topo.optimized Package

optimized Package

compile Module

unoptimized Module

Inheritance diagram of topo.optimized.unoptimized

Provides unoptimized fallbacks for Cython optimized components.

class topo.optimized.unoptimized.CFPLF_BCMFixed_cython(**params)[source]


Same as CFPLF_Plugin(single_cf_fn=BCMFixed()); just for non-optimized fallback.

param ClassSelector single_cf_fn (allow_None=False, constant=True, default=<BCMFixed BCMFixed01340>, instantiate=True, is_instance=True, pickle_default_value=True, precedence=None, readonly=True)
Accepts a LearningFn that will be applied to each CF individually.
constant_sum_connection_rate(n_units, learning_rate)

Return the learning rate for a single connection assuming that the total rate is to be divided evenly among all the units in the connection field.

debug(msg, *args, **kw)

Print msg merged with args as a debugging statement.

See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.


Return {parameter_name:parameter.default} for all non-constant Parameters.

Note that a Parameter for which instantiate==True has its default instantiated.

force_new_dynamic_value = <functools.partial object at 0x2b07abd16f18>

Return a list of name,value pairs for all Parameters of this object.

If onlychanged is True, will only return values that are not equal to the default value.

get_value_generator = <functools.partial object at 0x2b07ab273050>
inspect_value = <functools.partial object at 0x2b07ab2730a8>
message(msg, *args, **kw)

Print msg merged with args as a message.

See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.

classmethod params(parameter_name=None)

Return the Parameters of this class as the dictionary {name: parameter_object}

Includes Parameters from this class and its superclasses.

pprint(imports=None, prefix=' ', unknown_value='<?>', qualify=False, separator='')

(Experimental) Pretty printed representation that may be evaluated with eval. See pprint() function for more details.

classmethod print_param_defaults()

Print the default values of all cls’s Parameters.


Print the values of all this object’s Parameters.

script_repr(imports=, []prefix=' ')

Variant of __repr__ designed for generating a runnable script.

classmethod set_default(param_name, value)

Set the default value of param_name.

Equivalent to setting param_name on the class.

set_dynamic_time_fn = <functools.partial object at 0x2b07ab273470>
set_param = <functools.partial object at 0x2b07ab2734c8>

Restore the most recently saved state.

See state_push() for more details.


Save this instance’s state.

For Parameterized instances, this includes the state of dynamically generated values.

Subclasses that maintain short-term state should additionally save and restore that state using state_push() and state_pop().

Generally, this method is used by operations that need to test something without permanently altering the objects’ state.

verbose(msg, *args, **kw)

Print msg merged with args as a verbose message.

See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.

warning(msg, *args, **kw)

Print msg merged with args as a warning, unless module variable warnings_as_exceptions is True, then raise an Exception containing the arguments.

See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.

class topo.optimized.unoptimized.CFPLF_Hebbian_cython(**params)[source]


Same as CFPLF_Plugin(single_cf_fn=Hebbian()); just for non-optimized fallback.

param ClassSelector single_cf_fn (allow_None=False, constant=True, default=<Hebbian Hebbian01339>, instantiate=True, is_instance=True, pickle_default_value=True, precedence=None, readonly=True)
Accepts a LearningFn that will be applied to each CF individually.
constant_sum_connection_rate(n_units, learning_rate)

Return the learning rate for a single connection assuming that the total rate is to be divided evenly among all the units in the connection field.

debug(msg, *args, **kw)

Print msg merged with args as a debugging statement.

See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.


Return {parameter_name:parameter.default} for all non-constant Parameters.

Note that a Parameter for which instantiate==True has its default instantiated.

force_new_dynamic_value = <functools.partial object at 0x2b07abd16cb0>

Return a list of name,value pairs for all Parameters of this object.

If onlychanged is True, will only return values that are not equal to the default value.

get_value_generator = <functools.partial object at 0x2b07ab4d80a8>
inspect_value = <functools.partial object at 0x2b07ab4d8100>
message(msg, *args, **kw)

Print msg merged with args as a message.

See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.

classmethod params(parameter_name=None)

Return the Parameters of this class as the dictionary {name: parameter_object}

Includes Parameters from this class and its superclasses.

pprint(imports=None, prefix=' ', unknown_value='<?>', qualify=False, separator='')

(Experimental) Pretty printed representation that may be evaluated with eval. See pprint() function for more details.

classmethod print_param_defaults()

Print the default values of all cls’s Parameters.


Print the values of all this object’s Parameters.

script_repr(imports=, []prefix=' ')

Variant of __repr__ designed for generating a runnable script.

classmethod set_default(param_name, value)

Set the default value of param_name.

Equivalent to setting param_name on the class.

set_dynamic_time_fn = <functools.partial object at 0x2b07ab4d84c8>
set_param = <functools.partial object at 0x2b07ab4d8520>

Restore the most recently saved state.

See state_push() for more details.


Save this instance’s state.

For Parameterized instances, this includes the state of dynamically generated values.

Subclasses that maintain short-term state should additionally save and restore that state using state_push() and state_pop().

Generally, this method is used by operations that need to test something without permanently altering the objects’ state.

verbose(msg, *args, **kw)

Print msg merged with args as a verbose message.

See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.

warning(msg, *args, **kw)

Print msg merged with args as a warning, unless module variable warnings_as_exceptions is True, then raise an Exception containing the arguments.

See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.

class topo.optimized.unoptimized.CFPOF_DivisiveNormalizeL1_cython(**params)[source]


Non-optimized version of CFPOF_DivisiveNormalizeL1_cython.

Same as CFPOF_Plugin(single_cf_fn=DivisiveNormalizeL1()), except that it supports joint normalization using the norm_total property of ConnectionField.

param ClassSelector single_cf_fn (allow_None=False, constant=True, default=<DivisiveNormalizeL1 DivisiveNormalizeL101341>, instantiate=True, is_instance=True, pickle_default_value=True, precedence=None, readonly=False)

debug(msg, *args, **kw)

Print msg merged with args as a debugging statement.

See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.


Return {parameter_name:parameter.default} for all non-constant Parameters.

Note that a Parameter for which instantiate==True has its default instantiated.

force_new_dynamic_value = <functools.partial object at 0x2b07abd16d60>

Return a list of name,value pairs for all Parameters of this object.

If onlychanged is True, will only return values that are not equal to the default value.

get_value_generator = <functools.partial object at 0x2b07abd16d08>
inspect_value = <functools.partial object at 0x2b07abd16e68>
message(msg, *args, **kw)

Print msg merged with args as a message.

See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.

classmethod params(parameter_name=None)

Return the Parameters of this class as the dictionary {name: parameter_object}

Includes Parameters from this class and its superclasses.

pprint(imports=None, prefix=' ', unknown_value='<?>', qualify=False, separator='')

(Experimental) Pretty printed representation that may be evaluated with eval. See pprint() function for more details.

classmethod print_param_defaults()

Print the default values of all cls’s Parameters.


Print the values of all this object’s Parameters.

script_repr(imports=, []prefix=' ')

Variant of __repr__ designed for generating a runnable script.

classmethod set_default(param_name, value)

Set the default value of param_name.

Equivalent to setting param_name on the class.

set_dynamic_time_fn = <functools.partial object at 0x2b07abd16af8>
set_param = <functools.partial object at 0x2b07abd16fc8>

Restore the most recently saved state.

See state_push() for more details.


Save this instance’s state.

For Parameterized instances, this includes the state of dynamically generated values.

Subclasses that maintain short-term state should additionally save and restore that state using state_push() and state_pop().

Generally, this method is used by operations that need to test something without permanently altering the objects’ state.

verbose(msg, *args, **kw)

Print msg merged with args as a verbose message.

See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.

warning(msg, *args, **kw)

Print msg merged with args as a warning, unless module variable warnings_as_exceptions is True, then raise an Exception containing the arguments.

See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.

class topo.optimized.unoptimized.CFPRF_DotProduct_cython(**params)[source]


Wrapper written to allow transparent non-optimized fallback; equivalent to CFPRF_Plugin(single_cf_fn=DotProduct()).

param ClassSelector single_cf_fn (allow_None=False, constant=True, default=<DotProduct DotProduct01338>, instantiate=True, is_instance=True, pickle_default_value=True, precedence=None, readonly=True)
Accepts a ResponseFn that will be applied to each CF individually.
debug(msg, *args, **kw)

Print msg merged with args as a debugging statement.

See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.


Return {parameter_name:parameter.default} for all non-constant Parameters.

Note that a Parameter for which instantiate==True has its default instantiated.

force_new_dynamic_value = <functools.partial object at 0x2b07abd16b50>

Return a list of name,value pairs for all Parameters of this object.

If onlychanged is True, will only return values that are not equal to the default value.

get_value_generator = <functools.partial object at 0x2b07abd16d60>
inspect_value = <functools.partial object at 0x2b07abd16c58>
message(msg, *args, **kw)

Print msg merged with args as a message.

See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.

classmethod params(parameter_name=None)

Return the Parameters of this class as the dictionary {name: parameter_object}

Includes Parameters from this class and its superclasses.

pprint(imports=None, prefix=' ', unknown_value='<?>', qualify=False, separator='')

(Experimental) Pretty printed representation that may be evaluated with eval. See pprint() function for more details.

classmethod print_param_defaults()

Print the default values of all cls’s Parameters.


Print the values of all this object’s Parameters.

script_repr(imports=, []prefix=' ')

Variant of __repr__ designed for generating a runnable script.

classmethod set_default(param_name, value)

Set the default value of param_name.

Equivalent to setting param_name on the class.

set_dynamic_time_fn = <functools.partial object at 0x2b07abd16f70>
set_param = <functools.partial object at 0x2b07abd16ec0>

Restore the most recently saved state.

See state_push() for more details.


Save this instance’s state.

For Parameterized instances, this includes the state of dynamically generated values.

Subclasses that maintain short-term state should additionally save and restore that state using state_push() and state_pop().

Generally, this method is used by operations that need to test something without permanently altering the objects’ state.

verbose(msg, *args, **kw)

Print msg merged with args as a verbose message.

See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.

warning(msg, *args, **kw)

Print msg merged with args as a warning, unless module variable warnings_as_exceptions is True, then raise an Exception containing the arguments.

See Python’s logging module for details of message formatting.