramtk, and imagen.

Note that pip can instead install packages into your home directory (via the --user option), or you may use virtualenv to keep Topographica’s Python environment separate from any others you may have.

Beyond these absolutely required packages, you will probably also want to install packages that provide some optional types of plotting, and to improve the command-line interface:

pip install matplotlib scipy ipython

For better performance (by at least a factor of 100), you should also install gmpy and weave:

pip install gmpy weave

If your system has a C compiler, weave allows Topographica’s optional optimized components to be used. On linux, a C compiler is usually included, but on minimal distributions you may need to install the equivalent of a “build-essential” package (e.g. sudo apt-get install build-essential on Ubuntu). On other platforms, an integrated scientific Python environment such as Anaconda or Python(X,Y) may be the easiest way to obtain a compiler.

Other useful packages are described on our dependencies page, and can usually also be installed via pip.

Install via Git

If you want the most current version of Topographica, or if you want to track Topographica development over time, you’ll want the github version of Topographica instead of installing it via pip.

Running Topographica

Because there are many ways a user might install Topographica (or any other Python package), the next step is to figure out where the topographica script (used for launching Topographica) and the example and model files (used as starting points for your modelling) ended up.

If you followed the quick start above, the topographica script will be in ~/topo-env/bin/topographica, and the examples and models will be in ~/topo-env/share/topographica/.

If you installed via pip into an existing Python environment (or virtual environment), the topographica script will be in that environment’s bin directory (Linux, UNIX, and Mac) or scripts folder (Windows). The examples and models will be in the environment’s share directory (share/topographica/).

If you used pip’s –user option, the topographica script is usually ~/.local/bin/topographica on Linux, UNIX, and Mac. On Windows pip installations it is usually %APPDATA%\Python\scripts\topographica (where %APPDATA% is something like C:\Users\jbednar\AppData\Roaming; AppData is often hidden in the filesystem so you may need to enable display of hidden files). The examples and models will usually be in ~/.local/share/topographica/ on Linux, UNIX, and Mac systems, and in %APPDATA%\Python\Share\Topographica\ on Windows.

Once you’ve located the topographica script, it will save typing if you add the location of that script to your command prompt path. Instructions for doing so differ by platform, but should be easily obtainable. Windows users should additionally create an executable topographica.bat script by pasting the following into a cmd.exe window:

(echo set PYFILE=%~f0 && echo set PYFILE=%PYFILE:~0,-4% && echo "%~f0\..\..\python.exe" "%PYFILE%" %*) > path\to\scripts\topographica.bat

where path\to\scripts\ is the location containing your topographica script, as described above.

You can start the GUI version of Topographica from the command prompt using topographica -g, or specify an example to load, e.g. on Linux:

topographica -g ~/topo-env/share/topographica/examples/tiny.ty

Or on Windows:

topographica -g %HOMEPATH%\topo-env\share\topographica\examples\tiny.ty

Running Topographica interactively is described in detail in the User Manual. If you want to get straight into working with a full network, a good way to begin is by working through the SOM or GCAL tutorials.

Have fun with Topographica, and be sure to subscribe to the topographica-announce mailing list to hear about future updates!